Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View

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Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View
Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View

Video: Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View

Video: Cyril And Methodius Laid The Foundation For The Destruction Of Slavic Writing And Culture - Alternative View
Video: The Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. / День славянской письменности и культуры. 2024, October

Every year at the end of May, all Slavic countries celebrate the so-called. Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, glorifying the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius, who supposedly own the laurels of the creators of Slavic writing. They say the next overseas educators came to the "unreasonable and wild Slavs" and endowed them with writing.

In fact, many types of writing existed in Russia. And Cyril and Methodius not only did not create anything, but, on the contrary, successfully carried out a special operation to impoverish and simplify the Russian language, depriving the ancient Slavic alphabet of nine most important images of Russian initial letters. The purpose of this sabotage (otherwise you cannot say) was to translate the Bible for the Slavs, in whose name, subsequently, any manifestations of the primordial Slavic culture were purged.

Thus, it is more logical to call this day - the Day of the destruction of Slavic writing and culture. This is much more in line with the essence. And now let's think about who and what offers us (Ivans, who do not remember kinship) to celebrate on this day (?!)

To their shame, the Russian people have been celebrating the day (May 24) when they took away their real language and have been celebrating writing for many years. They managed to convince us that before Cyril and Methodius the Slavs did not have any letter. Moreover, this is still not really grounded opinion has long been turned into an indisputable dogma. And numerous evidence to the contrary is not taken into account, tk. this is inconsistent with the generally accepted ideological concept of the alleged backwardness of the Slavs in comparison with other peoples. Of course, this is all politics, not science.

Meanwhile, there is evidence according to which the Slavic language existed on the basis of 4 main and 2 auxiliary types of writing: da'Aryan Tyragi (Figurative Symbols that combined complex volumetric signs that convey multidimensional quantities and diverse Runes), x'Aryan Karuna (Union of 256 Runes, priestly writing), Rasenskie Molvitsy (Figurative-mirror writing), Svyatorussky Images (Initial letter), Glagolitic (trade letter), Traits and Rezes (folk letter). Now compare this diversity and depth of perception of the world - with what the strangers Cyril and Methodius "made us happy" with (!).

Moreover, Cyril himself, at one time, wrote that before creating his "alphabet" he saw the Gospels and Psalms "written in Russian letters" among the Slavs. Then what did Cyril and Methodius create? In fact, these foreign monks did not create the Slavic script as such, but a religious alphabet for the Christian church in our native Slavic lands. The monks took as a basis the ancient Slavs "Initial letter", consisting of 49 letters, threw out 5 letters from it, gave 4 more letters Greek (or Hebrew) names and began to translate Christian liturgical books from Greek into the dead language invented by them, which is popular never caught on.

Director Sergei Strizhak says the following about the primordial Slavic writing:

“Words in Russia were composed of runes and initials of images and were abbreviations with multidimensional meanings of the Universe. Therefore, the Russian language is considered word-forming, just as the chemical elements from the periodic table, combined, generate a new substance.

Promotional video:

For example, let's restore the conceptual meaning of the phrase “lifestyle”.

"O-b-b-r-az" is an abbreviation, and consists of drop caps:

He, God, Er, Rtsy, Az, Adding the meaning of each letter, we get:

He is created by God, recommended by As.

Where Az is a person, and Rtsy is speech, speech. The second letter of the Old Slavic Alphabet has several basic meanings such as - Buki (books), God, Gods.

What a beautiful result!

The word "Zhi-z-n-b" is also an abbreviation:

Belly Earth Our Er

It means:

The belly of our Earth, created from above.

Combining the words "image" and "life", we get the result:

God and Asom created one of the faces of Alive.

Or: Being in one of the qualities.

And “Alive” is the unit of life, or our true Self. It is wrong to say - my Soul, I am the Soul.

The word "Soul" should also be clarified in Russian, this is also an abbreviation:


Good originally sent multiplied by As.

Now consider the image of "God":


God Verbs Created.

Manifesting thought through the word.

The word "debt" means:

Good One To People To Verb Co-creator (to transmit).

As you know from the ABC, a person is Az, a person has the will to multiply the good that was originally sent, that is, through labor to grow the soul and soar spiritually.

The meaning of the word "Myself":


Behold, there is a God Image.

