Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View

Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View
Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View

Video: Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View

Video: Varangians. Unknown War - Alternative View
Video: Varangian chief vs Livonian Brothers of the Sword 2024, June

There was a cruel war of two worlds

two worldviews:

Vedic and Christian.

“Let's take a closer look at the presentation of past events by that pseudoscience, which we call, for a well-known reason, history (from the Torah). This science actually describes a unipolar world. Students engaged in this tendentious discipline, willy-nilly, get the impression that earthly civilization arose mainly in the Mediterranean region and in those regions that, due to their geographical location, were not far from this good, chosen by God, center.

And not a word about the mighty confederation of tribal unions of the North, about the great empire of Tarkh Godinovich. Meanwhile, civilization came both to the Mediterranean and to India from there.

And the academicians already know for themselves that the Pelasgians who settled in Greece at the beginning of the III millennium BC are the Trypillians who moved from the Black Sea region. That the Celts and Slavs brought civilization with them to the wild expanses of Europe, and the Etruscan tyrens to Italy. That the famous Egyptian civilizers who built pre-dynastic Egypt, the so-called Shemsu-Gore in the chronicles, also came from the far North. According to legend, they left Egypt to the North.

… The military actions of Alexander the Great with the army of the Russian-Assaks are completely erased from historical science … the reason is that this war, to the great disappointment of the globalists, failed.

… Russia, as the core of northern civilization, for many thousands of years inherited and preserved the social structure of Oriana-Hyperborea, where the priestly class was considered the highest class: the one who knows more is the one who has the highest legislative power. Everything is fair.

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The second estate were managers - boyars. The most worthy one was chosen from among them, he was called a prince. From the ancient language "k-ass" or equestrian perfect warrior and manager. In ancient times, all the peoples of the planet had a similar life arrangement in society. It was the time of the sun worship. Time for the development of the spiritual spheres of a person, the formation of his creative potential and connection with the higher mind.


… The Nadiudean priesthood, by the example of past wars, was convinced that the descendants of Oriana - Hyperborea, while they adhere to their ancient Vedic worldview, cannot be dealt with by force of arms. Therefore, they invented a powerful ideological weapon in the form of Christianity.

It is from their submission, obviously, for intimidation of citizens and self-affirmation, pseudo priests brought, now imaginary gods, bloody sacrifices. And savage torture and gladiatorial fights became theatrical performances in such societies. It is clear, and we talked about this, that lunar cults were created to discredit the solar, life-affirming Vedic religion, which, in fact, was not a religion, but rather a set of laws on the universe. Why was it necessary to discredit the Vedic worldview by the dark? Yes, so that people can draw conclusions - to accept any religious concept so long as it does not bring fear and suffering.

In the VI century on the territory of Italy and France, through the efforts of Christians and Jews, a powerful empire of the Merovingians was formed, according to Jewish legend, on the one hand, the descendants of the biblical David, on the other (this is for Christians) of Jesus Christ himself. The army of the Merovingian empire, after their victory over any Slavic people, immediately tried to convert the surviving Russians to the "true faith". Those who did not want to accept it were exterminated without exception.

In the 7th century, the Frankish empire was led by the legendary commander and ruler Charlemagne. But instead of helping Byzantium defend their lands from the Muslim invasion, the Frankish emperor moved his forces east beyond the Rhine or - the Rhine - against the eternal traditional enemy - against the confederation of Russian tribes and their allies.

Northern Vedic societies, understanding where the new religion could lead, seeing who was hiding behind it, began to unite in long-term alliances and by force of arms to defend their political and spiritual freedom. Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden, united among themselves, began to strive for an alliance with Baltic Russia.

Once, studying the history of the Middle Ages, we went through the robber raids of the Scandinavians - the Vikings: How terrible were these ancestors of the Danes, Norwegians and Swedes! The horror that they were doing in Europe!

In their raids, the Scandinavians captured Britain, plundered and appropriated the north of France, and ravaged cities in the Netherlands and Spain. They dealt with the Byzantines and Arabs with particular cruelty in the Mediterranean! They burned down monasteries, churches, exterminated monks and Christian monarchs … They did chaos and nothing more!

