The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View

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The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View
The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: First Trailer of Third World War : Part 1 2024, September

Part 1. Stalingrad and El-Alamein. Who broke the war machine of the Third Reich


Russian head of state Vladimir Putin was not invited to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. But at the same time, the Chancellor of Germany was invited to the celebration. The commemorative medal issued for the 75th anniversary of the victory depicts the flags of the three states that defeated Nazi Germany - the USA, Great Britain and France. There is no flag of the Soviet Union or Russia on the medal. Apparently, in the modern Western interpretation of the history of the Second World War, France made, together with Great Britain and the United States, a decisive contribution to the victory over the Third Reich. It is impossible not to recall the reaction of Keitel, who, seeing a French general among the representatives of the Allied powers accepting the surrender of the Third Reich, asked with sincere amazement: “What? And these defeated us too? " France's participation in the war must be discussed separately, recalling, for example,how many Frenchmen fought in General De Gaulle's Free France, in the Resistance movement, and how many on the side of Hitler, in the Vichy regime units, in the SS Charlemagne division and other units side by side with the Wehrmacht soldiers. After all, only in Soviet captivity were more than 20 thousand French soldiers. On the Borodino field in the fall of 1941, the Siberians of Polosukhin's division defeated the French legion, the SS French were among the last defenders of the Reichstag. Separately, you can recall how "unbearably suffering" from the occupation by the Bosch in beautiful Paris, where all the cafes, theaters and variety shows worked, new models of fashionable hats and perfumes were produced, the French worked disciplinedly at the Renault factories, regularly supplying all four years of the war Germany military equipment.and how many on the side of Hitler, in parts of the Vichy regime, in the SS Charlemagne division and other units, shoulder to shoulder with the Wehrmacht soldiers. After all, only in Soviet captivity were more than 20 thousand French soldiers. On the Borodino field in the fall of 1941, the Siberians of Polosukhin's division defeated the French legion, the SS French were among the last defenders of the Reichstag. Separately, you can recall how "unbearably suffering" from the occupation by the Bosch in beautiful Paris, where all the cafes, theaters and variety shows worked, new models of fashionable hats and perfumes were produced, the French worked disciplinedly at the Renault factories, regularly supplying all four years of the war Germany military equipment.and how many on the side of Hitler, in parts of the Vichy regime, in the SS Charlemagne division and other units, shoulder to shoulder with the Wehrmacht soldiers. After all, only in Soviet captivity were more than 20 thousand French soldiers. On the Borodino field in the fall of 1941, the Siberians of Polosukhin's division defeated the French legion, the SS French were among the last defenders of the Reichstag. Separately, you can recall how "unbearably suffering" from the occupation by the Bosch in beautiful Paris, where all the cafes, theaters and variety shows worked, new models of fashionable hats and perfumes were produced, the French worked disciplinedly at the Renault factories, regularly supplying all four years of the war Germany military equipment. French soldiers. On the Borodino field in the fall of 1941, the Siberians of Polosukhin's division defeated the French legion, the SS French were among the last defenders of the Reichstag. Separately, you can recall how "unbearably suffering" from the occupation by the Bosch in beautiful Paris, where all the cafes, theaters and variety shows worked, new models of fashionable hats and perfumes were produced, the French worked disciplinedly at the Renault factories, regularly supplying all four years of the war Germany military equipment. French soldiers. On the Borodino field in the fall of 1941, the Siberians of Polosukhin's division defeated the French legion, the SS French were among the last defenders of the Reichstag. Separately, you can recall how "unbearably suffering" from the occupation of the Bosch in beautiful Paris, where all the cafes, theaters and variety shows worked, new models of fashionable hats and perfumes were produced, the French worked disciplinedly at Renault factories, regularly supplying all four years of the war Germany military equipment.the French worked disciplinedly at the Renault factories, regularly supplying military equipment to Germany for all four years of the war.the French worked disciplinedly at the Renault factories, regularly supplying military equipment to Germany for all four years of the war.

It would be good for Mr. Macron to remember that Churchill and Roosevelt, being well aware of the actions of the collaborationist Vichy regime on the side of Germany during the war, proposed that France, like Germany, be included in the occupation zone. And only Joseph Stalin, who supported De Gaulle, insisted that France be included in the winning countries. And the "last great Frenchman" General De Gaulle remembered this well. During his visit to Russia, De Gaulle, having visited Stalingrad and paid tribute to the defenders of the city, said: "The French know that it was Soviet Russia that played the main role in their liberation."

