Secrets of history 2024, October

Historians Have Not Yet Revealed The Secret Of The Origin Of Rurik - Alternative View

Historians Have Not Yet Revealed The Secret Of The Origin Of Rurik - Alternative View

The first Slavs came to Lake Ilmen in the sixth century from the birth of Christ. They settled next to the indigenous Finno-Ugric people, without causing any trouble to the neighbors. In the eighth century they were joined by the Slovenian tribes

History Of Russia From Rurikovich - Alternative View

History Of Russia From Rurikovich - Alternative View

Vitaslav (glorious life) ruled from 782 to 795 summer. The first prince renamed Slovensk to Novgorod. Son of the Obodrit king Ariberg II. Came to reign through marriage with the daughter of Stolposvet, it turns out the last of the Slovenian dynasty

The Linguistic Brotherhood Of Russians And Bulgarians Deliberately Destroyed - Alternative View

The Linguistic Brotherhood Of Russians And Bulgarians Deliberately Destroyed - Alternative View

As Academician Fomenko writes, up to the 18th century, Russia and Bulgaria spoke the same language, including its minor features.Many interesting things are revealed today when looking at the Bulgarian history from the point of view of the concept of the "New Chronology"

How The Holstein-Gottorp Rewrote The History Of Russia - Alternative View

How The Holstein-Gottorp Rewrote The History Of Russia - Alternative View

In 1730, the grandson of Peter the Great, Emperor Peter II, died. The male line of the Romanov dynasty came to an end. Peter's daughter Elizabeth, who ascended the throne in 1741, decided to make his grandson, her sister's son, her successor

How The Turks Shift Responsibility For The Betrayal Of The Crimean Tatars And Circassians To Russia - Alternative View

How The Turks Shift Responsibility For The Betrayal Of The Crimean Tatars And Circassians To Russia - Alternative View

I have just read the message of the press secretary of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Hami Aksoy, in which he tells about the numerous victims of the Circassian and Tatar people after the Russian-Turkish wars and he is to blame for these troubles … Russia.I

How Russian Masters Made The Big Kolyvan Vase, For Which Even Today No One Undertakes - Alternative View

How Russian Masters Made The Big Kolyvan Vase, For Which Even Today No One Undertakes - Alternative View

One of the Hermitage exhibits is the Kolyvan vase - a unique example of stone-cutting art. The "Queen of Vases", as she is called, is the largest in the world. The bowl has the shape of an ellipse, the larger and smaller diameters of which are, respectively, 5

How Russians Fought With Indians - Alternative View

How Russians Fought With Indians - Alternative View

It is not customary to study the Russian page in the history of Alaska in detail. Only the fact that it once belonged to the Russian Empire became widespread. And then it was either given away or sold. In general, they have lost. But they got rid of Alaska, contrary to popular belief, not out of stupidity and shortsightedness, but for a number of good reasons

Oleg And Other Main Varangians In Russian History - Alternative View

Oleg And Other Main Varangians In Russian History - Alternative View

We know "the way from the Varangians to the Greeks", we remember that Russian history, according to one of the main historical concepts, began with the Varangians. It was they who stood at the origins of the Russian statehood

How Do The Vikings Differ From The Vikings - Alternative View

How Do The Vikings Differ From The Vikings - Alternative View

Some believe that the Vikings - this is just a Russian designation for the Vikings. In fact, there are many significant differences between the Vikings and the Vikings

Nobody Called The Varangians To Russia. Part Two - Alternative View

Nobody Called The Varangians To Russia. Part Two - Alternative View

Part One - WHAT WAS? There was strife. It is obvious. Apparently, two parties were fighting for power in Novgorod. The party of Vadim the Brave and the party of a certain Gostomysl

Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View

Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View

There was a fierce war between two worlds, two worldviews: Vedic and Christian. “Let's take a closer look at the presentation of past events by that pseudoscience, which we call, for a known reason, history (from the Torah)

The Arrival Of The Varangians. Askold's Baptism Of Rus - Alternative View

The Arrival Of The Varangians. Askold's Baptism Of Rus - Alternative View

The constant striving of Byzantium in the 9th century was to convert all Slavs to Christianity and thus secure their northern borders

Vikings In Russia: What Did They Do Here - Alternative View

Vikings In Russia: What Did They Do Here - Alternative View

They say, “scratch the Russian - you will find a Tatar. " With the same confidence we can say: “scratch the Russian - you will find a Varangian. " Scratch the viking … Vikings - not nationality, but vocation

Nobody Called The Varangians To Russia. Part One - Alternative View

Nobody Called The Varangians To Russia. Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - "THE CHRONICLES ARE FULL OF LIES AND SHAME THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE" 255 years ago, in 1749, a grandiose scandal broke out at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