And none of us in those days when history teachers emotionally told us about the atrocities of the Vikings, it never occurred to anyone of us - why did these swordsmen and robbers not torment Baltic Russia, Prussia, or Lithuania with their raids, did not invade Eastern Russia with war? They did not even touch their Finnish neighbors. Both the Finnish and Russian campaigns began later, when the Scandinavians converted to Christianity.

How is this to be understood? Unfortunately, orthodox science does not answer such questions. Then it turns out that the collective consciousness of the Scandinavians was struck by a manic psychosis? These Christians were given to them ?! The Vikings mainly directed all their campaigns against them. In fact, Muslims also got it, probably, for their addiction to monotheism - just like Christians. It is clearer that the Scandinavian raids on Europe were dictated not so much by mercantile interests as by allies.


There was a fierce war between two worlds, two worldviews, Vedic and Christian. And in this war the Scandinavian squadrons played an important role, especially if they were reinforced by Venetian ships and flotillas from Novgorod and Kiev. Suffice it to recall the campaigns of the Kiev princes against Byzantium: in alliance with the Russian fleet, as narrated not only by the Russian chronicles, but also by the Scandinavian sagas, the ships of the Swedes, squadrons of Norwegians and even Danes participated.

We were taught at school that the way from the "Varangians to the Greeks" was trade, commercial. They say it was used by merchants from the Baltics and Scandinavia. Pskov and Novgorodians walked along it. Perhaps this path later, in the era of Christianity, and became a commercial one, but during the time of great opposition, it was purely military. Along it, from Scandinavia and Baltic Russia, the squadrons of the Allies moved to join the Kiev ships. And they did not even think about trade in those terrible times. Moreover, the Scandinavian Jarls never had a trading vein. The war was close and understandable to them. And, of course, military dignity and honor, which they never belittled by trade deals.

Why were the military flotillas of Venedian Rus often united with Scandinavian ones? For example, all the Viking campaigns against Byzantium were not complete without the ships of Veneta, Arkona, squadrons from Szczecin, Retra and Novgorod. Arab chronicles tell in detail how the combined fleets of the Russians and Scandinavians struck at the clusters of ships of Byzantium, at the squadrons of the Caliphate and at the coastal colonies of Genoa and Venice.

There was a brutal, difficult and protracted war, and it does not matter whether the West recognizes it or not. It is important that it was, and we must know about it. The West always hid its thousand-year struggle with the eastern enemy … it is not known who defeated Cyrus, some Massagets … The Scythian tribes smashed Darius to smithereens, followed by the same tribes inflicted a series of defeats on Alexander the Great, after him the expansion of Rome was stopped … And in the medieval "Unknown" war again the same tribes.., again, cursed, stood in the way of the civilizer of the West. And they fight, as always, great.

How much can you lie? History is cyclical, it repeats itself. And there is no getting away from it…. everything went on again in the old circle. The confederation of Russia with its allies, this time the Finns, Lithuania and the Scandinavians, blocked the way for the forces of Western globalization.

… Lunarists did not penetrate Scandinavia, but their idea came there from Britain from the Romans. It must be said that it did not reach human sacrifice there, but the priestly estate lost its legislative power. The Scandinavian yarls from the sixth century began to pass on their power by inheritance, and from the tenth the national assembly was abolished. For them, adopting Christianity meant strengthening what they had already achieved. Therefore, the rulers of the Danes, Norwegians and Swedes, listening to Christian preachers, began to understand that it was beneficial for them to be Christians. The danger lay in one thing: would the people accept the new religion? For example, why did the Jarls of Norway have to destroy their national priesthood without exception? Whom did it disturb? Christians and Jews, yes, but not Norwegians. After all, it all ended with a riot and the resettlement of part of the population of Norway to Iceland. The Danes and Swedes did the same with their priests. For some time, the ruling elite of Scandinavia was seized by the most real madness. The princes did what they never did. They were not held back by close friends or even relatives.

The tenth century is the time of the adoption of Christianity in Scandinavia, a formidable, bloody period of turmoil and general insanity."

Excerpts from book 1 Sidorov GA - "Chronological and esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization."