Secrets of history 2024, October

Emanuel Swedenborg - Teacher Of Freemasons, Writers And Philologists - Alternative View

Emanuel Swedenborg - Teacher Of Freemasons, Writers And Philologists - Alternative View

The Swedish scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg influenced the Freemasons, as well as some writers and philologists, including the compiler of the Great Russian language dictionary Vladimir Dahl. In Russian literature, his name is conveyed in different ways: Immanuel, Emmanuel, but in his native Swedish it is pronounced Emanuel (von) Swedenborg

Masonic Project. The First Cathedral Of Christ The Savior Was Not Built Due To Corruption? - Alternative View

Masonic Project. The First Cathedral Of Christ The Savior Was Not Built Due To Corruption? - Alternative View

When they talk about the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, they mean the Moscow temple on Volkhonka. Which was destroyed and then rebuilt. But few people remember that initially he had to stand in a completely different place

Peter's Cross In Arkhangelsk - Alternative View

Peter's Cross In Arkhangelsk - Alternative View

Pre-revolutionary Arkhangelsk did not have large museums. All significant exhibits and shrines of the city were kept in the spiritual center of the city - the Holy Trinity Cathedral. However, with the advent of Soviet power, almost all the churches and monasteries of Arkhangelsk were plundered, some of them were demolished

In The Irish "Triangle Of Disappearance" For Several Years, 8 Girls Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

In The Irish "Triangle Of Disappearance" For Several Years, 8 Girls Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

In the east of Ireland, on the territory of the province of Leinster, there is an area that in the 1990s was nicknamed the "Triangle of Disappearances", since in several years 8 people, 8 women disappeared without a trace here.The women were of different ages from adolescents to 40-year-olds and of different types, and all disappeared without a trace and there were no leads to find their killers or killers (if the version with the serial maniac was correct)

Forgotten Secrets Of The Russian Magi - Alternative View

Forgotten Secrets Of The Russian Magi - Alternative View

Dahl's explanatory dictionary gives the following meaning of the word "sorcerer": "Magus, sorcerer (old) - sage, astrologer, astrologer

Zedekiah's Cave: Jerusalem's Secret Grotto And A Place Of Pilgrimage For Masons - Alternative View

Zedekiah's Cave: Jerusalem's Secret Grotto And A Place Of Pilgrimage For Masons - Alternative View

For over 300 years, Zedekiah's cave has been a legend, another story dating back to ancient Jerusalem. Until one winter of 1854, American preacher James Turner Barclay went with his son to walk the dog on the outskirts of the city. Suddenly, the dog ran after the fox's fresh footsteps along the walls of the Old City and disappeared underground

Petersburg And Masons - Alternative View

Petersburg And Masons - Alternative View

Stories about "free masons" add a mystical aura to Petersburg. There are a lot of places associated with Freemasons and Rosicrucians, visiting them will be interesting and will show new facets of the history of your beloved city.So, one of the most famous Masonic signs "the all-seeing eye" can be found on the pedestal of the Alexander Column

Revenge Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

Revenge Of The Freemasons - Alternative View

Today every schoolboy knows that the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was killed in a duel, defending the honor of his wife - beauties Natalia Nikolaevna. But what could the Freemasons have to do with this?

Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

Jacob Bruce (1670 - 1735)) - a representative of the noble Scottish family Bryusov, the younger brother of Roman Vilimovich Bruce, the first chief commandant of St. Petersburg. The ancestors of J. Bruce lived in Russia since 1647

Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View

Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View

Patrick Leopold Gordon is also known in Russia as Peter Ivanovich Gordon. March 31, 1635 Scotland - November 29, 1699, Russia) - Russian military leader, general and rear admiral. Scots by birth

Was Alexander Suvorov A Freemason - Alternative View

Was Alexander Suvorov A Freemason - Alternative View

In 1935, T. A. Bakunina's book "Famous Russian Masons" was published in Paris. The writer, who belonged to the Russian emigration, created in this book a very attractive image of the order of "free masons"

How The Hameln Pied Piper Punished The Townspeople For Their Ingratitude - Alternative View

How The Hameln Pied Piper Punished The Townspeople For Their Ingratitude - Alternative View

There are mystical legends about this German city. Hameln became famous due to the fact that more than a hundred of its little inhabitants disappeared supernaturally in one day. What are the medieval legends about?… In the 13th century, Hameln experienced a monstrous invasion of rat hordes. T