That is, a descendant of the Gods.

And now about the divine image of the ancient Slavic word "Love":

L J B O V b

People of God Know.

Let's now analyze the "Rod" image:

R O D b

Uttering He Creates Good.

One of the 49 images of the initial letter R - Patsy is Speech - Speak - Speak, as well as the connection of the earthly and heavenly.

This connection is an instant information exchange between the Explicit and the Spiritual worlds through the word. A word is a material spoken thought.

And God is the one who consistently transfers the knowledge and traditions of his Kin in the infinite Universe created and supported by Him - which is perfection.

The one who distorts perfection and harms it is doomed to loss of awareness and genetic mutation, for ignorance is evil. This is how the resonances between the earthly and the heavenly fade and the principle of the correspondence of similarities is violated, and in Russian it can be expressed very simply: What you sow, so you reap.

Our current state cannot be called divine, but a Russian has a will and always has a choice: to work for aliens or to cooperate with friends and relatives in spirit and blood.

And although we are already accustomed to someone else's way of life, it is time to remember our true likeness, and our roots.

And now you can independently learn and find out the meaning of each Russian word. To do this, simply break the word into drop caps and substitute the corresponding images from the ancient Slavic Az Buki to them.

This is the real Co-Creativity leading you to the Joint Vedana of Being, which will nurture an eternal soul and fill your whole life with awareness, meaning and happiness."

To the above, it should be added that the subsequent reform of the Russian language in 1917 by Lunacharsky further cut the Russian language. Lunacharsky not only abbreviated the alphabet again, but also replaced all letter images with phonemes. The alphabet disappeared and was replaced by the alphabet. Az Buki Vedi The verb Good is not a-be-ve-ge-de. And what does it mean to violate the Lud, which has been recreated for centuries in the ABC?

This means violating the logic of the composition of the word in the culture of Slavic thinking.

That is, to distort the sacred and national basis of the people.

Russian writing has existed for several tens of thousands of years

Today, the "Russians", whose chronicle memory is being slaughtered and shredded by all and sundry, will once again be reminded of the so-called "Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture." It is completely normal for modern Russia to celebrate the day from which the Slavic writing and culture began to gradually distort and replace it with Greek, Byzantine, Jewish and other foreign cultural borrowings (i.e., actually destroy).

One of those who did not want to be Ivan, who does not remember kinship, was the scientist Valery Chudinov. He is known for deciphering the Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabic writing - Runitsa; read over 2,000 inscriptions to date; proved the existence of three own types of writing among the Slavic peoples - Cyrillic, Glagolitic and Runits (the presence of three own types of writing among the Slavic peoples is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of culture and shows the presence of the highest spiritual culture among the Slavs in antiquity), discovered that secret inscriptions were made in the Slavic runic in many drawings of German books, since the Slavic language, as it turns out, was the ancient sacred language of Europe; proved that Cyril created the Christian letter ("Cyrillic") by combining the Slavic alphabet that has existed for many millennia and the Greek alphabet,actually "legalizing" Slavic writing, which made it possible to translate Christian texts from Greek while preserving their sacred meaning.

Chudinov found secret sacral inscriptions in Slavic runica both on Greek medieval (VX centuries) icons and on ancient Greek (VI-II centuries BC) vases. Also found are inscriptions from more ancient eras up to the Paleolithic. Reading them sheds light on the history of the development of Slavic mythology and culture over the past 30,000 years. Studying numerous religious objects, Chudinov discovered data on the presence of Slavic culture in space (from the coast of Portugal to the Trans-Ural Arkaim) and in time (from the Neolithic to the first half of the 17th century), which led to a sensational conclusion: Eurasian culture is the culture of the Slavs, and Eurasia is this is Russia.

Based on the research that Professor Chudinov described in the book "Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs," the conclusion suggests itself that the Russian language is one of the oldest languages on Earth and one of the pillars of all languages. The results of these studies can, without any exaggeration, be called sensational and capable of radically changing modern ideas about the history of Eurasian countries and the influence of the ancient culture of the Slavs on the entire European (and, probably, on the entire world) civilization.

