Secrets of history 2024, October

Mysteries Of Siberia - A Place Where Ancient Civilizations Originated And Disappeared And Peoples Mingled - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Siberia - A Place Where Ancient Civilizations Originated And Disappeared And Peoples Mingled - Alternative View

Unfortunately, you and I know much more about the Egyptian civilization and the banks of the Nile than about what happened in antiquity on the territory of modern Russia, but nevertheless, only Siberia keeps a huge number of mysteries and secrets

Druids - Keepers Of The Great Hyperborean Tradition - Alternative View

Druids - Keepers Of The Great Hyperborean Tradition - Alternative View

Previous part: The essence of the Druidic teachings The point of view of the French thinker Rene Guénon (1886 - 1951), a representative of traditionalism, opposing the "sacred" and "profane", the cyclical course of history and the "evolutionary"

Altai Mountain Cult - Alternative View

Altai Mountain Cult - Alternative View

The veneration of mountains is a very ancient and widespread phenomenon. The veneration of sacred mountains has become part of some religions. Let us at least recall the role of the cult of mountains in the religions of the ancient world, for example, the cult of Mount Olympus in Greece, Sinai among the Palestinian Jews, and the Himalayas in India

Fake About The Illegal Mission Of The Russian Special Forces In Svalbard - Alternative View

Fake About The Illegal Mission Of The Russian Special Forces In Svalbard - Alternative View

Most recently, the Norwegian independent online newspaper AldriMer (Never Again), which publishes critical articles on the state of the armed forces, defense and security policy of the country, reported on the secret illegal mission of Russian special forces in the Spitsbergen Islands

Slavic-Aryan Vedas, Alatyr, Hyperborea - Alternative View

Slavic-Aryan Vedas, Alatyr, Hyperborea - Alternative View

Other peoples also have legends about sacred stones - "Aeroliths" that fell on the sacred center of the Earth. In Russian folklore, a similar plot is known from medieval Russian epics

Creepy Plague Doctor Mask & Costume - Alternative View

Creepy Plague Doctor Mask & Costume - Alternative View

The Plague Doctor is perhaps one of the most mysterious figures that arose in the Middle Ages. These were European doctors who specialized in treating plague victims. Plague doctors were government employees hired by villages, towns or cities when the plague struck

Slavery And The Cult Of Human Sacrifice Are At The Core Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

Slavery And The Cult Of Human Sacrifice Are At The Core Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

Many ancient civilizations, to the creation of which the dark priests of Atlantis and their non-humanoid masters, who survived after the death of their continent, “had a hand”, are marked precisely by the presence of slavery as one of the characteristic features of the parasitic Pyramid of Power. And

The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

Have you ever thought about why the collective West is screaming so amicably and heart-rendingly about the "Russian threat" and breeding a bunch of false fakes about our country and people? Do you think that the whole point is in our current government?

Leaders Of Atlantis: How An Ancient Legend Moved Historical Science Forward - Alternative View

Leaders Of Atlantis: How An Ancient Legend Moved Historical Science Forward - Alternative View

Many people know the myth of Atlantis, the legendary island-continent where a developed civilization flourished and which once went to the bottom of the ocean as a result of a terrible cataclysm. But Atlantis is not only a legend. For centuries, the island has been and is still a kind of symbol of historical and archaeological science

The Indians Worshiped Light-skinned Gods - Atlanteans - Alternative View

The Indians Worshiped Light-skinned Gods - Atlanteans - Alternative View

Petr Voronkov talks about the secrets of Peru, Atlantis, Easter Island and the Canary Islands.Today we continue about the mysteries of our planet and once again we go to Peru. The question that still remains unanswered: who were the rulers of the Incas?

Thule Mystical Society. Conquerors Of The Arctic, The Fight For Hyperborea - Alternative View

Thule Mystical Society. Conquerors Of The Arctic, The Fight For Hyperborea - Alternative View

Ultima Thule - which means the distant country of Thule from ancient Greek.The mystical society Ultima Thule, created on the basis of an already existing society, the Vienai society, created by the Cistercian monk Rudolf von Liebenfels, which dates back to 1898, it was also then called the Order of the New Temple …-

The Swan Princess - Who Is It? - Alternative View

The Swan Princess - Who Is It? - Alternative View

It is difficult to find a person who would not have read Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and paid no attention to the image of the mysterious Swan Princess. This wonderful girl, with "a star in her forehead", can cope with any problems of her lover and build a rich city on a deserted island in one night

