Could Tutankhamun's Tomb Be Fake? - Alternative View

Could Tutankhamun's Tomb Be Fake? - Alternative View
Could Tutankhamun's Tomb Be Fake? - Alternative View

Yes, there really is such a version. Let's start in order. If my memory serves me, they found it on the territory of the Valley of the Kings in 1922. And the archaeologist Howard Carter made this discovery.

And here is the first oddity - Carter claims that the robbers entered the burial chamber in ancient times, but did not take anything out of here. Also on the wall in the tomb was found the inscription “Death will quickly overtake the one who will disturb the peace of the dead ruler! …

And it seems like this curse really came true - within 8 years after the discovery of the tomb, all archaeologists died. Everyone except Carter himself. There were a lot of versions there, to the extent that the cunning Egyptian priests placed some deadly bacteria in the tomb.


So, let's begin. In 1917, Carter announced his intention to find the tomb of the famous Tutankhamun. And he began to dig IMMEDIATELY IN THE SAME PLACE WHERE IN FURTHER I FOUND THIS Tomb. He dug for a long time - until 1922 he could not find anything. However, on November 3, 1922, Carter discovered the stone steps.

They were cleared of dirt and the archaeologist found it to be part of some ancient tomb. Everything was cleared and already on November 23, the archaeologist stood in front of the entrance to the burial. It would seem - dig, dude. Once I found what I was looking for. But Carter makes an unexpected decision - he orders the whole thing to be covered with sand back, and he himself leaves for Cairo.

The reason for his departure was some important organizational issues that Carter needed to solve. Excavations continued only from December 16. However, the first artifacts from the tomb were only brought to the surface on December 27.


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What is it - is the sand dug so slowly that it took them 11 days? For the removal of ancient artifacts, a special railway was built, which began on May 13, 1923.

And a week later, the first batch of treasures went to Cairo. The door to the tomb of the pharaoh himself was opened only on February 17, 1923. However, even here Carter makes a strange decision - to suspend the excavation. They continued only a few years later - in the winter of 1926.

And from the very beginning of the excavation, there was a rumor about the curse of the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1923, the first archaeologist died - from blood poisoning during careless shaving. It was followed by a whole series of mysterious deaths, and by 1930, only Carter survived.


What do you think it looks like? Personally, it seems to me that this is the purposeful elimination of witnesses to their falsification. But this is just my opinion. For a long time, no one even dared to at least ask the question that the tomb of Tutankhamun could be a fake.

And in vain, did you know that she is the only unbroken tomb in the Valley of the Kings? In addition, it is really very small, and its layout is strange, unlike any other Egyptian tomb.

The next odd thing is why the excavation took so long? Why did it take five long years? Why didn't Carter let his colleagues open the sealed doors, forcing them to study the things they had found once again?


And for what purpose did he need to build a separate railway for the export of valuables? Just look at the quality and safety of the found artifacts - they just look perfect. As if they were made yesterday. But what is interesting is that the inner coffins were badly damaged by dampness. The outer coffin is not.

What does this mean? Personally, it seems to me that they could well have been stored separately and in a completely different place. And then they were simply brought to the tomb and the whole thing was collected.


In the tomb, the researchers found as many as four (!) Chariots, which by no means could have been brought into the door. Were they sawed with a saw, and then glued again? But the very state of Tutankhamun's mummy was simply awful - and this is another oddity.