From an interview with Professor Valery Alekseevich Chudinov at KM. RU:

Your discoveries are very serious, they absolutely stand out from the understanding of history to which we are accustomed …

“This is only part of a larger plan. And my creative plan is to prove that Slavic writing, and above all Russian writing, has existed for at least several tens of thousands of years.

Why did no one get such results before, before you, because the research was probably carried out?

- Indeed, many researchers took on the task, but they simply drowned in a heap of facts. What distinguishes me from them is that I proceed from the existence of pre-Cyrillic writing as a given, and not one system of writing of the Slavs, but many, of which one, namely the syllabic runic, is not only known to me by the fact of its existence, but after its decipherment gave me the opportunity read and understand many texts. Today I have read over 1,500 of them and every month I read a dozen new ones. And now the logic of the historical development of Slavic writing began to emerge. Now it is quite obvious that our ancestors for many millennia possessed the traditions of writing, very thoughtful and perfect in their own way - and this at a time when most European peoples could not write and read.

Incredible. How do your fellow scientists view your discoveries?

- The first reaction of people who become aware of the results of my research: it cannot be! And their surprise is understandable. It is simply unprofitable for scientists to admit this - it breaks many stereotypes and established views and does not make them too happy, since they still say that the Slavs did not have an original letter before the Cyrillic alphabet. Therefore, the very problem of pre-Cyrillic writing turns out to be almost a scientific heresy, and the defender of such views appears to be a daring impostor of a scientist. Therefore, major researchers have avoided solving this problem. I also did not immediately decide to publish my works. Unfortunately, Russia did not find its own decoders. This is explained not so much by the weakness of Russian science as by its position: the tone in history was set by the Germans, adherents of the Norman theory,according to which Russia borrowed from the Scandinavians not only princes and statehood, but also writing. In general, this problem, in my opinion, even has a serious political connotation, as it forces us to reconsider the place of the ancient Slavs throughout history. Throughout the territory - from Great Britain to Alaska - Russians lived in the Stone Age.

Based on your research, can we conclude that the Slavic language, and therefore the Russian language, is one of the oldest languages on Earth?

- So far, it turns out that way, but the fact is that I did not touch on, say, the southern regions of Asia: maybe Chinese is just as ancient. But if you take the whole of Eurasia, from Great Britain to even Alaska, then all this north was indeed Russian in the Stone Age. One gets the impression that the Russian language was the same language that the Bible wrote about, that there was one language before the construction of the Tower of Babel. In fact, apparently, it is so.

As one of my colleagues said, “we live in an occupied country,” and this explains a lot. Because if you do it seriously, you will have to revise the whole story. For example, the Germans came to the Slavic territories in the 1st century AD and began to crowd out the Slavs. There are a lot of Slavic names left in Germany, one Rostock is worth something. And here's another Slavic name: Brandenburg was called Branny Bor, that is, a defensive forest.

And how is it proved that this is exactly so, and not vice versa? That earlier there was not a "Burg" with them, but here, in Russia, "Bor"?

- Firstly, you can look at the legend - the Germans as a nationality of Europe appear in the 1st century AD. They come from somewhere in Asia. Second, you can conduct archaeological excavations. There was such an anecdote: Hitler, when he had already begun to lose the war, decided to inspire his soldiers - to unearth something in the vicinity of Berlin, in order to say: here are our shrines, German peasants lived here before us. Dug up - all around the Slavic settlements.