Occult Expeditions Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View

Occult Expeditions Of Alexander Barchenko - Alternative View

The story of a professor who tried to unravel the secrets of civilization and paranormal phenomena.- Salik.bizWhat are you capable of, man?Hear about Alexander Vasilievich Barchenko. An unusually interesting personality, a person who lived in the century before last and last, but around whose name the aura of mystery and admiration still does not disappear

Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View

Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View

In the photo: This manhole "under the lake", discovered and photographed during the first expedition of Barchenko, subsequently was never found by anyone

Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 2 - Alternative View

Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 2 - Alternative View

Perhaps, traces of "North Atlantis" will soon be discovered on Green Island. This summer, an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society is sent to the largest island in the world

Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View

Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View

Perhaps traces of the "North Atlantis" will soon be found on Green Island. Mikhail Gershtein, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society. This summer, the expedition of the Russian Geographical Society is sent to the largest island in the world

The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

By decision of UNESCO, 863, the first year of Cyril and Methodius' stay in Moravia, is recognized as the year of the creation of the Slavic alphabet. At the same time, it is considered well-known that the Slavs had no other letter before

Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View

Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View

Every year at the end of May, all Slavic countries celebrate the so-called. Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, glorifying the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius, who allegedly own the laurels of the creators of Slavic writing

"I Am A Beech (v) And I Know", Or Why Did Cyril And Methodius Destroy The Ancient Russian Writing? - Alternative View

"I Am A Beech (v) And I Know", Or Why Did Cyril And Methodius Destroy The Ancient Russian Writing? - Alternative View

Every schoolchild knows that the Russian writing system was invented by Christian scholars Cyril and Methodius. But this is rather a cultural cliché, since not everything is so simple with these wise men, who invented the alphabet for the Slavs and taught the wild pagan peoples to write this alphabet

Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius. - Alternative View

Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius. - Alternative View

As noted by many scientists, such as E. Klassen, F. Volansky, V. Georgiev, P. Chernykh, V. Istrin, V. Chudinov, G. Belyakova, S. Lesnoy, A. Asov, G. Rinevich, M. Bor , A. Ivanchenko, N

The History And Results Of Decoding The Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing - Alternative View

The History And Results Of Decoding The Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing - Alternative View

Compared to other ethnic groups in Mesoamerica, the Maya left behind the largest number of hieroglyphic texts in the classical and post-classical period. Writing frozen in stone, painting, ceramics and codes allows us to get closer and try to understand one of the most important cultures of ancient Mesoamerica

Pnevischensky Stone - A Mysterious Monument Of Pre-Christian Writing Among The Slavs? - Alternative View

Pnevischensky Stone - A Mysterious Monument Of Pre-Christian Writing Among The Slavs? - Alternative View

In 1873, a stone church was built in the town of Romanov, Goretsky district, Mogilev province. Stones for this purpose were brought from the vicinity. One stone from the village of Pnevishcha, a pyramidal granite boulder with strongly rounded edges, slightly flattened at the top, with incomprehensible signs carved on it from both sides by some iron tool

France Promises A Reward To Anyone Who Can Read The Text On The Mysterious Stone - Alternative View

France Promises A Reward To Anyone Who Can Read The Text On The Mysterious Stone - Alternative View

Not only archaeologists are destined to become the authors of sensational finds, but ordinary people, far from science, sometimes make interesting discoveries. For example, residents of a provincial village on the French coast discovered an unusual stone on a sandy beach

Galdrastavy. Galdrastafir (Galdrastafir) - Magic Rune-like Signs - Alternative View

Galdrastavy. Galdrastafir (Galdrastafir) - Magic Rune-like Signs - Alternative View

They represent several, or many, intertwined runes, often highly stylized. At the moment, they are the most poorly studied section of northern magic.The word "Galdrastav" comes from the word "galdr" - "spell", and "becoming" - "tablet" (Isl

A Nation Of Warriors. Picts - Alternative View

A Nation Of Warriors. Picts - Alternative View

Although the very fact of the existence of the Pictish people on the territory of modern Scotland is fully proven today, information about their origin and way of life is fragmentary and not always reliable. Modern researchers in their research on this issue most often rely on the preserved records of Roman historians and a few archaeological finds dating back to the period from the turn of the eras to the 900s of our era

Shklov Idol - One Of The Few Belarusian Pagan Idols - Alternative View

Shklov Idol - One Of The Few Belarusian Pagan Idols - Alternative View

In the capital of Belarus - Minsk, on Karl Marx Street, the National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus is located - the largest of all museums in terms of the number of exhibits presented in it. Among these exhibits there is one that is directly related to the times of paganism on the territory of modern Belarus - it is called the Shklov idol

