Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View

Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View
Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View
Video: Ilya Muromets (4K, fantasy, dir. Alexander Ptushko, 1956) 2024, October

Unlike Robin Hood, our epic hero really existed! Ilya was born in the second half of the 12th century. (Around 1150) Honestly, I chose not the most peaceful time. 15 principalities squabbled among themselves, and even the Polovtsy now and then walked to Kiev.

V. Vasnetsov * After the slaughter of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy *
V. Vasnetsov * After the slaughter of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy *

V. Vasnetsov * After the slaughter of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy *.

Therefore, our Ilya, don't be a coward, went from Murom straight to the "front line" - in the Black Sea region, to the prince's squad. He fought a lot. And good. It was there, among the steppe feather grass stained with enemy blood, that the first epics were born. But as time went on, the hero lost his former prowess and moved into the Kiev monks, began to be called Ilya Pechersky.

Ilya died as a warrior. In 1203 Kiev was attacked by the combined forces of the Polovtsy and Rurik. (Not that tough Rurik, but his great-grandson in the sixth generation.)

Rurik Rostislavovich. 1140-1212 By the way, he was married to the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Beluk
Rurik Rostislavovich. 1140-1212 By the way, he was married to the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Beluk

Rurik Rostislavovich. 1140-1212 By the way, he was married to the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Beluk.

This unworthy descendant of the Vikings not only ruined the capital of Russia, but also killed all the old people, monks and priests. Young, as payment, he gave to the Polovtsy. How Ilya died, Soviet scientists established for sure only in 1988, when they examined his relics stored in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The remains of Ilya Pechersky in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
The remains of Ilya Pechersky in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

The remains of Ilya Pechersky in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

According to the examination, the spear pierced the hero's hand, the tip went straight into the heart. In addition, criminologists found numerous injuries received by Ilya in previous battles: fractures of the ribs and collarbones, scars from saber blows. But, perhaps, the most interesting discovery was something else. The expert found that in childhood and youth the subject suffered from a spinal disease. (probably poliomyelitis. leads to paralysis) But with age, the disease receded. This can explain the tale of the 33 years spent by the hero on the stove.

Promotional video:

Ilya's appearance was restored using a skull X-ray
Ilya's appearance was restored using a skull X-ray

Ilya's appearance was restored using a skull X-ray.

I almost forgot! The middle finger of the hero's left hand was transferred to his homeland - to Murom, to the monastery.


Guys, peace and goodness to you! Read epics to children. Let them know our Slavic heroes, and not just Hollywood mutants!

Fragment of the painting * Heroes * V. Vasnetsov
Fragment of the painting * Heroes * V. Vasnetsov

Fragment of the painting * Heroes * V. Vasnetsov.
