The Darkest And Coldest Place In The Universe - Alternative View

The Darkest And Coldest Place In The Universe - Alternative View
The Darkest And Coldest Place In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Darkest And Coldest Place In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Darkest And Coldest Place In The Universe - Alternative View
Video: "The coldest place in the Universe" Among Us Meme Explained (Coldest place in the Universe is sus !) 2024, September

The darkest place in the Universe where there is no light from stars and galaxies - the Eridani Supervoid (Relic Cold Spot), the so-called Supervoid was discovered in 2004, it is located at a distance of 3,000,000,000 light years from Earth.

If you zoom out, then all the galaxies in the Universe will become like networks or threads. Between them there are huge voids, where there are no clusters of stars, galaxies and visible matter.

If we consider the issue from a general projection, then our Universe is a network of galaxies interconnected by the forces of gravity
If we consider the issue from a general projection, then our Universe is a network of galaxies interconnected by the forces of gravity

If we consider the issue from a general projection, then our Universe is a network of galaxies interconnected by the forces of gravity.

If you place a person in such a void, then without a very powerful telescope he will not see anything but blackness. The Eridanus Supervoid stretches for 1.8 billion light years in length.

Supervoid Eridan is also considered the coldest place in the Universe. Here, the background of the CMB after the Big Bang is lower than in the rest of the universe.


Scientists argue that the Eridani Supervoid may be the imprint of another Universe, located outside ours, caused by quantum entanglement between universes, before the separation of cosmic inflation.
