About The Secret World Government - Alternative View

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About The Secret World Government - Alternative View
About The Secret World Government - Alternative View


At present, the existence of a secret world government is no longer in doubt. There are deep studies of enthusiasts, the activities of members of the world government.


The secret world government has existed since ancient times. The first mention was about the Egyptian priests who possessed secret knowledge, with the help of which they controlled the pharaohs and the people.

In the Middle Ages, the secret government in Europe was disguised as clergy: popes, cardinals, who initiated the crusades and the Inquisition. Hiding behind the name of Christ and God, they destroyed all dissenting and enlightened people. Wars were waged with a true goal, which was the appropriation of material values. The Church was richer than the kings and rulers of countries. She controlled the politics of states.

In response to the dictates of the church, secret societies began to appear, which proclaimed noble goals: freedom, equality, brotherhood. Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Illuminati were originally created for noble purposes. Liberation from the mediation of the church in communion with God, reducing the influence of the church fathers in politics and economics, enlightenment, serving the people. All these organizations at the beginning of their existence united influential people of advanced, revolutionary views.

The Freemasons essentially created America, its first constitution and declaration of human rights. Almost all of America's first presidents were members of numerous Masonic organizations and possessed secret knowledge.

However, there were many different branches, lodges and other divisions. They mixed and new ideologies were born. In the end, an order emerged, the ideology of which was based on the exclusivity of the members of the order and world domination.

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A huge role in the implementation of the idea of world domination was made by the views of Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Illuminati Order in 1776 in Europe. The Illuminati have teamed up with the Freemasons. Subsequently, the order was banned in Europe, but the ideas of the founder received a response in the Masonic lodges of America.

However, the idea of world domination was carefully concealed and revealed only to members of high degrees of initiation. Gradually, the Freemasons united with the worshipers of the Devil, as their ideas of world domination coincided.

The rituals of the Freemasons became more and more like the rituals of the Satanists. A branch called "skull and bones" appeared. This organization exists to this day and currently unites the leading and influential elite of the Illuminati and Freemasons. This includes famous influential and wealthy politicians and businessmen.

Secret Devil

Today, the Great Architect served by the Freemasons and Illuminati is the Devil. And members of the secret society are chosen to carry out the ideas of the Devil in life. Their task is to control the material side of life, creating the opposite polarity to the spiritual side of life.


The Demon Hierarchy was created first and is responsible for enlightenment and development on the Higher planes. Its leader Lucifer "carrying Light" is the Light God on the Highest plane. On the higher planes, evil does not exist, since there are no polarities.

And in our dense world, everything changes to the opposite. The polarity of all things is manifested, this is the duality of our dense world. It is the presence of opposites that allows the intellect to develop through comparison and conscious choice.


The philosophical law of the "unity and struggle of opposites" is our reality. And in her Lucifer becomes the Devil. And here his task is to distort information, hinder spiritual development, replacing concepts.

The devil and his servants, members of the secret World government create for people the negative polarity of all things. Everything dark, destructive on the planet is created by members of the secret World Government.

They work as efficiently as possible, despite the fact that many of them do not work consciously. Runs a secret world government, someone who calls himself an ancient descendant of the ruling dynasty. He told about himself and his work at the forum. The text was translated and posted on the Runet under the title "Insider revelations."

Here are some excerpts from the text.

“Our Creator is not the 'Devil' that your Bible calls him. Lucifer is what is more correctly called "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex".

Since there was no Free Will on the planet, there was no Polarity on the planet, and, accordingly, there was no "between what" to choose.

Without Polarity (which arises only when there is Free Will) there is only the Unity of Love and Light, however, there is no choice to experience “what you are not”. Therefore, we had to act as a Catalyst of change, to provide an opportunity for choice, and introduce Polarity.

This is the role that we are assigned to play in this performance. In order to “win” (or, more accurately, successfully play) the Game, we must be as Negatively Polarized as possible.

Service to Self to the extreme. Violence, War, Hatred, Greed, Power, Enslavement, Genocide, Torment, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all this and more - serves our purpose in the Game.

In all these negative phenomena, we provide you with the tools. But you don't see it. What matters is not what we do, but how you react to it. We provide tools. You, having Free Will, choose how to use them. You just have to accept responsibility [for your actions]. There is actually only One [Player] here. Understand this, and you will understand the essence of the Game.

If you are able to see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator in everything and everyone, even those who wish to harm you, then the stranglehold of illusion will begin to lose its power over you.

Our job is to provide a Catalyst. Yours is to use it. Are you able to look deeper than what your eyes see and find, expressing Love and Happiness in a world where Fear and Suppression reign? If you are able, then you will become a Ray of Light in the Dark. Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand, illuminating it with Divine Inner Light? The decision is made by you personally."