The Main Misconceptions About The Russian Language - Alternative View

The Main Misconceptions About The Russian Language - Alternative View

We think in Russian. We read books and watch films where the characters speak Russian. We are so used to the Russian language that we even believe in some common misconceptions about it. Russian language is dying Russian language has died many times

The Origin Of The Russian Mat - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Russian Mat - Alternative View

These days, foul-mouthed people can be heard everywhere: on the street and in the family, on public transport and at work, on TV screens and even in educational institutions. However, no one who uses swear words realizes how great and sometimes irreparable harm is done by such speeches both to the foul language itself and to everyone around

How Russian Tsars Fought Against Obscenities - Alternative View

How Russian Tsars Fought Against Obscenities - Alternative View

Mat in Russia has existed for centuries. Another thing is that he was banned. And there were reasons for that. The sacred essence of the mat The hypothesis that Russians borrowed obscene vocabulary from the Tatars has long been refuted by researchers

Grammar Terror. How The Bolsheviks Overthrew The Spelling Rules - Alternative View

Grammar Terror. How The Bolsheviks Overthrew The Spelling Rules - Alternative View

On January 1, 1918, the victorious proletariat introduced a new spelling and made it compulsory. The Bolsheviks, however, did not come up with anything new, but only reproduced a similar order of the Provisional Government. However, if the Provisional Government proceeded from the fact that for a long time the old and new rules would coexist, the Bolsheviks decided to carry out the reform in fact in one day

Shavrik, Ogurala And Other Curses That Disappeared From The Russian Language - Alternative View

Shavrik, Ogurala And Other Curses That Disappeared From The Russian Language - Alternative View

Our native Russian language is rich even in curses. We still use some ancient curses. For example, as everyone knows the words "scoundrel" or "scoundrel"

Holding A Candle: How Did This Expression Come About - Alternative View

Holding A Candle: How Did This Expression Come About - Alternative View

The stable expression "hold a candle" is most often used in two directly opposite contexts. If a person wants to declare that he does not know anything about the details of the intimate life of certain individuals, he says: "Did I hold a candle?"

Zorro's Secret Revealed? - Alternative View

Zorro's Secret Revealed? - Alternative View

For many years Zorro, this mysterious hero, the Spanish hidalgo, who led a second life under a black mask, full of adventure and mortal risk, was considered a fictional figure.And recently in the historical archives of Madrid, Dublin, Rome and Mexico City, the Italian scientist F

How Did Geronimo Come About! - Alternative View

How Did Geronimo Come About! - Alternative View

"Geronimo!" - with such a cry American airborne paratroopers jump from the plane. The tradition owes its origin to the Apache leader Geronimo (1829-1909), whose name inspired such fear on the white settlers that as soon as someone shouted “Geronimo!”

Where Did The Russian Language Actually Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Russian Language Actually Come From? - Alternative View

Russian language - it is one of the group of East Slavic languages, along with Ukrainian and Belarusian

On The Relationship Of The Russian Language With Sanskrit - Alternative View

On The Relationship Of The Russian Language With Sanskrit - Alternative View

On July 2, 1872, in the town of Kargopol, present-day Arkhangelsk region, Alexander Gilferding, diplomat, politician, Slavic scholar, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, died of typhoid fever. He was one of the first in Russia to study Sanskrit and the connection of this ancient Indian literary language with the Slavic languages

The Most Ancient Nazism - Alternative View

The Most Ancient Nazism - Alternative View

In our time, for some reason, it is customary to associate the Nazis, mainly, either with the Nazis or with the Bandera, in extreme cases, with the Nazi thugs from the Ukrainian volunteers. But in fact, Nazism is already more than one thousand years old and it did not originate in Germany of the last century

Money And Other Mysterious Russian Words That We Use Every Day - Alternative View

Money And Other Mysterious Russian Words That We Use Every Day - Alternative View

You know that "bee" and "bull" - close relatives? Scientists still argue about the origin of some words that we use every day, which does not prevent us from speaking these words

What Did The Russian Obscene Words Originally Mean? - Alternative View

What Did The Russian Obscene Words Originally Mean? - Alternative View

Swearing has been accompanying Russia since its inception. The authorities, social formations, culture and the Russian language itself are changing, but the mat remains unchanged

Timothy Dexter - America's Luckiest Fool - Alternative View

Timothy Dexter - America's Luckiest Fool - Alternative View

Many watched the film Forrest Gump, which tells the life story of a mentally disabled but lucky guy who managed to become a successful businessman. It turns out that he had a real prototype - Timothy Dexter

