American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View

American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View
American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View

Video: American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View

Video: American Rebellion - Senseless And Merciless! - Alternative View
Video: Liberty or Death: Slaves' Suicides & the Fight to Destroy American Slavery 2024, September

Slavery and slavery myths as an excellent fuel for stirring up revolutionary protests.

The complete and complete ignorance of their own history by the broad masses of the population - white, black and colored - is a great achievement of the American educational system of the twentieth century. It turned ideologically framed myths about slavery and slavery into an excellent fuel for fueling revolutionary protests in the United States, for riots and robberies, as well as for hideous scenes of humiliation of human dignity on the basis of race.

It is obvious to any relatively educated person that no morally reprehensible acts and stereotypes of human behavior can be considered the exclusive prerogative of this or that ethnic or racial community. Therefore, declaring all today's owners of white skin as responsible for moral sins (or even crimes) of completely different persons with the same skin color, and even more so - who lived 200-300 years ago, is stupidity and baseness.

All the more stupid, vulgar and outrageous to demand "apologies" from people who have a complete and absolute alibi for these crimes, in the language of investigators! This refers to people whose ancestors arrived in the United States AFTER all those actions were committed that today cause such surprisingly amicable indignation - both among the leaders of the Democratic majority in Congress and among criminal elements, who are engaged in robbery and theft in shopping centers. !

The fact is that in the North American colonies of the British Crown, slave labor was not initially used by Africans, but by perfect Europeans - Scottish and Irish prisoners of war, taken overseas during the wars of the English Revolution. Therefore, we should not confuse our attitude towards the institution of slavery - regardless of the skin color of slaves and slave owners, with our attitude towards such a phenomenon as racial discrimination! Historians are well aware of the fact, for example, that the first legal owner of a slave in the North American colonies (according to a judgment of March 8, 1655) was a wealthy Virginian landowner, Anthony Johnson, himself now said to be African-American.1

By the time of the Civil War in the United States (which was then called the War for the Separation of the Southern States from the Union), there were thousands of such black slaveholders (!), And in the total number of the black population of the country, their share was exactly the same as the share of slaveholders among the white Moreover, it was not uncommon for even former slaves who had just received freedom from their masters to become slave owners: there were no legal obstacles to this.

(Of course, European and Russian (and then Soviet) readers of Harriet Beecher Stowe's popular abolitionist novel “Uncle Tom's Cabin didn’t know about this.” As they didn’t know that Beecher Stow herself had never visited the territory in her life southern states, and therefore simply could not know about the real state of affairs there.)

As for the actual phenomenon of the transatlantic slave trade, which is so often talked about today, it began in the middle of the 17th century. with the fact that ships under the Dutch flag began supplying slaves from Africa to North America, but by the beginning of the 18th century. this business completely came under the control of the English slave traders.

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This means that more than 30 million Irish Americans today, more than 40 million German Americans, like many millions of American Italians, have little to do with the history of the slave trade and slavery in the United States. And if one of them today kisses the shoes of some vulgar extremists under the cameras, he does it exclusively in a state of passion, without any rational reason.

In the West today it is not customary to remember that a century before the beginning of slavery in the American colonies, on the territory of the modern Maghreb, pirate trade was flourishing, inextricably linked with the slave trade. Algerian pirates, known throughout the world at that time, robbed merchant ships and captured Christian slaves in the coastal villages of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, England, the Netherlands, Ireland, and even the Scandinavian countries and Iceland.

(However, in the 1960s-1970s, European and Soviet viewers could freely watch in cinemas the film Angelica and the Sultan, an adaptation of the novels of Anne and Serge Golon, where the heroes' adventures took place against the backdrop of the struggle between Europeans and Algerian pirates: Western political correctness was just about to reign, so the then mass culture did not shy away from this page of European history.)

It was a very big business: from the middle of the 16th to the beginning of the 19th centuries, for example, just at the time of the rapid development of the transatlantic slave trade in America, it was sold into slavery in the slave markets of Algeria and Morocco, according to various estimates, from 1 to 1, 5 million European Christians.

Periodically equipped during the XVI-XVIII centuries. - Spanish, French, English, Dutch - so-called "Algerian expeditions" against the pirate centers in Algeria, Tripoli and Tunisia, which were under the auspices of the Ottoman Empire, were not accompanied by particular successes.

The naval forces of the Knights-Hospitallers, members of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, from the 16th century onward resisted piracy much more effectively. staying in Malta. Like the Cossacks on the borders of the Russian Empire, or the Boundaries on the Military Border of the Habsburg Empire, the sailors of the Order of Malta restrained external pressure on what was then Christian Europe.

But in 1798, when Bonaparte captured Malta, the Order had to leave it, and the Mediterranean pirates were untied. The situation prevailing in the Mediterranean at that time is evidenced by the fact that the newborn American Republic, for example, paid the North African pirates $ 1 million annually for the right of free passage of American ships across the Mediterranean.

And when in 1801 the newly elected President Thomas Jefferson refused to obey the racketeering and pay this tribute, the Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the United States! He was immediately joined by the rulers of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, who clearly overestimated their forces and underestimated the American forces. T. N. The first Barbary (also called the Barbarian, or Tripolitanian) War ended in 1805 with the victory of the American fleet. In 1815, during the Second Barbary War, the United States again destroyed the Algerian fleet, after which the rest of the Maghreb states were forced to recognize new rules for their treatment of prisoners of war and stop selling them into slavery.

However, already in the 1820s. the new ruler of Algeria resumed a dangerous trade: piracy and the slave trade over the past centuries, apparently, deeply entered the cultural consciousness of the then rulers of the Maghreb and the Middle East. As a result, in June 1827 the French had to blockade the Algerian shores, and in 1830 a powerful French expeditionary force and a huge fleet (100 warships and 350 transports) were sent to Algeria. Following the fall of Algeria, 2 squadrons were sent against Tunisia and Tripoli, after which the long history of Mediterranean piracy ended.

One can only guess at what apotheosis of collective insanity the unrestrained foundation of citizens of the modern Turkish Republic could pour out, for example, of their collective guilt for the fact that during the almost five hundred years of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, slavery and the slave trade existed on the territory controlled by it: both white, Christian and European slaves - until the beginning of the 19th century, and black, African - up to the beginning of the 20th century.

But it is obvious that the Turkish education system, unlike the American and Western European ones, is not aimed at creating a heavy complex of guilt among the country's population for the unsightly pages of the history of those states that existed on its territory in the past centuries.

The longer the history of a country, the more opportunities its inhabitants have to choose those pages of history that can help them live their life today. But even a fairly short, by European standards, history of the United States - if you know it - can give its citizens enough reasons for confidence in themselves and in the greatness of the country.

It is a pity that the historical illiteracy cultivated by the American education system, before our very eyes, allowed the democratic Agitprop to plunge so many American cities so quickly into the abyss of a suicidal rebellion - senseless and merciless …
