Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View

Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View
Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View
Video: Interslavic Language | Will Bulgarian, Polish and Croatian understand a CONSTRUCTED LANGUAGE? | #1 2024, July

It was in this language that services were conducted in the famous St. Stephen's Cathedral.

Unfortunately, only a few have read the notes of Abbot Mavro Orbini (? -1614). For non-specialists, let us explain: this is the author of the monumental work "Slavic Kingdom" (published, as is commonly believed, in Pesaro in 1601 in Italian), in which he was one of the first to try to give a generalized history of all Slavic peoples. By the way, Orbini believed that the Swedes, Finns, Goths, Dacians, Normans, Burgundians, Bretons and many other Europeans came from the Slavs.

Orbini was proud of the exploits of the Slavs, their greatness and power. It tells about the spread of the Slavs, about the invention of Slavic writing, about the ancient history of the Czechs, Poles, Polabans, Russians and especially the South Slavs. As sources Orbini used Russian chronicles, Callimachus, Cromer, Varshevitsky, Hayk, Dubravsky, as well as Byzantine, German and Venetian writings. On the personal order of Tsar Peter I, the book was translated (with abbreviations) into Russian with the title “HISTORIOGRAPHY of honoring the name, glory, and expansion of the Slavic people and their Kings and Masters under many name-names and with many Kingdoms, Kingdoms, and Provinces. Collected from many history books, through the Lord Mavroubin Archimandrite of Raguzhsky (1722).

The first page of the Russian edition of the 1722 book by Mavro Orbini
The first page of the Russian edition of the 1722 book by Mavro Orbini

The first page of the Russian edition of the 1722 book by Mavro Orbini.

Among other things, Orbini's book claims that the said "Slavic people" owned France, England, Spain, Italy, Greece, the Balkans ("Macedonia and the Illyric Land"), as well as the coast of the Baltic Sea. In addition, according to the author, many European peoples originated from the Slavs, which, as is considered today by official science, have nothing in common with their ancestors. Orbini was well aware that the attitude of historians to his work would be negative, and he wrote about this in his book (we cite a Russian translation): “And if any of the other nations will oppose this true description out of hatred, I call to witnesses the historians, whose list I am attaching them, which in many of their historiographic books mention this matter."

We will not retell in detail the entire work of Orbini (where the list of primary sources alone occupies an impressive volume), but we will dwell on only one curious aspect. So, Mavro Orbini reports: “From that time (ie from the time of Cyril and Methodius. - Ed. Note) still today (ie at the end of the 16th century, as the author believes. - Ed. Note.)) The priests of the Liburnian Slavs, subject to the Archiduk Noritsky, serve the Liturgy and other divine rules in their natural language, without knowing the language of Latin, especially the Noritsky Princes themselves used SLAVIC LETTERS in folk letters, as if seen in the Church of St. Stephen in Vienna (here Russian the translation of 1722 is slightly updated).

Coat of arms of the Roman emperors of the Habsburg family
Coat of arms of the Roman emperors of the Habsburg family

Coat of arms of the Roman emperors of the Habsburg family.

We repeat: we are talking about the famous Catholic Cathedral of St. Stephen in Vienna, which is the national symbol of Austria and the symbol of Vienna itself. It turns out that in Austria in the 16th century (namely in this century Vienna, according to the official version, became the capital of the multinational state of the Austrian Habsburgs - the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire), they still wrote in SLAVIC! And the church services were conducted in the SLAVIC LANGUAGE! Moreover, the inscriptions in the Slavic language were adorned not just anywhere, but in the cathedral - St. Stephen's Cathedral. The cathedral still stands and is well known to everyone, but you will not find Slavic inscriptions there. Obviously, the authors of the theory of New Chronology Anatoly Fomenko and Gleb Nosovsky believe in their book "Slavic Conquest of the World", the inconvenient letters were "carefully" destroyed by reformers in the 17th-19th centuries,so that they no longer remind the inhabitants of Vienna of their "wrong" Slavic past.

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Anatoly Fomenko (left) and Gleb Nosovsky
Anatoly Fomenko (left) and Gleb Nosovsky

Anatoly Fomenko (left) and Gleb Nosovsky.

And this is just one of the striking examples cited by Orbini. Note that it does not even concern the distant past, but the times of Orbini himself. In this case, the author is not a chronicler, but a living witness of the events that took place.