But times have changed, the emergence of a new de Gaulle in modern France is impossible. And their strict masters will in no way allow various macrons and olands to remember that France owes only the goodwill of the head of the Soviet state to not only becoming one of the victor countries, but also getting a seat in the UN Security Council.

It is not surprising that there is no flag of the Soviet Union on the commemorative medal. Indeed, according to the new Western version of the history of the Second World War, the USSR had the least relation to the victory over the Third Reich. And how the Russians fought, what do they mean in the new history that some battles in Stalingrad are composing in the West compared to the "epic battle" at El Alamein. In the Western version, it was after the victory at El Alamein that a radical turning point in the war came.

The history of World War II is now being rewritten methodically and shamelessly. Dr. Goebbels would have looked at Western historians with admiration and envy. The students have clearly surpassed the teacher. In the United States and in European countries, it has already been possible to convince a significant part of the population that although the war with the Third Reich was fought in Russia, it was a secondary front. The main events took place on the Western Front. England and the United States, as it turned out, together with France (!) Carried the brunt of the war on their shoulders. It was they who, having defeated Nazi Germany and its allies in decisive battles, crushed the Third Reich and liberated Europe. So far, modern Hollywood war films do not show how the American Rangers planted the Stars and Stripes over the Reichstag, but, apparently, this is a matter of the near future. Obama saidthat his grandfather freed Auschwitz.

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After the end of World War II, when it was not yet accepted to rewrite history in the style of Dr. Goebbels, all scholars in the West recognized that from 70 to 80% of the losses of the German armed forces occurred on the Eastern Front. According to official figures based on German sources, the Third Reich lost 507 German divisions on the Eastern Front and 100 divisions of Germany's allies were completely defeated. On the Eastern Front, the main part of German military equipment was also destroyed - up to 75 percent of the total losses of tanks and assault guns, over 75 percent of all aviation losses, 74 percent of the total losses of artillery guns. On the Soviet-German front, from 180 to 270 enemy divisions constantly fought against us. Against our allies - from 9 to 73 divisions during the German offensive in the Ardennes - the most serious,but the short-term tension of the struggle on the Western Front. Before the Allied landings in Normandy, 20 times more German troops acted against the Soviet troops than against all the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition.

And this is not surprising. The length of the Soviet-German front ranged from 2500 to 6200 (!) Km at different times of the war. And the maximum length of the Western Front is from 640 to 800 km. Imagine a huge front from the Arctic and Baltic to the Crimea and the Caucasus, where fierce battles are fought every day for 1,418 days and nights.

On the Soviet-German front at various stages of the war, from 8 million to 12.8 million people acted on both sides, from 84 thousand to 163 thousand guns and mortars, from 5.7 thousand to 20 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns (assault guns), from 6.5 thousand to 18.8 thousand aircraft. Today it is impossible for any person even to imagine in his mind such a number of soldiers of active armies, a colossal amount of armored vehicles, guns, aircraft.

Such a truly titanic intense struggle was the 4-year confrontation on the Soviet-German front between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. And most of this time we fought one-on-one with the war machine of the Third Reich.


But today in the West they argue that, it turns out, the turning point of World War II was the Battle of El Alamein, in which the British defeated German and Italian troops. It turns out that it was near El Alamein, and not in Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge, that the decisive blow was struck, which broke the military power of the Third Reich.

Well, let's compare.

El Alamein. The battle lasted from October 23 to November 5, 1942. Enemy forces. The German-Italian grouping 115 thousand, the British 220 thousand. The total losses of the German-Italian troops at El Alamein, according to various estimates, are 30-55 thousand people. killed, wounded, captured. The British - about 13 thousand killed, wounded, missing. Less than 1,000 tanks and 200 aircraft were lost on both sides.

But in order to imagine why the battle of El Alamein in the West is considered the greatest victory, one must remember how events developed before that.