Where Did Fingerprints Come From In Ancient Caves In France? - Alternative View

Where Did Fingerprints Come From In Ancient Caves In France? - Alternative View

In 1985, the diver Anri Cosquet near Cape Morgesu in the vicinity of Marseille at a depth of 37 meters found a narrow passage in the rock. Then he had no idea what an important discovery he still had to make. For six years, the submariner explored the tunnel, slowly and carefully moving along it deep into the rock

Ivan Kulibin: Few Manage To Become A “household Name” - - Alternative View

Ivan Kulibin: Few Manage To Become A “household Name” - - Alternative View

April 21, 1735, Ivan Petrovich Kulibin was born. His name has become a household name. Now we can say for sure - forever. We call them self-taught craftsmen, talented nugget engineers - no explanations are required. Kulibin's glory remains immutable

Who Are Lech, Czech And Rus - Legend About The Common Roots Of All Slavic Peoples - Alternative View

Who Are Lech, Czech And Rus - Legend About The Common Roots Of All Slavic Peoples - Alternative View

There is an ancient Polish legend about three Slavic brothers Lech, Czech and Ruse, the founders of three Slavic peoples. The source "Great Polish Chronicle" tells us about it. It tells how they decided to leave their overpopulated ancestral home together to find new places for settlements

Rome: Unknown Antiquity - Alternative View

Rome: Unknown Antiquity - Alternative View

In Rome, there are many second-tier antique monuments, sometimes no less interesting - just more modest ones that did not appear on the first pages of tourist booklets. They have a big advantage: most of them are not museumified (that is, they are available at any time of the day or night for free), and there are usually no tourist crowds around

You Just Do Your Job And Then You Will Be Hanged. Death Of Adolf Eichmann - Alternative View

You Just Do Your Job And Then You Will Be Hanged. Death Of Adolf Eichmann - Alternative View

The kidnapping of a humble clerk, a middle-level Gestapo manager, is considered one of the best Mossad operations. This is how it was.In the postwar years, Adolf Eichmann became the # 1 target for Israeli Nazi hunters. The head of Subdivision IV B 4 in the Gestapo was directly responsible for the genocide of the Jews

Historical Legends About Russians That You Shouldn't Believe In - Alternative View

Historical Legends About Russians That You Shouldn't Believe In - Alternative View

Darling, something's hot. Please turn off the nuclear reactor. - Now I will finish the vodka and turn it off, but for now play the balalaika and feed the bear. Isn't that funny? But often myths and clichés nestle in the heads of Russians themselves

The Official And Secret History Of The Fed - Alternative View

The Official And Secret History Of The Fed - Alternative View

A hundred years ago, on December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve System (FRS) was created in the United States - "Private printing press" of a planetary scale for the production of money in unlimited quantities

10 Weird And Scary Historical Facts That You Won't Want To Believe In - Alternative View

10 Weird And Scary Historical Facts That You Won't Want To Believe In - Alternative View

The story is rich in plots that will give odds to any science fiction novel. And in many cases these events seem to be more than just incredible. Many of them are weird enough or downright awful. Fact number 1

Why Did The Women Participate In The Duel Naked? - Alternative View

Why Did The Women Participate In The Duel Naked? - Alternative View

The duel at all times was considered a purely masculine way of solving problems. However, the ladies did not want to give up this advantage to the strong half of humanity, and as soon as a way to resolve conflicts in a fair fight appeared, a female version of this confrontation immediately arose …The most legendary female duelist was Julie de Maupin, who was born in France in 1670. S

Sunstone Acts - Alternative View

Sunstone Acts - Alternative View

We don't know for sure if the Vikings actually charted a course with the sunstone, but current experiments show that the hypothesis is physically possible. About 1000 years ago, the Vikings were known as good sailors

Scientists Have Proven That The Legendary Viking Sunstone Really Works - Alternative View

Scientists Have Proven That The Legendary Viking Sunstone Really Works - Alternative View

Scientists have found that the mystical Sunstone (Solstenen) from ancient legends can be used for sea navigation. When the Vikings went on drakkars to Greenland at the end of the 10th century, they did not have a compass

Spooky Magic Talisman Hand Of Glory - Alternative View

Spooky Magic Talisman Hand Of Glory - Alternative View

Throughout history and in different cultures, various mysterious artifacts, amulets and talismans have been in circulation. And some of them were of downright occult and dark origins.A European mascot called the Hand of Glory was mentioned as early as the 1600s, but may have been known much earlier

Pope Honorius III. Spiritual Or Magical Power? - Alternative View

Pope Honorius III. Spiritual Or Magical Power? - Alternative View

In 1216, Honorius III ascended the papal throne (lat. Honorius PP. III), in the world - Cencio Savelli (1148 - 1227) - Pope from July 18, 1216 to March 18, 1227.- Salik.bizA representative of an ancient and powerful Roman family. Cardinal Cencio Savelli was one of the closest associates of Innocent III

Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View

Who Wrote Our Story - Alternative View

Schletzer was an extremely ambitious person; he never said a good word about any Russian historian.Lomonosov, analyzing his project on Russian history, said:-"From this it is possible to conclude what vile dirty tricks such a beast admitted to them will not do in Russian antiquities

Europeans Also Had Multi-armed Gods - Alternative View

Europeans Also Had Multi-armed Gods - Alternative View

Did someone from India look into Ancient Greece for a light, hang out on Olympus?It's actually a little different here.- Salik.bizThere is not a multi-armed goddess, but a three-body one.Hecate, the goddess of the underworld, death, the moon and other pleasant things, was sometimes depicted as a three-body (Hecate Triformis)

American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View

American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View

Slavery and slavery myths as an excellent fuel for stirring up revolutionary protests.The complete and complete ignorance of their own history by the broad masses of the population - white, black and colored - is a great achievement of the American educational system of the twentieth century

Economic Crises: A History Of Revival - Alternative View

Economic Crises: A History Of Revival - Alternative View

Pandemics, falling oil prices and the volatility of the national currency are shaking the economies of countries to such an extent that mankind from time to time finds itself on the verge of a global economic crisis. However, precisely because the world is not experiencing a crisis for the first (and not the last) time, T&P decided to look at the history of three major global crises from the point of view of unexpected economic prospects, thanks to which it is possible to g

How Stalin Freed The Ruble From The Dollar - Alternative View

How Stalin Freed The Ruble From The Dollar - Alternative View

The Soviet monetary system has stood the test of the war. Thus, the money supply in Germany during the war years increased 6 times (although the Germans brought goods from all over Europe and a significant part of the USSR); in Italy - 10 times; in Japan - 11 times

Putting An End To Theft: The History Of The First Cash Register - Alternative View

Putting An End To Theft: The History Of The First Cash Register - Alternative View

James Ritty was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1837. His father, Leger Ritty, emigrated from Alsace to the USA and opened a small pharmacy, where he sold various medicinal herbs. Three of his five sons - Sebastian, John and James - were born inventors

Riddles Of Things Of The Bird Gamayun - Alternative View

Riddles Of Things Of The Bird Gamayun - Alternative View

The fabulous bird Gamayun, or Simurg (in the East, it is also called the Humo bird), has been known for a long time. The earliest mention of her is found in the "Avesta", ie, in the first half of the 1st millennium BC. e. The sacred book of the Zoroastrians of the Near and Middle East tells about the miracle bird, which on its wings carries away noble and worthy people from trouble, saves them from cruel persecutors

Black Market In The USSR - What Is It? - Alternative View

Black Market In The USSR - What Is It? - Alternative View

“Some researchers compare the black market of Stalin's times with a cancerous tumor on the body of socialism, whose pernicious metastases revived the illegal infection again and again, when it would seem that it was done away with. Others - with plaster, making the walls of the young state, speckled with the rough picket fence of the party lines, befitting. S

The Riddle Of The Kalgut Petroglyphs - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Kalgut Petroglyphs - Alternative View

In Altai and Mongolia, petroglyphs very similar to each other were found. Archaeologists concluded that they can be attributed to the same style, which has much in common with the rock art of classical European monuments of the Paleolithic. Scientists called the style Kalgutin and described its main features

Petroglyphs Of Ancient Armenia - Alternative View

Petroglyphs Of Ancient Armenia - Alternative View

Petroglyphs of Armenia are ancient images, carved on stones and rocks. Traditionally, petroglyphs are called all images on a stone from ancient times up to the Middle Ages.Today there is an opinion that the territories of Armenia and Asia Minor were among the most ancient centers of origin of astronomical knowledge

Yeltsin Was Going To Sell Karelia To The Finns For $ 15 Billion - - Alternative View

Yeltsin Was Going To Sell Karelia To The Finns For $ 15 Billion - - Alternative View

During the collapse of the USSR, the Russian leadership considered the option of transferring Karelia to Finland for money, writes was seriously considering the option of selling Karelia to the Finnish state in 1991. The then Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Fedorov told about this to Helsingin Sanomat

Karelian Petroglyphs: The Coded History Of Holy Russia - Alternative View

Karelian Petroglyphs: The Coded History Of Holy Russia - Alternative View

“Petroglyphs in Karelia are wrapped in mystical secrets in a dense veil. To know these secrets means to know not only our past, but also our future. "Yuri BOGATYREV, historian, archaeologist.- Salik.bizThe mythology of the peoples of the world is nothing more than instructive tales for children and adults, as most scientists are still convinced. A

Hitler's Collection And The African Mummy. What Keeps Grandma's Attic - Alternative View

Hitler's Collection And The African Mummy. What Keeps Grandma's Attic - Alternative View

What do you think is the most mysterious and creepy place in any house? No, not a basement, but an attic! It is there that heirlooms, antiques and rare documents are found