They were obliged to disclose information about themselves according to the cosmic law. Before the end of the cycle, information is given to everyone. Whoever is ready will receive and accept information. For the rest, it will be another lesson. There is certainly a lie in the text. After all, distortion and concealment of some information is the main tool of the "Dark Forces". However, who knows the true knowledge, he can easily understand and distinguish false from truth.

Spheres of influence

So, after receiving the esoteric "hidden from the majority" information, let's return to the secret World Government and consider their activities within the planet. You need to understand the ulterior motives of things happening on the planet and affecting us all in one way or another. Then you can easily resist evil.

Freemasonry is marketed to the world as a charitable organization of rich people that supports business in different countries and fosters a favorable business climate. However, this is only one part of the truth. The symbol of the Masons is a black and white checkerboard. The second side of their activity is destructive, destructive.

This organization includes the richest and most influential people on the planet. Their interests are, first of all, obtaining superprofits and power. In fact, their interests differ little from those of the Egyptian priests. But in the modern world, they have acquired world domination through money and business.

Members of the secret world government are three hundred, and now even more wealthy families on the planet. They are the heads of multinational corporations that control the most profitable industries; production of money, weapons, drugs, drugs, porn industry, prostitution, banks, mass media, food, medicine. They control the extraction and sale of raw materials on the planet. Determine the politics and economics of the planet through the unification of the economies of countries, globalization.

Arms production generates huge profits. Weapons must be sold. Sales markets are countries in which there are wars and armed conflicts. And for this, you must first divide society and set one part of society against another. There will be enemies, sooner or later wars will begin. Therefore, all wars on the planet are organized by a secret world government, from antiquity to the last armed events in Africa. World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Nicaragua, this is an incomplete list of countries where wars were unleashed with their direct participation.

They finance both belligerents, and then make money from rebuilding the country after total destruction. They gain control of the economy anyway. They are never losers. Only the population dragged into an artificial war is losing.

To create confrontation, the so-called democracy is being intensively implanted. Although it is a more correct reflection of the essence, demoncracy. The basic principle of demoncracy is "divide and conquer!"

“Democracy is an illusion created to sustain slavery. Whichever side wins, the Family actually wins. If you want to enslave a person, let him believe that he is already free”! - Insider's Revelations.

In words, democracy preaches equal conditions, rights and freedoms for all members of society. However, in reality this is not at all the case. All key positions in society are held by people who enter or collaborate with the world government. An ordinary person will never take a key post if he does not become related to the elite.

For ordinary citizens, freedom is presented as the freedom to take drugs, alcohol, to dispose of their lives at their own discretion. In democratic countries, drug addiction, prostitution, non-traditional sexual orientation are legalized or in the process of adopting legislation that allows one to have such views and lives with impunity.

At the legislative level, views and principles are imposed in society, leading to the degradation and extinction of society. The correct landmarks are deliberately replaced with destructive ones. A lot of money is invested in this and competent highly paid specialists work.

For the total deception of humanity, a tasty example of a democratic way of life was created. The United States has been artificially made into a prosperous country, an American dream, to show the world how well they will live if they accept democracy as the dominant ideology.

A lot of money was invested in the country and a high standard of living of the population was artificially created. For several decades, there has been a PR campaign promoting the American way of life in order to fool the population of the entire planet.

This bore fruit and was expressed in the "color" revolutions swept around the world. They were provoked and funded by the same world government. Democracy fighters are simply fooled and frivolous people who truly believe that democracy will bring prosperity to an entire society. Those who took this path are already beginning to understand that as a result they brought the puppets of the world government to power. And instead of prosperity, we got a drop in living standards.

The sale of drugs brings huge profits, therefore it is also controlled by the world government. They create raw material bases from entire countries, where they artificially support the beggarly lifestyle of people, pushing them to grow raw materials and produce drugs. For many years China was such a country. With the coming to power of the Communist Party, this was stopped.

But then Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan appeared. All methods of combating the production and distribution of drugs do not bring results, because they should not, according to the plan of the world government. It creates the appearance of a struggle for the main part of the population, which is constantly trying to convince that the government cares about them. But all this is a lie and a total deception to manipulate the masses. All drug trafficking and drug cartels are under the control of members of the secret world government. Just like prostitution and the porn industry.

Recently, a new, less dangerous technology for conquering countries has appeared and is gaining momentum. Money production, US dollars, which is handled by the US Federal Reserve Bank. This is a private office owned by several individuals and prints money around the clock.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of twelve private banks that are not part of the United States government. Control over the banks is in the hands of a few American and European bankers, including, of course, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Morganans.


