The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View
The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

Video: The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View

Video: The Origins Of The Bloodthirstiness Of Western Civilization - Alternative View
Video: The Origins of Western Civilization 2024, October

Have you ever thought about why the collective West is screaming so amicably and heart-rendingly about the "Russian threat" and breeding a bunch of false fakes about our country and people? Do you think that the whole point is in our current government? But they didn't guess. This pathological Russophobia and false information campaign was carried out against us as in the days of the USSR. so in the days of the Russian Empire and even the Muscovy. And it is possible that in earlier times. Moreover, under any government, except for the one that licked the ass of its Western masters and, at their behest, unanimously ruined and plundered the country, as it was during the “great turmoil” and in the 1990s under the liberoid pro-American regime. By the way, the bloody regime, which shot from tanks the legally elected parliament of the country, but at the same time, considered in the West "democratic" and not "totalitarian".

Why such pharisaism among the Western ruling elites, and especially the Anglo-Saxon, is also quite understandable. With this degree of Semitization, there could be nothing else. For it is known that Christ also denounced Pharisaical duplicity precisely among the Jews. And now it is the Jewish banking clans that have become related to all the ruling dynasties and "rule" this very collective West. And it is they who own all the leading Western media, splashing the poisonous Russophobic saliva of their outright fakes. In the same way, they also finance many of our Russophobic fake "opposition" media. But we are not talking about them now.

And that bloodthirstiness is a characteristic feature of almost the entire Western civilization, which came from the time of the cattle-breeding cultures of the Indo-Europeans, who just differed from the agricultural cultures of the Rus and Slavs. Here is what A. Tulupov writes about this in the book "The Rod of the North":

Religions based on bloody sacrifice are always Satanism. And it lies at the basis of Western culture and ideology, no matter what outwardly bland facades it is covered up. But the two-faced pharisaism of the Western "elites" is a reflection of their own image. It is not for nothing that each person judges others by himself, and “Stop the thief! - the thief himself shouts the loudest. Here is the real essence of the screams about the "Russian threat" with which they are trying to disguise their aggressive designs towards our country. Well, the bloodthirstiness of the same Anglo-Saxons surpasses all other civilizations of the Western world.

Indeed, long before the Nazis, they kept citizens of Soviet Russia in concentration camps in the Russian North occupied by them during the intervention. And the concentration camps themselves are a purely Anglo-Saxon "invention", which they used during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. And the nearly exterminated Indians of North America? And what about the oppression and even genocide of indigenous peoples in the British colonies? Here is the real face of that very "Western democracy", the consequences of which we see in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria. This is what our venal pro-Western liberoids stand up for and what they want for our country and people when they tell us tales about the "values" of Western democracy, which are actually based on massive human sacrifices in the form of revolutions, wars, terrorism and all types of armed conflicts,provoked by "democratizers" around the world.

But is all this necessary for the descendants and heirs of the luminous solar cults of Arctida-Hyperborea and its agricultural culture? And is it not because the Russians always “harness for a long time” because by their nature they are not bloodthirsty and easy-going? That is why before the German-Romanov yoke (real, as opposed to the "Mongol-Tatar"), there was never slavery in our country, and captive enemies were used for several years as workers on an equal basis with other members of the community, and then they were given a choice: to stay in the community or return to their homeland, but after the oath never to fight Russia again. And with all this, it was us that the false Pharisees at all times presented as "aggressive" and "threatening Western civilization."But in reality, this threat consists in our rejection of the parasitic satanic “values” of the West and our unwillingness to follow it into the “Sodom and Gomorrah” of modernity, the fate of which will repeat itself again in the new, coming era of Light.

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