Face As A Mirror Of Fate (interesting Facts) - Alternative View

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Face As A Mirror Of Fate (interesting Facts) - Alternative View
Face As A Mirror Of Fate (interesting Facts) - Alternative View

Video: Face As A Mirror Of Fate (interesting Facts) - Alternative View

Video: Face As A Mirror Of Fate (interesting Facts) - Alternative View
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Since ancient times, people have tried to judge the internal state of a person by external signs. Any self-respecting priest, shaman or healer was fluent in the science of "reading" a face, defining not only diseases, but also the character and future of a person by it … Physiognomy as a science of the structure of the face, which absorbed the wisdom of ancient civilizations, met the 20th century indefinitely dual state. Our age of precision technologies, although in some of its studies relies on this invaluable experience as a foundation, but on the other hand, it seems that physiognomy does not recognize the right to be called a science. To some extent, this is facilitated by a great variety of "popular" literature: they say, it is worth looking at a person's face, and everything will immediately become clear - a certain shape of the eyes will make you think hard, the configuration of the nose and the diagnosis at all,and there is nothing to say about the chin - it betrays its owner, as they say, with giblets!

It somehow reminds me of astrological forecasts that are printed on the last page of many publications: they say, several million Virgos around the globe are expecting monetary losses this week, and all Cancers should avoid sea travel. Unwillingly, every sane person has fully justified doubts about the reliability of such "forecasts". Meanwhile, we all know perfectly well that the science of astrology is perhaps the most ancient on Earth and in its true, not distorted foundations is distinguished by accurate to the minute and strictly individual calculations.

But back to physiognomy. It may very well be that some of her calculations will seem to us naive and, to put it mildly, dubious. But if we clear them of the raid of popularization and try to understand what the ancient scientists had in mind, then perhaps we will change our opinion about the science of "reading by faces".

Facial history

Since ancient times, people have tried to judge the internal state of a person by external signs. Any self-respecting priest, shaman or healer perfectly mastered the science of "reading" a face, defining by it not only diseases, but also the character and future of a person. 5000 years ago, the Greek thinker Hermes Trismegistus expressed a brilliant idea: "What's inside, so is outside." Our great ancestors were sure that the body does not lie, it reflects the actual state of affairs like a mirror.

Modern scientists agree with their predecessors that the outer integument of a person is a gigantic signaling system consisting of many information signs that make it possible to judge, if not about the character of a person as a whole, then certainly about the presence of certain diseases.

So, physiognomy is the doctrine of the external manifestations and signs of the observed phenomena in the human body, in its physical appearance. Traditionally, it is believed that the founder of this science is the outstanding scientist and philosopher Aristotle. He believed that by the general expression and some facial features, one can recognize the essence of an individual, assess the level of his intelligence and giftedness. However, according to some historians, long before Aristotle Pythagoras was engaged in physiognomy, and it was he who was the founder of this science.

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In the Middle Ages, individual views of physiognomists were shared and to one degree or another improved by Ibn Sina (980-1037) and a number of leading alchemists, during the Renaissance - I. Scott and Leonardo da Vinci, in the XVI-XVIII centuries - the English philosopher F. Bacon and Swiss priest, poet and artist Johann Gaspard Lavater, who eclipsed emperors and kings with his popularity as an unsurpassed physiognomist. Fans from Europe and other countries came to his performances and physiognomic sessions. Lavater published the four-volume work "Physiognomic Fragments" (1775-1778), which became a new approach to physiognomy. Lavater wrote that "faces are as readable as books are, the only difference is that they are read in a short time and deceive us less."

In the middle of the 19th century, the famous psychiatrist and criminologist, professor of the University of Turin Cesare Lombroso, whose works on physiognomy are being translated and published today, took over the baton of Lavater. Based on a study of 4,000 criminals, Lombroso came up with the theory that there are a number of facial features that indicate a person's predisposition to commit crimes.

The lion through the eyes of the Bedouins

Physiognomy developed in its own and very interesting way in the countries of the Ancient East. Here qiyafa was very popular - the art of Bedouins, who can read a human face like an open book. This skill was carefully passed from generation to generation through the male line. So, a man similar in appearance to a lion was declared brave, merciful, proud and patient

like a leopard - boastful, vindictive and treacherous

a high forehead testified to stupidity, a narrow forehead - about dexterity of movements, and bald patches - about baseness of spirit. Medium-sized eyes spoke of intelligence and good character, a fixed gaze - of poor mind. The Bedouins also attached great importance to birthmarks.