In December 1940, an ally of Nazi Germany, Italy was on the verge of complete collapse, having suffered a series of defeats in North Africa in Libya. Mussolini begs Hitler for help. Only two German divisions, led by General Erwin Rommel, land in Libya. Let's remember - only two divisions of the Wehrmacht. Without waiting for all his forces to land, Rommel rushes into the offensive. The defeat of the British was swift and crushing. The British in panic not only retreated, but literally ran at breakneck speed. This is despite the fact that the British had an almost fourfold superiority over the German-Italian troops. For 5 months Rommel liberated Libya, drove the British to the borders of Egypt, and only the lack of fuel and other material resources stopped the German offensive. The British, having received a respite, pull up fresh forces,but Rommel again utterly crushes the enemy and storms the citadel of Great Britain in North Africa - the fortress Tobruk. And this despite the fact that the garrison of Tobruk outnumbered the Germans besieging the fortress. But the British, not trying to make a breakthrough, raised the white flag, and the Germans took 33 thousand prisoners. But most importantly, numerous warehouses with food, gasoline, uniforms and ammunition, many guns, cars and tanks.

Rommel in Tobruk got rich trophies, he continues the offensive. Rommel's tanks are moving towards Alexandria and Cairo, located 100 km from the Nile Delta, the widespread flight of the British administration begins.

It should be noted that throughout the entire campaign Rommel's corps was self-sufficient, fighting with the trophies captured from the enemy. Rommel repeatedly pleaded with Hitler to increase the supply of fuel and ammunition, asked for reinforcements to victoriously end the campaign in North Africa. But all requests were refused. Despite this, Rommel invariably wins victories, and his enemies and allies respectfully call him "The Desert Fox."

Rommel won victories without receiving reinforcements from Germany, not because Hitler's headquarters forgot about North Africa. But parts of the German corps, already formed and prepared specifically for battles in Africa, were hastily transferred to the Eastern Front. Instead of coming to the aid of Rommel, the troops trained for battles in the Libyan desert ended up in the Russian snow. The battle near Moscow was attended by German tanks and armored personnel carriers, painted in sand color.

It should be noted that the bulk of Rommel's troops were Italians. It is no secret that the warlike spirit and fighting qualities of the Italians could not be compared with the fighting qualities of the German soldier. One can only imagine how events would have developed in North Africa if Rommel had received a whole corps of German troops at his disposal. In addition, the "Desert Fox" became seriously ill and was evacuated to Germany for treatment. And then, having managed to concentrate significant forces, with the help of new American equipment that had arrived in Africa, the British generals were finally able to defeat the Germans and Italians at El Alamein.

There is every reason to assert that the Battle of Moscow saved the British from complete defeat in North Africa. Keitel wrote with regret that the Germans were defeated at El Alamein only because, due to the gigantic war with Russia, they simply did not have enough strength for local "peripheral" theaters of military operations. Rommel himself explained the reasons for the defeat in the same way: "In Berlin, the campaign in North Africa was given secondary importance, and neither Hitler nor the General Staff took it particularly seriously." Indeed, Hitler understood very well that the fate of the war was being decided not in North Africa, but on the Eastern Front.

It must also be said that our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition understood this perfectly well. When, instead of opening a second front in Europe, they landed additional troops in November 1942 in North Africa, Chief of Staff of the US Army General of the Army (1944) J. Marshall wrote: “These actions will not force Hitler to face south. We proceeded from the assumption that he would firmly bog down in Russia."

Hitler is indeed firmly entrenched in Russia. German troops were ground in the Battle of Stalingrad, where, according to the Fuehrer, the fate of the war was decided. And Hitler was right. In this battle, unprecedented in tension, the outcome of the entire Second World War was decided, German troops sought to cut the vital transport artery of the Soviet Union - the route along the Volga that connected the central part of the USSR with the southern regions of the country, reach the Caucasus, seize oil-bearing regions in Grozny and Baku, in Astrakhan. If Operation Blau had ended with the success of the German troops, the USSR would have been cut off from the Caspian oil, and in the "war of engines" this would mean that without the "blood of war" - fuel, Soviet tanks and aircraft stopped. The Caucasus would be lost, and in this case Turkey would enter the war against the Soviet Union in the south, and Japan in the Far East. Both Istanbul and Tokyo were waiting for the end of the great confrontation on the Volga in order to make the final decision to enter the war on the side of the Third Reich.

At that time, Winston Churchill, well aware of the modest scale of Allied operations in North Africa, admitted: "All our military operations are carried out on a very small scale compared to the enormous resources of England and the United States, and even more so compared to the gigantic efforts of Russia." Churchill bluntly called the battle for El Alamein a "pinprick."

So, the battle at El Alamein, which was attended by 115 thousand Germans and Italians against 220 thousand British, lasted two weeks.


