Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup "I" - Alternative View

Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup "I" - Alternative View
Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup "I" - Alternative View

Video: Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup "I" - Alternative View

Video: Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup
Video: Геногеография: народы в свете генетической генеалогии 2024, September

For numerous researchers - professionals and amateurs - it still remains a mystery why the tribes of Russia called on Rurik to rule, a person not of their clan-tribe, a prince from abroad. The assumption that Rurik could have had the Aryan haplogroup "I" provides an explanation for the seemingly strange act of our ancestors. And the right to assume that Rurik was an Aryan gives knowledge of the nature of the relationship between the Slavs and the Aryans, described in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

Let's remember what we know about Rurik. He was a prince in the German lands, when the Novgorodians, torn apart by the internecine war of the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes, came to him with a request to rule over them. Without introducing the concept of "Aryans" into the narrative, it is impossible to figure out what kind of family Rurik belonged to. We started this conversation in the previous topic "Rus, Varangians, Vikings … Confusion without Aryans." In the considered Aryan version, attention should be paid to the territory of distribution of the Slavs and Aryans. By that time, all of Russia was inhabited mainly by the Slavs. Most of the Aryans were based in Europe.

As we, contemporaries, well distinguish between the Nordic character and the Slavic, so the ancient Slavs and Aryans distinguished each other well, and maybe (and even most likely), they felt this difference much better than us and knew the strengths and weaknesses of both clans. Therefore, when the Slavs went to Europe, to the prince of the Aryans, they knew exactly where and why they were going. To overcome the disunity of the tribes, in order to bring them together, the firm hand of a warlike Aryan was needed. But, asking Rurik to reign the tribes of Russia, they turned not to someone else's prince, but to their own, who was an ally in life, a relative in the spiritual sense of the word. They remembered Perun's commandment that the Aryans should protect the Slavs. Perhaps that commandment was deposited in them at the genetic level.

Whether Rurik himself remembered that commandment, now one can only guess. But we can say with confidence that he remembered where all his family came from: the Aryans came from the territory that is now called Russia. Therefore, he could not help but respond to the request of the Slavic brothers, who were not looking for some kind of prince from the outside, but knew for sure that in the completely Slavic and Finno-Ugric lands of the European part of Russia, they needed an Aryan for the role of leader. Consisting only of the Slavs, Russia became extremely one-sided, it lacked the Aryan spirit.

The Slavs were not weak, as the Normans want them to be. The Slavs were less warlike. History shows that they made the right choice, turning not to a stranger, but to their brother from among the Aryans. Here you can make a small digression and say about the irony of fate. Now Slavic Russia is trying to protect Europe from decay, by its own example showing an example of how to preserve the heritage of ancestors, defending the traditional worldview.

I suppose there will be objections about the Aryans who should defend the Slavs, because history often testifies to the opposite. Indeed, during the Second World War, not only representatives of the haplogroup "R1b", but also "I" acted from the side of the aggressor. Of those who attacked Russia, I also remember the "Teutonic Order", which could also consist of representatives of the haplogroup "I". In this regard, I can say that the situation with “I” resembles approximately the one in which the haplogroup “R” found itself: the representatives of “R1a” remained in the orthodox positions of the communal-clan structure, in contrast to “R1b”. Compare the worldviews, for example, of Russians and Western Europeans.

At the time of the call of Rurik, representatives of the "I" and "R" lived in the Germanic tribes, who still remained in orthodox positions. They remembered where they were from (came from the territory of Russia), and were close to the Slavs of Russia in spirit. Such a statement may serve as an explanation of why the clan of Rurik, with whom he came to Novgorod from the German lands, was called "Rus". All four Slavic-Aryan clans, scattered all over the world from Siberia, were fair-haired (fair-haired), hence the name of the Rurik clan - "Rus".

It will probably be appropriate to recall Hitler, who was partly right in calling the Germans Aryans: the share of representatives of the haplogroup “I” in Germany reaches 30%. (And the subclade "I1" mainly consists of peoples speaking Germanic languages.) But due to the historical relationship of the Slavs and the Aryans (haplogroups "R" and "I"), the authors of the theory of the Nordic race mistakenly attributed the blue eyes of the Slavs to the Aryans. This error continues to this day.

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Modern researchers have almost come close to understanding where Rurik is from. But until they figure out where the original Aryans are, there will always be confusion in terms: Vikings, Varangians, Rus, Slavs … (And then Finno-Ugrians are woven into Rurik's ancestry, because they live in Scandinavian countries.) - due to such confusion, the history of the Slavs does not line up logically. There were researchers who, playing with the vague concept of "Aryans", ranked it (the concept) in the haplogroup "R", and they ended up with something that had never happened before: the Slavic countries (primarily Russia) became Aryan. Or in a slightly different way: the Slavs became Aryans. But if we return to specific formulations (avoiding the word "Aryans", which includes all peoples who are carriers of the Vedic culture), then the mentioned confusion does not arise. Always and at all times, the Slavs and Aryans were different in spirit, and the Slavic haplogroup "R" does not carry the Nordic spirit of the Aryans.

Vikings and Varangians are Aryans (haplogroup "I"). Which of them remained in orthodox positions, and who did not, in our case does not matter. Now the main thing is that, together with the Slavs (haplogroup "R"), they professed the same faith and initially spoke the same Slavic-Aryan language (having come to Novgorod from the Germanic tribes, they did not need translators). Therefore, the Aryans are often confused with the Slavs. As a rule, those historians who mistakenly call the Varangians descendants of the "Slavic tribe" do not use the term "Aryans" at all, as if the Aryans had never been in an alliance with the Slavs. One gets the impression that for the past several centuries historians are not familiar with the concept of "Slavic-Aryan union". (And the word "vimana" for them is something from the realm of fantasy.) It is no wonder that the history of Russia is replete with white spots.

Today it seems that Rurik could have been the leader of the Aryan clan in the Germanic lands. The fact of Rurik's Aryanism is confirmed by the bird on the coat of arms of his family: the falcon was a symbol of the H'ari people, they came from a constellation called the Hall of Finist the Clear Falcon. In addition, if Rurik was a Kh'ari, it means that he was not just a militant Aryan, but also a strategist, a politician, since the Kh'ari in the Slavic-Aryan alliance were mainly priests, in a sense, ideologists. It was such an Aryan strategist who was needed for the role of the leader of the coming state.

In a long dispute between Normanists and Slavophiles, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and in order to discover it, it was necessary to superimpose the DNA genealogy on the Slavic-Aryan Vedas again and again. It is enough to pay attention to the following facts:

a) according to DNA genealogy, the haplogroup of the Vikings is “I”;

b) by the sum of the available facts, haplogroup "I" is truly Aryan;

c) according to the Vedas, the Slavs and Aryans were united in the recent past.

It is enough to bring the forgotten term "Aryans" onto the historical arena, and the dispute immediately becomes meaningless. And it turns out that the Normanists are wrong, because the Aryans were not strangers to the Slavs, but were always brothers. The Slavophiles are also wrong, considering Rurik a Slav.

And a few more words separately about the dispute between numerous "descendants" of Rurik for the right, excuse me, to cling to the legendary personality. Among those who claim to be related to him, you need to pay attention to the representatives of the haplogroup "I".

Rurik's clan could be mixed: haplogroup "I" mixed with "R". It was a family that spoke the same language, did not lose the Slavic-Aryan spirit, common beliefs, etc. Therefore, applicants with the Slavic haplogroup "R1a" also have a chance of being descendants of the legendary prince, but much less. Although some researchers, as a counterargument, cite the fact that the warriors of Rurik's children - Oleg and Igor - when concluding agreements with Byzantium, swore the names of Perun and Veles, and not the names of the gods of the Scandinavian Vikings. But this is an inaccurate fact, because we are talking about later dates (military operations against Byzantium), when the squad was already formed on the territory of Russia. The Varangians quickly became Slavic, and this is a fact, rightly noted by many researchers.

Against the background of the Slavic-Aryan union, which, according to the Vedas, is many millennia, the applicants with all other haplogroups have the least probable percentage of kinship with Rurik.

This is one of the most important historical moments, about which everyone knows, but the significance of which has not yet been realized. The formation of Russia as a state is associated with the name of Rurik. Russia in the form in which it positions itself in the world is the fruit of the union of the Slavs and the Aryans. Individually, only the Slavs or only the Aryans, they would not have been able to create a huge and cohesive state. Initially, four Slavic-Aryan clans parted from Siberia, each in its own way. And only when the Aryan clan of Rurik returned to their historical homeland, to the Slavs, then the Slavic-Aryan alliance was reunited, which laid the foundation for the state of Rus, which to this day remains not only the largest country, but also one of the most orthodox. And this is not the last significant Slavic-Aryan union in history,but we will talk about this already in the next topic under the title "We write" Slavs "," Russian-Aryans "- in the mind."
