God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View

God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View
God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View

Video: God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View

Video: God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View
Video: 11 July 2021 2024, October

Wild turkey saved American colonists

from starvation. In memory of this

an event in gratitude to the americans

killed and eaten every year

Thanksgiving, millions of turkeys …

God forbid you to do something good to these people!

You didn't notice how interesting is human gratitude. And the gratitude of the peoples is generally an ephemeral thing. I also wrote about the gratitude of the countries of Eastern Europe in "Remembers the Saved World?" Let me remind you of this only one thing - "In total, the Soviet Army paid for the liberation of Europe with the lives of about 1 million people." You know how they are now thanking.

And what about Western Europe and the United States? How are they with gratitude? Let's get a look.

Promotional video:

Civil war in the United States, there is a possibility of intervention in the war on the side of the southerners of England and France. British ships have already begun to arrive at some southern ports. Two Russian squadrons are saving the situation, one Atlantic under the command of Rear Admiral Lesovsky, and Pacific under the command of Rear Admiral Popov. The appearance of our ships sobered the British and French, and they did not dare to intervene in the war.

W. Seward.

In addition to the demonstration of force, the Russian sailors also provided other assistance to the owners: for example, the crews of the ships of the Popov squadron took part in extinguishing a giant fire in San Francisco on October 23, 1863.

And already in the second half of the 1880s - early 1890s, radical changes took place in public opinion in the United States - to the transition from traditional views of the Russian Empire as a friendly power to the so-called crusade for "free Russia." Funding and asylum of various nihilist movements begins. In general, their gratitude knows no bounds.

Historian V. V. Noskova.

In 1900-1902. American naval theorist Rear Admiral AT Mahan developed a theory of "containment" of Russia as a powerful "continental" power by creating a block of "sea" states led by the United States.

You see how grateful people are. And our squadrons would not help them, and there would be no USA.

The war with Napoleon is ending, we are allies with England. In France, with the help of Russian bayonets, the Bourbon dynasty is being restored. France becomes allied with Russia. In 1818, troops were withdrawn from the territory of France. And after 36 years, the Crimean War begins against us, just the same England and France. After the end of this war, relations are warming again, Russia and France sign a military agreement and become allies. But at the same time, when the Russian-Japanese war began, the French immediately said that this agreement did not apply to the Asian region. Such a feint with the ears. But England and the United States did very well there. Almost the entire armored fleet of Japan was built at the shipyards of England, at the shipyards of England and the United States, cruisers and destroyers were built. The Japanese army was taught by German, English, American instructors. Japan was financed by the same banks that supported the money of the "Russian" revolutionaries - the bank "Kuhn, Leeb and Co" (Schiff), associated with the Warburgs and Rothschilds, were involved in the financing of the Japanese and the Rockefellers, Morgan. You know how it all ended.

Then we are being dragged into a war that we absolutely do not need, a war for British and French interests. Yes, I'm talking about the First World War. Not only did we have our own front, but we also sent the Expeditionary Force of the Russian Army to France. At the beginning of the war, the German army was active on the Western Front. On August 16, the Belgian fortress of Liege fell, and on August 20, the Germans took Brussels. The French troops, with the support of the British Expeditionary Force, could not hold back the well-oiled German machine and suffered one defeat after another. The French command, in complete despair, turned to Russia with a request to launch a large-scale offensive in the east as soon as possible.

French Ambassador to Russia Maurice Paleologue.

The Russian authorities have yielded and are throwing the armies of the North-Western Front into a not fully prepared offensive. The result was the salvation of Paris … … and the complete rout of Samsonov's 2nd army. The Germans captured almost 90 thousand prisoners. The number of killed soldiers from the Russian side exceeded 30 thousand. And in gratitude for everything, we received the intervention and the Mudyug concentration camp.

World War II. The West raised Hitler's "fighting hamster". He sent him to the East in every possible way. The Soviet Union grinds the main power of the Third Reich. After crushing Japan and liberating China. In gratitude, the West begins to make plans - "Unthinkable", "Dropshot", "Chariotir" and so on. The plans were supposed to achieve the defeat of the USSR primarily due to massive nuclear bombing of Soviet territory. One of the goals of the nuclear bombing was the physical destruction of the population. As you can see, no one was ashamed of expressing gratitude.

At the end of the 80s, our elite surrendered the Warsaw Pact Organization and destroyed the Soviet Union. And the West, with tears of gratitude, first rakes up the former ATS countries, and then takes over the post-Soviet space. Western structures are actively involved in plundering Russia. Then September 11th. We go to meet them. We are even creating a transit route for NATO through our territory. In gratitude we receive the US bases in Central Asia and the Pentagon biological laboratories along the perimeter of our borders. And after that the war of three eights. Well, this is not enough for them. 2014 - Ukraine. So this is also not enough. ISIS appears (banned in Russia), but what do you think they were grown for? It is not difficult to understand, in the same way Gulbeddin Hekmatyar and Osama bin Laden were raised. And when we left Afghanistan in the 89th, these thugs came to Tajikistan, came to the Caucasus. So ISIS is the same old song about the main thing. Now they will be hysterical from the fact that we are mastering the Arctic, the Japanese are encouraged about the Kuriles. You can endlessly enumerate their actions. Yes, you yourself see everything that is happening in the world, and against whom are the sanctions and negative rhetoric directed.

So God forbid you to do something good to these people!