12 Russian Words That Have Changed Their Meaning In The Most Unexpected Way - Alternative View

12 Russian Words That Have Changed Their Meaning In The Most Unexpected Way - Alternative View

The Russian language has a rich history. There are cases when Russian words changed their meaning in the most unexpected way: their original meaning could be the opposite of what we are used to.- Salik.bizFreakPreviously, the word had a positive meaning

How The Russians Discovered Antarctica - Alternative View

How The Russians Discovered Antarctica - Alternative View

200 years ago, the Bellingshausen and Lazarev expedition discovered Antarctica.On January 28, 1820, the ships of the Russian fleet "Vostok" and "Mirny" under the command of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev approached the coast of Antarctica

7 Mysteries Of The Russian Mat - Alternative View

7 Mysteries Of The Russian Mat - Alternative View

Swearing has accompanied the Russian tradition since its inception. Tsarist dynasties, social formations, state structures, culture and the Russian language itself are changing, but we continue to swear

A Mysterious Artifact Was Found In The Eye Socket Of A Mummy From Peru - Alternative View

A Mysterious Artifact Was Found In The Eye Socket Of A Mummy From Peru - Alternative View

The mummies discovered five years ago on the territory of the Pachacamac archaeological site were studied using a mobile X-ray complex by scientists from the University of Western Ontario (Canada). A total of 200 remains were scanned, dating from 1100-1470

Rurik's Descendants: What Russian Surnames Do They Wear - Alternative View

Rurik's Descendants: What Russian Surnames Do They Wear - Alternative View

The Rurikovichs are a grand-ducal, and later a royal family, originating from the legendary Rurik. Their descendants can be identified by their characteristic surnames

What Russian Surnames Come From Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

What Russian Surnames Come From Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Some representatives of the Russian people have such surnames that directly indicate a specific region or even a city where their family came from

Why Did Peter I Forbid The Uneducated To Marry - Alternative View

Why Did Peter I Forbid The Uneducated To Marry - Alternative View

On January 20, 1714, Peter I, by his decree, forbade noble children who had not received state education to marry.The period of reforms of Tsar Peter I is famous not only for the appearance of the advanced army and navy in Russia at that time, and for the radical restructuring of the state apparatus

How In Russia They Chose Their Names - Alternative View

How In Russia They Chose Their Names - Alternative View

Russian name - this is a complex formula, in the history of which not everything is clear. How were the names given in Russia, what is the phenomenon of "half-name", and what were the real names of Russian tsars? We'll figure out

Why Are There So Many Ivanovs In Russia: The History Of The Famous Surname - Alternative View

Why Are There So Many Ivanovs In Russia: The History Of The Famous Surname - Alternative View

If you think about the most common surnames in Russia, Ivanov will undoubtedly come to mind first. But why has it happened so historically that this particular surname occurs more often than others, and what does it mean? We'll figure out

A Quarter Of The Male Population: Ivanovs Are Widespread In Russia For A Reason - Alternative View

A Quarter Of The Male Population: Ivanovs Are Widespread In Russia For A Reason - Alternative View

If you are asked what is the most common surname on the territory of the Russian Federation, the surname Ivanov will probably come to mind first

Why Do Russians Have Such Surnames - Alternative View

Why Do Russians Have Such Surnames - Alternative View

The first surnames among Russians appeared in the 13th century, but the majority remained "unprotected" for another 600 years. The name, patronymic and profession were enough. When did surnames appear in Russia? Fashion for surnames came to Russia from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Don't Choose Surnames? - Alternative View

Don't Choose Surnames? - Alternative View

About the benefits of narcissism, elite peasant surnames, offensive nicknames and the NEP freelancer. We continue to talk about where the surnames came from in Russia and how they were changed, if you really didn't like it. The first part

Your Last Name? - Alternative View

Your Last Name? - Alternative View

How are Yuri Gagarin and Vsevolod Bolshoye Gnezdo connected, is it worth marrying Negodyaev and what kind of sin are they carrying along with the Poluanin's surname?

How In Russia They Chose Their Surnames - Alternative View

How In Russia They Chose Their Surnames - Alternative View

Initially, in Russia, as in other European countries, residents did not have surnames. In the annals, when mentioning any Rusich, you can find only his name and an indication of whose son he is or from what land he comes from. However, the population grew and the situation changed