"Balls Of Perception" - Alternative View

"Balls Of Perception" - Alternative View
"Balls Of Perception" - Alternative View

Video: "Balls Of Perception" - Alternative View

Video: Adverbs (part 3) | class 7 2024, October

How does human perception of reality work? To understand this, one can imagine that each of them lives inside their own personal world, the center of which is. Signals from the outside world penetrate into this “home”, which we perceive with the help of our senses - sight, hearing, sensations. This information changes literally every second, filling our "ball of perception" with new data.

Nevertheless, the external world is only a certain percentage of the ball filling, the most important for us is the internal sensations and thoughts inherent in each moment and situation. Two people, being nearby, live in different worlds - each has its own ideas about life, emotions and feelings. It is because of what the sphere of perception of everyone is filled with - thoughts, feelings, goals and desires, that we all perceive the same phenomenon in different ways.

Information about the "ball of perception", "bubble of perception", etc. there is in many esoteric teachings and this is not surprising - such an analogy is quite suitable to describe the vision of the world. Also in such literature you can find the statement that "the whole world is an illusion" and "everything exists only in a person's head." I do not completely agree with this, the person has not invented the world around him, but only perceives it with the help of the possibilities available to him.

The individual process of perception looks something like this - a personal ball "floats" on the waves of information-energy space and lets in certain information from the general flow. The larger the ball of perception is in size and the fewer "filters" on its surface, the more information it has in itself will miss. The size of the ball is the potential for human development, the openness of its surface is the level of awareness.


In practice, this can be shown with this example - old people and children, living side by side in the same world, see it in completely different ways. For children, the world is full of new discoveries, they let a huge amount of information into their minds and are open to the flow of events. Despite the fact that their level of development is still low, they perceive the world with maximum intensity (hence the brightness of sensations that many later miss). Elderly people, on the contrary, being higher in development do not seek to discover anything new for themselves, therefore, even with a large size of their balls of perception, very little information gets inside.

However, even for two people of the same age and developmental level, if they are placed in the same environment, the perception will be very different. What other factors does it depend on?

The main role in this case is played by the fact that the surface of the ball is not completely "transparent". For everyone, it has an individual "pattern" and it is the passage of the general energy flow through this veil that gives rise to individual consciousness.

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An interesting question - is an absolutely objective vision of reality possible? In theory, this requires that there are no boundaries between the individual and the general information flow. That is, the ball of perception simply should not exist, since it itself is already a certain "barrier". Therefore, the most objective perception is its absence.


The sphere of perception, even with an absolute minimum of filters, still distorts the general flow within itself and cannot completely pass it.

The "pattern" on the surface of the ball through which the flow passes is formed as a result of many factors. One of the main ones is the physical and energetic characteristics of the body in which the soul lives.

The human body "by default" has its own modification of such a filter, which differs, for example, from the filter of animals or birds. Further, each individual person has personal characteristics "wound" on the standard filter. They depend on the qualities and characteristics of his soul, and give the original filter a unique modification. The more developed the soul, the more complex the pattern on the ball will be.

Vital interests, behavior, manifestation of feelings - all this is the result of perception, and this, in turn, depends on the qualities inherent in the soul. The soul, or rather its center - the so-called "Spark" (described in the article The structure of the soul) contains in a compressed form the imprints of future potential patterns, from the simplest to the most complex.

We can say that the soul of every person has access to shelves where endless films with her in the lead role are stored. If you take them out and look at the film, only small pictures with frames will be visible, but when the time comes, they can be viewed on the huge screen of the cinema.

Continuation of the topic in the article: "The structure of the soul".

Author: Viktorya Nekrasova