Well, the Germans came in the 1st century, they lived quietly for several centuries, until they got stronger, and in the 9th-10th centuries they began to oust the Slavs with "fire and sword". For example, there was the city of Lipsk, they renamed it Leipzig, Dresden was also not originally Dresden, but something like Drozdov. All these cities were Slavic, and the Germans drove all the Slavs out of there. The second phase, when the gradual Germanization of the remaining Slavs began, the Germans began to make fun of them. For example, during the Renaissance, they wrote books like "Ship of Fools": when you start reading, you see - everywhere it says "Slav". All fools are Slavs. This was the beginning of their moral displacement. And finally, take the 19th century, when the German historical school appears. And in this German historical school there are two provisions. The first position: who first came to Europe, that Europe belongs. And the second position: the Germans were the first to come to Europe. Everything else follows from this. Further - Peter the Great did not live to see the opening of the Academy of Sciences all year. In fact, Ekaterina II took over the complete set of the Academy of Sciences. Russian historical science was headed by three people - Miller, Bayer, Schletser. What could they say about Russian science? They said so: Russia had no statehood in the Middle Ages, they borrowed it from the Germans. When we start looking, in the 9th and 10th centuries we already had statehood, the Germans did not yet have it. We could not borrow it from them for one simple reason - it simply was not there. Russian historical science was headed by three people - Miller, Bayer, Schletser. What could they say about Russian science? They said so: Russia had no statehood in the Middle Ages, they borrowed it from the Germans. When we start looking, in the 9th and 10th centuries we already had statehood, the Germans did not yet have it. We could not borrow it from them for one simple reason - it simply was not there. Russian historical science was headed by three people - Miller, Bayer, Schletser. What could they say about Russian science? They said so: Russia had no statehood in the Middle Ages, they borrowed it from the Germans. When we start looking, in the 9th and 10th centuries we already had statehood, the Germans did not yet have it. We could not borrow it from them for one simple reason - it simply was not there.

It turns out that we took the writing from the Germans. How could we take their writing from them, if when they arrived, they did not have any writing? There are so-called Germanic runes, but they took them from the Slavic Wends, and the Wends took them from the Wends. And again what happened to the Germans was a product of Slavic creativity. But the Germans all the time say the opposite. And they pushed history aside. Before that, in the 16th century, not only we, but also the Poles Stroyakovsky, Belsky clearly write that the Russians helped not only Alexander the Great, but also his father Philip. Catherine the Great also refers to them, and they write that the Russians had a letter long before Rurik. For their help to Alexander the Great, a golden letter was given to them, but it got to Constantinople, then the Turks occupied Constantinople, and the Turks stoked the baths with these documents, and the letter was lost. Indeed, it was so, one Bulgarian ambassador was lucky, who at random bought one cart of papers, then it turned out that these were the papers of the ancient Bulgarian kingdom, and they acquired several centuries of written history. Therefore, it turns out even officially that the history of Russians is the IV century BC (Alexander the Great). But if you take now any textbook of Slavic history, they tell you: excuse me, the earliest is the 5th century AD. That is, we simply cut off 9 centuries.sorry, the earliest is the 5th century AD. That is, we simply cut off 9 centuries.sorry, the earliest is the 5th century AD. That is, we simply cut off 9 centuries.

Now take modern Ukrainian historiography: it writes that the Kiev state was Ukrainian, all the princes were purely Ukrainian. So after all, there was no Ukraine. Ukraine appears only in the 16th century. This was the Polish outskirts. When the Grand Duchy of Lithuania united with Poland, the Commonwealth appeared, and then these lands entered as the outskirts. In general, Ukraine is an artificial education. If we follow the Ukrainian historiography, then Russia appeared not even from the V, but from the XIV century. And we are now only six centuries old. I have the impression that this is one historical model - some people come to the Slavic land, take this land, drive out the Slavs from there with fire and sword, transfer the rest into their culture, these people begin to speak this language. And after a while, armchair historiography appears.

So, maybe the Russians, the Slavs are so weak, since someone comes and drives them out?

- They are not weak, they are kind.

You say that Latin came out of the Russian language?

- Since the whole of Eurasia was occupied not only by the Slavs, but by the Russians, it is quite clear that any people who came were involved in this culture and, above all, in this language. Jaroslav Kesler writes that all Romance languages are just a distorted Slavic language. You scratch any European words a little and get Russian. In my books, I give such examples, although there are thousands of them.

What sources do you use? How does the process of decrypting and reading ancient texts generally take place?

- In my last monograph “Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs” I present more than 200 illustrations of such objects - from stones to temples. On these stones and stone structures you can see these inscriptions, anyone can double-check it with some diligence. The fact is that for better contrast it is necessary to invert black into white and vice versa, then the inscriptions look much more contrasting and are easier to read. In the book, I present images of stones and structures on the territory of modern Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Italy. I understand the surprise and probable distrust of my words, but I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material of at least one of this book. I am surethe reader will be completely satisfied with my proofs and the obtained research results and will discover the amazing world of the ancient Slavs.

Thank you very much, Valery Alekseevich! We wish you new creative discoveries

- Thank.
