What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View

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What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View
What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View

Video: What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View

Video: What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View
Video: The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project 2024, October

On August 19, 1933, Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. The country was defeated in the First World War, lost many people and a number of territories. Hitler made his slogan the restoration of the power and greatness of the German Empire. But he used rather non-standard methods for this: the Fuhrer was of the opinion that in the days of previous civilizations, mankind possessed the now-lost secrets of power. And he planned to seize power over the world, having gained access to this information.

Connection with the Caucasus

At the end of the 19th century, the abbot of the Benedictine monastery Theodor Hagen traveled for a long time across the Caucasus and the Middle East in search of the lost ancient knowledge of the Benedictines. This order was closely associated with the initiation of the Crusades. Hagen brought back many manuscripts from the trip. Their content greatly influenced the spiritual life of the community. The abbot commissioned new bas-reliefs with a swastika. By coincidence, young Adolf Hitler sang in the monastery choir.

Sources of the occult ideas of the Third Reich

The swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol of the sun and fertility. It can be found in Byzantine mosaics throughout the Mediterranean. It is believed to protect the objects on which it is applied. In countries such as India and Pakistan, it can still be found not only on temples, but also on bumpers of cars.

The symbol of the SS brigade was the Old Norse rune Siegel - one of the greatest symbols of victory in runic magic. Each organization was assigned some of the runes corresponding to its theme.

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The spiritual mentor of these movements was the mystic and esotericist Guido von List, the author of the pseudoscientific book "The Mystery Language of the Indo-Germans" and the first neo-pagan. In his writings, he tied the Indian caste system to real Europe: the theory of the exclusiveness of certain peoples arose. In turn, von List was influenced by the occultist Helena Blavatsky. She spent some time in Tibet and argued that it was there that there are manuscripts that hide the secrets of the power of disappeared civilizations: Hyperborea and Atlantis.

Thus, the basis of the Third Reich was the idea of the once existing race of supermen and the lost power over peoples. According to this theory, representatives of this race lived for centuries and possessed information about the world and power.

Ancient civilizations lost their territories after a series of planetary disasters. The Atlantean race settled around the world and took with them the fragments of ancient knowledge.

Third Reich and Ahnenerbe

Hitler directed huge financial resources to search for magical secrets associated with the Atlantean race. Heinrich Himmler created the Ahnenerbe society - "Ancestral Heritage". A number of expeditions to the Himalayas were organized under the leadership of Ernst Schaeffer. The Nazis tried to establish cooperation with the government of Nepal. The Nepalese king Tribhuvan was even presented with a Mercedes-Benz car, which in this mountainous country had practically nowhere to drive, and several dozen people delivered it manually.

The Germans were interested in the Bon Tibetan religion: its ancient rituals and connection with otherworldly forces. But the Tibetan monks told the Germans that this belief came to them ready-made from the West. Having ascertained this, the Nazis directed their searches to the Caucasus.

Division "Edelweiss" on Elbrus

It was August 1942. The 42nd Edelweiss mountain rifle division under the command of General Konrad was sent to the Elbrus area. At the height of the fighting, about 40 thousand people were withdrawn from the fronts. What did the Nazis need on Elbrus, which was not a strategically important object? Why did they stay in the Caucasus in general, instead of quickly seizing the oil-bearing regions of the Caspian?

In the Caucasus, in particular in Adygea, there are a large number of dolmens - megalithic structures. It is believed to be a Neolithic burial site. However, they are located at strategic points and have holes that can be used as loopholes. In addition, the Caucasus is famous for its large number of long-lived people. This information served as a basis for the theory of the German archaeologist Herbert Jankun, that the Caucasus Mountains became one of the havens of the Atlanteans. Also, the Germans were attracted by the local hardy breed of red horses: it was believed that similar horses were in Atlantis.

The area was rumored to be attractive to aliens, and there were eyewitnesses who saw strange glowing flying machines. It was a beautiful tale about the connection of the descendants of an ancient race with a powerful alien intelligence. Hitler and his entourage believed in their own theories so much that, perhaps, they hoped not only to find ancient secrets here, but also to get in touch with a higher mind, receive an invincible weapon and take over the world.

The Nazis considered Elbrus as a landing site for aliens - a dormant stratovolcano dominating the terrain. It was planned to make an ascent and, with the help of sacred chants, possibly attract an alien ship.

According to some information, Tibetan monks were here with the Germans. Together with the SS officers, they began their ascent to the summit. They were seen by local shepherds grazing cattle on the mountainside. The participants did not return back. Many years later, it turned out that they were caught in an avalanche. The find was named "Frozen SS Division".

Echoes of Germanic theories

In Adygea, not far from the village of Kamennomostsky, there is a large museum of local lore. The museum is really interesting: there are huge ammonites, mammoth teeth, weapons of the Scythians, Mongols, Goths and Alans, relics of the Great Patriotic War. In addition, the owner of the museum Vladimir Melikov is also fond of mysticism and studied in detail the activities of Ahnenerbe. He shows the visitors what he said the Nazis were looking for: two strange triangular skulls that have no mouth and huge eye sockets. According to his version, these are the skulls of none other than aliens. However, this theory has not been tested by scientists: according to paleontologists, these skulls belonged to mountain goats. The skulls have been slightly tweaked, the horns and the lower jaw have been removed and are shown to visitors with the inside.

Galina Pogodina