In the Middle Ages, wealthy Arabs, choosing slaves in the market, relied entirely on facial features.

And the science of the Ancient East, so popular today, based on acupuncture? This is the direct heir to the developments of oriental scientists - physiognomists, who believed that all the internal organs of a person have their own output, reflection on the external integuments.

The art of reading faces was especially developed in Japan, where today, unlike pragmatic Europe, it is in great demand.

For example, for ease of reading, the Japanese conventionally divide a person's face into three zones: upper, middle and lower.

The upper zone is the frontal part, reflects the entire life path of a person. Physiognomists receive information on this zone for a period of life from 15 to 30 years, as well as in extreme old age. The correct shape and perfect color of the forehead indicate an excellent state of mind and body.

The middle zone - from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose - represents a life course from 35 to 50 years. The harmony of this area testifies to the balance of the psyche.

The lower zone - from the tip of the nose to the chin - gives information about the period of life from 50 to 77 years. The correct forms of this site indicate a calm nature.

A historical excursion to the East would be incomplete without considering the iridodiagnostic method, a kind of culmination in physiognomy. Speaking about this relatively new and already very popular method, it must be remembered that it arose more than three thousand years ago, and its origins are rooted in the past of the ancient cultures of China, Japan, India. Having survived through the centuries, ocular divination today has been transformed into a completely scientific method of eye diagnostics.

Quarrelsome form

Both Western and Eastern physiognomists agreed on one thing: by the imprints on the human body, one can determine his fate, capabilities and protective forces. This doctrine conventionally consisted of four parts: the study of facial prints (features) - physiognomy, signs on the hand - chirology, bulges on the skull - phrenology and moles on the body - morphoscopy. Behind each of these areas are centuries of practical research. The main, the most informative direction is physiognomy.

Knowledge about a person is carried not only by facial features, but also by its shape. For example, an elongated face, the so-called "aristocratic", testifies to intelligence, sensitivity, poise, but at the same time to prudence, prudence. The round face shape is associated, in particular in Japan, with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness, gourmand, love of comfort and lack of ambition. The owner of a triangular face has a certain talent, but is distinguished by cunning, quarrelsomeness, frivolity.

And yet, for the majority, physiognomy is primarily a character reading by facial features. We will not dwell on any specific "signs", because this knowledge, as mentioned above, is largely distorted by lovers of "psychological recipes for all occasions." In order for the reader to be imbued with, if not interest, then at least respect for the ancient science, it is enough to understand the foundations on which the ancient diagnosticians relied.

The structure of the eyes, in their opinion, indicates the perception and return of energy by a person, as well as a connection with the surrounding people, their biofield. The eyes reflect the creative aspirations of the individual, they determine the spiritual principles - what a person brings to people and the world. The forehead reveals the connection with religion, philosophy, morality and morality. The hairline above the forehead is very important. The chin is an indicator of stamina, endurance and concentration, the nose - will and activity, the mouth - sensuality, softness, love, the emotional sphere of a person.

The very art of “face reading” is an individual process, largely dependent on the intellect, intuition and accumulated experience of a particular researcher.

Moles in the Sun

If we know at least something about "information signs of the face", then we probably have not even heard of morphoscopy, the art of "reading" moles and age spots on the face and body. Meanwhile, this science developed in antiquity as actively as physiognomy, and constituted a single whole in the ability to read a person like a book. According to the teachings of the ancients, the human body is divided into two parts by a vertical line: the right and the left. Relatively speaking, they are symmetrical, although in reality this is not entirely true.

Asymmetry of the sides is the most important indicator for analysis. The right half of all people corresponds to the Sun - the planet that rules the masculine principle and for men is the positively charged side. The left half of the body corresponds to the Moon - the luminary governing the feminine principle. Therefore, for women, the left half is “good,” positively charged.

According to ancient Indian teachings, imprints on the skin carry certain information about the quality of events that a person can expect. At the same time, a number of signs are distinguished: unchanged - moles and age spots, transient - warts, scars, cracks in the skin. All of them, according to morphoscopists, indicate the likelihood of some events. The detection of any imprint on a favorable half of the body (right for men and left for women) is a good prognostic sign, on an unfavorable one (left for men and right for women) - indicates a poor prognosis in fate and health.