The Mystery Of The Spear Of Destiny. Spear Of Longinus - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Spear Of Destiny. Spear Of Longinus - Alternative View

After Longinus thrust his spear into Jesus' side he received his sight and became a Christian saying; "Truly this man was the son of God." Longinus himself was a witness of the Resurrection of the Lord and began to preach the Kingdom of God and refused to give false testimony that the disciples had stolen the body of Christ

The Oldest Wooden Sculpture In The World Was Made Using Beaver Teeth - Alternative View

The Oldest Wooden Sculpture In The World Was Made Using Beaver Teeth - Alternative View

Researchers from all over the world gathered in Yekaterinburg to discuss the Big Shigir Idol. THE IDOL'S AGE WAS DETERMINED BY THE RINGS ON THE WOOD The Big Shigir Idol is being discussed in the Urals again

The Truth About The Creation Of The Kalashnikov Assault Rifle And The German Stg-44 Assault Rifle - Alternative View

The Truth About The Creation Of The Kalashnikov Assault Rifle And The German Stg-44 Assault Rifle - Alternative View

About AK-47 in generalThe Kalashnikov assault rifle, or as it is more often called the AK-47, is known all over the world. From its creation in 1947 and until it entered service with the USSR army in 1949, this machine gun was a mandatory participant in all armed conflicts on our planet

Turkish Armageddon. How The Ottoman Empire Perished - Alternative View

Turkish Armageddon. How The Ottoman Empire Perished - Alternative View

100 years ago, on September 19, 1918, British troops launched the most brilliant operation in the Middle East during the war - the Battle of Megiddo, or the Battle of Armageddon

Sannikov Land - Alternative View

Sannikov Land - Alternative View

For the first time about the existence of the mysterious northern territory was told by the merchant-animal dealer Yakov Sannikov, who hunted foxes and mammoth bones on the northern shores of the Novosibirsk Islands

Ancient Siberian Rus - Alternative View

Ancient Siberian Rus - Alternative View

According to the German academician G.F. Miller, Siberia “does not eat a zimle of historical food”, and there was always a Stone Age on it, up to the 17th century, which is confirmed by the “historians” of Siberia, as well as the fact that there were never any Indo-Aryans in it

Anna Anderson - An Imposter Of The Royal Family Or A Grand Duchess? - Alternative View

Anna Anderson - An Imposter Of The Royal Family Or A Grand Duchess? - Alternative View

1938 was marked by a sensational Berlin trial that attracted the attention of the entire world community

King Arthur Island - Alternative View

King Arthur Island - Alternative View

The island of Avalon is first mentioned in the Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain) by Galfrid of Monmouth

Avalon And King Arthur - Alternative View

Avalon And King Arthur - Alternative View

The legend of the English King Arthur and his Round Table is known to almost everyone. But did all this happen in reality? And where was the mysterious island of Avalon - the permanent residence of the legendary king? After all, he is not on any map

King Arthur And The Legendary Island Of Avalov - Alternative View

King Arthur And The Legendary Island Of Avalov - Alternative View

The legend about the English King Arthur and his Round Table is known to many. But did all this really happen? And where was the mysterious island of Avalon, where the legendary king lived? Did it exist? After all, he is not on any map

King Arthur And The Mysterious Island Of Avalon - Alternative View

King Arthur And The Mysterious Island Of Avalon - Alternative View

King Arthur and his Round Table … Is this a chivalric romance, a beautiful legend or a historical fact? And has there ever existed in the world the mysterious island of Avalon, where the legendary king supposedly lived? After all, not a single geographical map confirms this. H

Found A Mysterious Ancient Manuscript About King Arthur - Alternative View

Found A Mysterious Ancient Manuscript About King Arthur - Alternative View

In the archives of the central library of Bristol (England), a 13th century manuscript was discovered containing a previously unknown version of the story of King Arthur and Merlin. Reported by The Guardian

The Legend Of King Arthur: Myth Or Truth? - Alternative View

The Legend Of King Arthur: Myth Or Truth? - Alternative View

About King Arthur, the hero of numerous medieval novels, poems, legends, and in our time - - and films, everyone has heard. But is the story of this king a fiction, or did he really live?

King Arthur's Round Table Could Have Been A Roman Amphitheater - Alternative View

King Arthur's Round Table Could Have Been A Roman Amphitheater - Alternative View

The legendary castle of King Arthur Camelot really existed and was located in the west of England - British researcher Nick Knowles came to this conclusion, according to the BBC