The Battle of Stalingrad lasted from August-September 1942 to February 1943. As a result, the 330,000-strong group of selected German troops was surrounded and destroyed.

6 Paulus's army was the real elite of the Wehrmacht, entered Paris, surrounded the British at Dunkirk. Only the order of the Fuehrer to stop the tanks made it possible to evacuate the British Expeditionary Force and saved the British from total disaster. The full motives of this decision of the Fuhrer can be revealed after Great Britain removes secrecy from the documents on Rudolf Hess's visit to England. But these documents are kept secret for another 100 years.

The 6th Army, under the command of Friedrich Paulus, Hitler's favorite, participated in the conquest of France and Belgium, Greece and Yugoslavia. It was the elite divisions of the 6th Army that marched victoriously under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Paulus's soldiers and officers fought together for two years, all units and divisions of the army were very close-knit, friendly, and interacted well with each other. The soldiers and officers of the 6th German Army had vast combat experience, were well trained and trained.

In scale and fierceness, the world does not know a battle equal to the Stalingrad battle. The whole world was waiting with intense attention for the outcome of the battle on the banks of the Russian river. British military intelligence reports in October 1942 noted that "Stalingrad has become almost an obsession" that grabs the attention of the entire society. And the leader of the Chinese communists, Mao Zedong, wrote at the time: "These days, news of every defeat and victory in the city captures the hearts of millions of people, driving them to despair and delight."

For two hundred days and nights, more than two million soldiers from both sides fought on the banks of the Volga, showing unprecedented tenacity.

Until now, Wehrmacht veterans who survived this terrible battle cannot understand how, having an overwhelming numerical superiority, possessing complete air supremacy, having an overwhelming advantage in artillery and tanks over the soldiers of the 62nd Army that defended Stalingrad, they could not overcome the last hundreds of meters to the bank of the Volga. And there were days when the defenders of Stalingrad held only islets of land on the Volga bank, and the Germans had to go the last hundreds of meters to completely capture the city.

But the Germans also fought with incredible stubbornness, striving at any cost to break through to the Volga, and then, being surrounded, did not surrender, but fought with iron fortitude to the last opportunity. It can be rightfully argued that, apart from the German and Russian soldiers, no one else could have fought in such conditions with such perseverance and courage. But the Russian power broke the Teutonic power.

To understand more fully the scale of the battles, let's compare the losses at Stalingrad and El Alamein. 30-50 thousand Germans and Italians lost by Hitler and Mussolini at El Alamein and 1.5 million lost in the Battle of Stalingrad (900 thousand Germans and 600 thousand Hungarians, Italians, Romanians, Croats). Our losses during this time were very heavy - 1 million 130 thousand killed and wounded. But only in the "Stalingrad cauldron" were surrounded, completely destroyed and captured 22 best, the best divisions of the Wehrmacht - 330,000 soldiers and officers. All in all, during this unprecedented battle, the center of which was Stalingrad, Germany and its allies lost over 1.5 million soldiers and officers. In addition to the famous German 6th field army and 4th tank army, the 3rd and 4th Romanian armies and the 8th Italian armies, the 2nd Hungarian army, were completely defeated,and several operational groups of German troops. The losses of the Romanians amounted to 159 thousand killed and missing. In the 8th Italian army, 44 thousand soldiers and officers were killed, and almost 50 thousand surrendered. The 2nd Hungarian army of 200 thousand soldiers lost only 120 thousand killed.

Let's compare the scale of the battles again. Near Stalingrad at the time of the offensive from our side, about 1 million fighters, equipped with 15 thousand guns and rocket launchers, took part. They were also opposed by the millionth German-Romanian group, which had more than 10 thousand guns and large-caliber mortars. At El Alamein, 220 thousand British, French and Greeks with 2359 guns fought against 115 thousand Germans and Italians, who were armed with 1219 artillery barrels.

In total, from July 1942 to February 1943, the Italian-German unit lost no more than 40 thousand people killed and wounded in North Africa.

It is clear to any sane person that the scale of the Battle of Stalingrad and the battle of El Alamein are incomparable.


Neither Churchill nor Roosevelt would have thought of comparing El Alamein and Stalingrad in 1943. Moreover, to call the victory at El Alamein "a twist of fate in World War II." Churchill wrote to Stalin on March 11, 1943: "The scale of these operations is small in comparison with the enormous operations that you are leading."