A lot could be said about the achievements of our wise ancestors in the field of diagnostics based on the appearance of a person. And, probably, our reader accustomed to specific practical advice will be disappointed not to find them in this article. However, our goal was somewhat different - at least to try to restore the undeservedly lost respect for one of the most ancient sciences. Although there is still no consensus about what physiognomy is: science, art or teaching? But be that as it may, knowledge about the structure of the face and body is a storehouse of valuable information about the moral, emotional, and intellectual characteristics of a person. Any reader, regardless of gender and profession, would be desirable to possess such knowledge.

And finally, information for those who have never come across popular brochures on physiognomy.

An elongated face with "rectangular" outlines (the width of the forehead is about the same as the jaw) is called "thoroughbred", aristocratic. A person with this face shape is usually a good organizer, able to manage people.

"Triangular face" (with a wide forehead and tapering towards the chin) - indicates the presence of high intelligence. People with this type of face are highly sensitive. However, some of them are not alien to cunning and resourcefulness.

A "round" face indicates goodwill, friendliness, possibly compliance. Chubby people are usually cheerful, they love comfort, they are not too ambitious, as they mostly rely on a partner.

People with a "square" face know how to make decisions quickly, show tenacity and perseverance in the implementation of their plans. They are usually consistent, goal-oriented, stubborn and slightly cold people. They often give the impression of being rude, even harsh.


Severe horizontal forehead wrinkles (usually one to four) are considered a good sign - such a person can achieve significant success and recognition.

Two small straight vertical lines on the bridge of the nose indicate a tendency to organize and lead. If the vertical lines are uneven, curved, then this is an alarming sign, indicating potential aggressiveness or even some pathology.

Scattered fine, irregular wrinkles betray a heavy character, possibly viciousness.


Broad is a sign of a strong-willed nature, and sometimes a tendency to solve many problems by force, to suppress the opponent. The person with a wide chin can be sharp and rough.

People with a "square" chin are quite mercantile and often fixated on material problems. Outstanding cheekbones in combination with a square chin indicate a rebellious nature, rebelliousness, determination, masculinity.

A rounded chin is usually found in sensitive and intelligent people.

A pointed chin is a sign of cunning and entrepreneurial ability.

A person with an outstanding chin can be characterized as a strong-willed and self-confident nature.

A sloping chin gives away a weak will, sometimes a difficult, uncontrollable character. A split chin in men is an indicator of a passionate nature, it is not for nothing that such men are popular with women.


Thin ones are a sign of emotional coldness, prudence.

People with full lips are usually sensitive, love to eat well, and tend to indulge in the joys of life.

The lip line makes it possible to judge the prudence of nature - the straighter it is, the more calculating the person, and if the lips form an almost straight line, then energetic and decisive actions should be expected from their owner.

If the upper lip is thin and the lower lip is slightly protruding, this is a sign of conceit and vanity.

And the upper lip, pushed forward, and also a little swollen, indicates a good character, a willingness to make compromises.


The beautiful shape of the ears is considered a sign of outstanding spiritual qualities. The same applies to people whose ear length is equal to the length of the eyebrows or nose. Large and firm ears indicate good health and promise a long life.

If the upper part of the ear is strongly developed, this is evidence of an extraordinary mind.

the developed middle part is characteristic of people with great capabilities and energy reserves, and a large lobe serves as an indicator of health and sexual potency.

The owner of a pointed ear is usually a cunning and resourceful person.

An ear below eye level is considered a sign of mediocrity.

If the ear is located above eye level, it means that the person is smart and capable of achieving success.


A long nose is a sign of a pronounced personality.

A short one betrays a tendency towards optimism and friendliness. A person with such a nose (especially if the tip is slightly upturned) is relaxed and sexy.

A thin ("bony") nose with a hump gives out pride and stubbornness.

The tip of the nose, reminiscent of an eagle's beak, indicates a vindictive nature.


A person with beautiful eyes always attracts to him, his face is expressive. The sparkle of the eyes indicates energy, internal potential, high performance.

Large "shining" eyes - evidence of creativity, creativity, sometimes - philosophical inclinations. It is believed that the larger the eyes, the higher the emotional sensitivity.

Based on the materials of the magazine "News in the world of cosmetics". Shestakova Galina.