Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View

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Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View
Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Was Hyperborea In Greenland? Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: A Theory You've Never Heard Of | Michael Robinson | TEDxUniversityofHartford 2024, October

It is possible that traces of "North Atlantis" will soon be found on Green Island

Mikhail Gershtein, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society

This summer an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society is leaving for the largest island in the world. Experts will test the hypothesis that Greenland is a fragment of the mainland that went under water due to the fall of an asteroid 8 thousand years ago.

The legendary sunken continent at the North Pole - Hyperborea, or Arctida - is becoming more popular than Atlantis. It is known that even 8 thousand years ago the tops of the mountain ranges, now hidden under the ice of the North Pole, stuck out above the water. But they clearly do not "pull" to the mainland. And, perhaps, the clue will be unexpected: the mainland did not sink completely, and they were looking for it in the wrong place …

Hindus believe that their ancestors lived in Svalbard

In ancient myths, a certain continent in the Far North is considered the abode of the blessed, or the ancestral home, from where different peoples came. The Indian epic "Mahabharata" mentions that "in the north of the Sea of Milk (Arctic Ocean - Ed.) There is a large island of Shvetadvipa, the land of the blessed, where the Center of the World revolves around the Sun, Moon and Stars."