And here is what F. D. wrote in his letter to Stalingrad. Roosevelt: “On behalf of the peoples of the United States of America, I present this letter to the city of Stalingrad to celebrate our admiration for its gallant defenders, whose courage, fortitude and dedication during the siege from September 13, 1942 to January 31, 1943 will forever inspire the hearts of all free people.

After Stalingrad, a three-day mourning period was declared in Germany. What the battle on the Volga meant for the Germans, writes Lieutenant-General Vsetfal: “The defeat at Stalingrad horrified both the German people and their army. Never before in the entire history of Germany has there been such a terrible death of such a number of troops."

General Hans Doerr admitted that “Stalingrad was a turning point in World War II. For Germany, the Battle of Stalingrad was the gravest defeat in its history, for Russia - its greatest victory. At Poltava (1709), Russia won the right to be called a great European power. Stalingrad was the beginning of its transformation into one of the two greatest world powers."

The famous French anti-fascist writer Jean-Richard Blok in February 1943 addressed his compatriots: “Listen, Parisians! The first three divisions that invaded Paris in June 1940, the three divisions that defiled our capital at the invitation of the French General Denz, these three divisions - the hundredth, one hundred and thirteenth and two hundred and ninety-fifth - no longer exist! They were destroyed at Stalingrad: the Russians avenged Paris. The Russians are taking revenge for France!"

In France, the name Stalingrad is immortalized in the names of streets and squares. In Paris, a square, a boulevard and a metro station are named after Stalingrad. There are avenues and streets of Stalingrad in four more cities in France and in the Belgian capital Brussels, as well as in the Italian Bologna. The streets of Stalingrad remained in the cities of Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia.

After the victory in Stalingrad, the King of Great Britain sent a sword to the city, on the blade of which the inscription was engraved in Russian and English: "To the citizens of Stalingrad, strong as steel, from King George VI as a sign of the deep admiration of the British people."

During the Battle of Stalingrad, US President Franklin Roosevelt wrote to Stalin: “We are watching the Battle of Stalingrad with tension and hope. We are waiting for the Victory of the Red Army at Stalingrad, as the beginning of Victory in the entire Second World War. " After the defeat of the German troops in his telegrams, Roosevelt congratulated on the victory in the "immortal Battle of Stalingrad", called the battle for the city an "epic struggle", expressed admiration for the "magnificent, unrivaled victories in history" of the Red Army over the "powerful enemy."

Of course, in 1945, no one in the United States or Europe could even think of comparing El-Alamein with Stalingrad. But times have changed. In 1991, the United States issued a medal in honor of the victory in the Cold War. The Soviet Union was destroyed, our geopolitical adversaries largely managed to implement Hitler's plans. Ukraine, Belarus, the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia were torn away from Russia. The Russians became the largest divided people in the world. The West has become firmly convinced that Russia, plundered and plundered by the oligarchs, from which hundreds of billions of money, raw materials, technologies, talented scientists were exported, will never be able to rise again. But Russia has returned to history. He returned to his native home Crimea, the sacred Russian city of Sevastopol. The revival of our Armed Forces came as a shock to all Russia's "sworn friends". This cooled many hotheads and temporarily delayed the start of the full-scale Third World War. Although the first salvoes of this war are heard in the Donbass and Syria. But so far it is being conducted primarily with information weapons. The task of all information and psychological operations is to suppress the will and morale of the enemy. And the falsification of history, an attempt to distort the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over Nazism is one of the most important information and psychological operations of the Third World attempt to distort the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over Nazism is one of the most important information and psychological operations of the Third World attempt to distort the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over Nazism is one of the most important information and psychological operations of the Third World War.

In the second part, we will compare the scale of Operation Overlord, the Allied landing in Normandy, the 75th anniversary of which is being celebrated in the West these days, with the events that were taking place at the same time on the Soviet-German front. Let us remember why after the operation of the German troops in the Ardennes, Winston Churchill asked Joseph Stalin that the Red Army, as soon as possible, went on the offensive on the Soviet-German front.

It must be admitted that we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the West is so brazenly and shamelessly rewriting the history of World War II. We will talk about this and how to resist the falsifiers of history today, an unprecedented stream of lies, in the near future.

Continuation: "Part 2. Operations" Overlod "and" Bagration ". The Ardennes and the Vistula-Oder operation"

Head of the Information and Analytical Center of the Public Organization "Moscow Suvorovtsy" Viktor Saulkin
