The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View
Video: The Throne of James Hampton 2024, July

It seems to us all the time that all amazing mysteries certainly have a thousand-year history. This is a common misconception. Our contemporaries leave us the secrets over which the experts puzzle.

Conscientious tenant

In 1950, Meyer Werthlib, the owner of a brick garage in a suburb of Washington, was approached by a certain James Hampton with a request to lease him the garage.

Vertlib was surprised that the future tenant came on foot. When asked why a person who does not have a car needs a garage, Hampton replied that he needs a room in which he can finally "complete his project." Vertlib was satisfied with this explanation, they quickly agreed on a price.

For 14 years, Meyer Werthlib did not look into his garage. All these years, Hampton contributed the required amount every month, never being late in payment. In 1964, Meyer did not receive a rent for the first time and was very surprised. He tried to contact the Hampton to find out the reason for the delay and learned the sad news: the tenant of his garage had died.

Frustrated, Werthlib opened the doors of his garage for the first time in 14 years and crossed the threshold. He was stunned by what he saw. In the middle of the dusty room, shining with gold, stood a magnificent throne, surrounded by hundreds of similarly shining objects.

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Discreet cleaner

James Hampton was born in 1909 in Southern California to a family of black farmers. He took part in World War II, was demobilized in 1945. He got a job at the US General Services Administration as a janitor, where he worked until his death. In the Office, he was remembered as a quiet gentle believer, eternally immersed in himself, who had no family or children.

After finishing his work at about midnight, he left to reappear the next day. And so on for 20 years. No one knew that in a distant garage, Hampton was building a composition, which he called the "Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations of the Millennium of the General Assembly."



The composition consists of 180 items, the main of which is the throne. Alas, but to the chagrin of Vertlib, the throne was not golden. Looking closer, he saw that all this splendor was literally made of rubbish. The materials were old cans, vacuum tubes, corrugated cardboard, pipe cuttings, shards of mirrors connected by nails, glue, and adhesive tape. The foil glittered gold.

Fortunately, the story got into the newspapers, which saved Vertlib from a headache. What to do with this beauty. The throne was transferred to the Smithsonian National Museum of American Art (Washington). Today, the Throne of the Hampton is considered a model of naive art, and numerous visitors to the museum are amazed at what God's spark illuminated the mind of Hampton, who created such a masterpiece out of nothing.

The Mystery of the Throne and the Hampton Cipher Papers

In addition to the Throne, a manuscript known as the Hampton Diaries was found in the garage. 104 pages are filled with incomprehensible characters that have not been deciphered until now. Maybe this is just a scribble of a crazy janitor? No, analysis shows that records obey the laws of linguistics and are by no means a meaningless set of symbols.


Relatives recalled that James had seen visions since the age of 22. What pictures were revealed to him? What secrets did he want and at the same time was afraid to tell humanity? On the elements of the Throne, researchers find many strange inscriptions: "There is no fear", "Revelation", "Where there is no vision, people die", etc.

Perhaps there is some connection between the Tron and the notes, and the keys to the encrypted diary are hidden in the elements of the composition? Or maybe everything is much simpler, and we are dealing with a case of another insanity? It is not without reason that it is said that all artists and poets are a little crazy.

Author: Klim Podkova
