Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View

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Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View
Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View

Video: Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View

Video: Entrance To Hyperborea - Alternative View
Video: MetalRus.ru (Progressive Metal). NЕФЕЛIМ — «Hyperborea» (2021) [Single] 2024, October

In the photo: This manhole "under the lake", discovered and photographed during the first expedition of Barchenko, subsequently was never found by anyone.

In one of the most mysterious places on the Kola Peninsula - Seydozero - the entrance to the legendary land of Lapland sorcerers was discovered. For more than 80 years, scientists have been striving to penetrate into it, but only today there is a real opportunity to do this

One of the first to become interested in the Russian North was Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko, a versatile and very remarkable personality. From an early age he was occupied with paranormal human abilities - the phenomena of telepathy and hypnosis. Before the First World War (1914), he even wrote two science fiction novels "Doctor Black" and "Out of the Dark".

Then his attention is drawn to the lecture course "History of Ancient Natural Science". And in 1921, on the instructions of the St. Petersburg Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity, he went to the Kola Peninsula to study the rituals of Lapland shamans and the mysterious phenomenon of "measuring", or, as this phenomenon was called uch. nye, polar psychosis. Under his influence, residents were removed from their homes and rushed to the north. Looking ahead, it should be noted that in 1925, under the Special State Political Administration (OGPU), under the leadership of Barchenko, a neuroenergy laboratory was created. The security officers were in dire need of research into the influence on the consciousness of people and "facilitating" the extraction of classified information. But in 1937 the laboratory was closed, and its employees for the company with the "enemies of the people" were repressed or shot. But this is a “shock decade.

Officially, Barchenko was listed as an employee of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, headed by the "iron Felix" (F, E. Dzerzhinsky). But in fact, he read lectures on the occult to the workers of the Lubyanka and was engaged in research in this area. He was provided with significant funds, but the main thing is unlimited access to the archives … The scientist had to find evidence that the universal cosmic mind lies at the heart of our civilization. According to Barchenko's hypothesis, mankind originated in the North during the so-called Golden Age, that is, approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. The Flood forced the Aryan tribes who lived there to leave the area of the present Kola Peninsula and move south. This bold assumption was to be confirmed by the "northern expeditions", especially to the zones of observation of anomalous phenomena.


Sami shaman tambourine with drawings - a vision of the world.


So, in 1921, Barchenko went to the Kola Peninsula in search of the legendary

Hyperborea. He was convinced that the Hyperboreans were a fairly highly developed civilization. They knew the secret of atomic energy, they knew how to build aircrafts and control them … The researcher got information about etrm from the Masonic literature available to him. He also believed that the Sami shamans who lived on the Kola Peninsula are the bearers of the ancient knowledge about Hyperborea.

Local residents said that at the foot of Ninchurt there are holes that lead to the underground.

But those who are trying to penetrate deeply are "stupid enough." Members of Barchenko's detachment found one of these manholes, even took pictures at the entrance, but did not check the "stupidity". Although they say that Barchenko himself, trying to penetrate the mysterious underground, experienced strange sensations … He came to the conclusion that this place is under the influence of unknown mystical forces … One could build all sorts of assumptions - about underground tunnels, about ground movements, about traces existing here all the same Hyperborea …

Geologists working as part of the expedition discovered rare earth and uranium ores in these places. And in 1922 they found strange hills resembling pyramids in the taiga near the famous Seydozero, at the intersection of water streams! The Sami, who used these structures for ritual purposes, said that they were built a very long time ago, in time immemorial … They also talked about the mythical stone from Orion (or, as members of various secret societies called it, the Grail stone).

According to legend, he possessed the ability to accumulate and transmit

psychic energy over distances, to come into contact with the cosmic mind …

Shaman seids were also found there - tall columns made of stones. Everyone who came into the field of action of these structures noticed weakness, dizziness, and sometimes even hallucinations. The devices recorded a decrease or increase in body weight. But the most interesting thing was the communication with the Sami shamans - Noids. They demonstrated entering a completely incomprehensible, altered state of consciousness - measuring a large number of people. It was like mass hypnosis, when people repeated each other's movements, spoke in incomprehensible languages, and prophesied. But what influenced people: the “forces” of this unique “occult” place, or did the shamans know the “secrets” of turning a person into a puppet?


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According to Barchenko, the most likely entry into the world of the Lapland shamans was the sacred place of the Lapps (Sami) - Seydozero. In the diaries of the geophysicist of the expedition D. Kondiin, a certain shaman's manhole, discovered near the lake, is described. He, according to local residents, led to the underworld. It looked like a rather narrow passage. At first, he caused anxiety among the members of the expedition, and then, when trying to penetrate into him, a feeling of growing terror. The fear was so great that none of the learned czk and could not overcome it and get into this sacred place. And one of the members of the expedition, Pilimenko, unable to withstand such a strong tension, screaming in horror, rushed to run. Old-timers told A. Barchenko that those who are trying to disturb the peace of the underworld are stopped by the curses of shamans.


Time passed, and in the footsteps of A. Barchenko's expedition another group of seekers set off - the public expedition of Moscow State University professor V. Demin. They managed to find the artifacts described in Kondiin's diaries: a road paved with NKn slabs, leading from one lake to another; drawing of a huge man with arms outstretched in a cross on the rocks of Seydozero; fallen columns. He was even lucky to find something new - the remains of an ancient observatory that escaped the attention of A. Barchenko.

But one of the most mysterious places of the Kola Peninsula - the eyes of the shamans - for several years did not come across either Demin or his colleagues.

Good luck came in 2001, when geophysicists from the Center for Regional and Geological Research "GEON" took part in the expedition. The very first measurements with radar helped to find dungeons, and where no one expected. All amateur expeditions that came to the Seydozero area stopped at a large clearing, where a paved road ended, connecting two lakes. Surveys carried out with the help of radar and the subsequent computer processing of the data obtained in the summer helped to find underground cavities at a depth of 4 meters under the meadow with a vault height exceeding 30 meters in places.

A buried tunnel was also discovered leading from the underground shelter to the opposite side of the lake to the hollows of Mount Ninchurt. Geophysicists obtained no less interesting results when studying the bottom of the lake. Scuba divers "found" strange pallet wells there. At a depth of 10 meters, they not only saw holes with a diameter of 70-80 centimeters, but also felt them with their hands. Valery Demin explains the disappearance of the manhole, once found by Barchenko's expedition, very simply.

Until the 1950s, on the other side of the island, there was an NKVD concentration camp, and in the clearing where adventure seekers and the disappeared Hyperborea come today, there were VOKHR (paramilitary security service) - auxiliary and economic services. It is possible that the camp workers, in order not to create unnecessary trouble for themselves, blew up a suspicious underground hole. The discovery of underground shelters under Seydozero is also confirmed by Lappish legends.

In 1991, an experimental article by V. Rykov about the shamans of Lapland was published. It told about the lower and lower world of Lapland. Spirits penetrated into it through numerous lakes, and for a living person there were only two entrances: one in the sheer cliffs of Mount Alluive near Lovozero, the other on the shore of Seydozero.

Recently, mysterious disappearances of individual pilgrims and even entire groups have begun in these parts. Whether they go into dungeons, whether they drown in lakes and swamps - neither the shamans nor the police can say anything definite.