These banks received the right to print money for the US government thanks to US President W. Wilson. They don't have to work to "make money" - they literally make it, print it on their own machines. And by issuing a batch of money, they lend it to the government. And this debt must be repaid with interest. And in order to pay interest, you need new money, which can only be borrowed from the Federal Reserve Bank. Borrow at new interest rates. And so on ad infinitum.

Bankers print money again and again and lend it to the government, which pays off with the same money, paying interest on debts for the last batch of money.

The government collects taxes to pay off debts - and 30% of all taxes go into the pocket of bankers. In order to repay more and more debts, more and more money is needed, which means that the Federal Reserve Bank prints more and more money, the money supply grows, money depreciates, inflation is flourishing.

The FRB owners are interested in selling their goods, dollars. This means that the US money needs to be in demand in the world. For this, a currency exchange and a securities market have been created, which draw off most of the money supply. A stock market crash is a planned, controlled action that results in the purchase of artificially devalued currencies and securities. Simply put, there is a civilized robbery.

The bank, which was supposed to bring stability to the economy, has been implicated in almost every market crisis, including - the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, stock market crash, and so on.

Obviously, private ownership of the US dollar is the greatest crime and total deception of the world's population. For every president who tried to liquidate this private National Bank, there were assassination attempts. President Kennedy was killed for wanting to nationalize this bank.

The privately held Federal Reserve Bank has never been audited and has never paid income tax on its income.

By issuing loans through various international banks, the world government not only makes money on interest, but also dictates the conditions for the economy in the country. When issuing loans, the International Monetary Fund sets conditions, the fulfillment of which undermines the economies of countries. This happened in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, the Baltic States and other countries. For this, the foundation has been repeatedly criticized, but this policy continues.

The world government controls medicine and drug production. All major pharmaceutical concerns are owned by 2-3 owners.

Selling drugs is also a profitable business. This means that people need to get sick a lot. For this there is a whole system that develops new viruses of various influenza; avian, porcine, SARS, AIDS and many other diseases. At the same time, developing a vaccine, on the sale of which colossal money is earned.

People are deliberately infected, they set up epidemics in order to scare them and force them to buy medicines and get vaccinated. And therefore, recently, epidemics have become regular in all countries.

Diseases are also caused by improper diet and lifestyle. All carbonated and low alcohol drinks popular with young people contain a large amount of preservatives and chemicals that are harmful to health.

All meat food contains cadaveric poisons, dyes, preservatives, chemical additives, which are poorly excreted by the body and quickly accumulate. A large amount of toxins causes various dysfunctions and decreased immunity.

Control over food production is also a concern of the world government. They control the production of agricultural products through genetically modified seeds. These seeds only yield one harvest. They have removed the gene responsible for reproduction. Producers are forced to constantly purchase new seeds. And sellers control the amount of seeds sold.

Thus, food production depends on one or two seed producers. All of Europe buys seeds from the USA, a producer of genetically modified seeds. The CIS countries are also trying to bring it under control by artificially causing drought with the HAARP climate weapon.

In addition, when genetically modified food is consumed, human genes also mutate. The gene responsible for reproduction becomes passive. Thus, infertility for no apparent reason has become a scourge of modern society. This is how the birth rate is controlled.

Management methods

The total deception of humanity takes place with the help of the media. Almost all of them are in the hands of several media tycoons. The media shape attitudes, moods in society, tastes, fashion and much more through popular journalists, programs, actors.

Currently, with the help of the media, there is a third world war. Only it is informational, because we live in the information age. An example is Georgia's attack on Ossetia. However, the information in the world was presented in such a way that it was Russia that attacked Georgia and a negative reaction from a large part of the world's population was caused.

Another example is the situation with the elections in Belarus. For Western journalists, the paid opposition, according to a planned scenario, made a "picture" of the alleged expression of the people's will and anger against the "dictator" A. Lukashenko. And this picture was circulating in all the so-called democratic Western media. Although, in reality, “popular anger” was expressed only by criminals, mercenaries and “fighters for democracy” from other countries. But try, prove it to the whole world, the largest and reputable media outlets have already worked out the ordered version and will not let another pass.

All this is a pre-planned action designed to justify the introduction of economic sanctions and pressure on the president, who does not want to "ruin" his people and does not allow Belarus to implement the plans of the World Government. Therefore, an information and economic war was launched against him, both from the West and from Russia, whose puppet leadership consistently implements the plans of the World Government.

"Another fact that I then reported was that RUSSIA WAS INVITED TO TAKE PART IN THE PREPARATIONS FOR ESTABLISHING A UNIFIED WORLD GOVERNMENT." D. Coleman. "The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World Government."

Thus, control over the media is control over advanced weapons of mass destruction.

Religion has a very powerful effect. Almost all religions were created by the world government to distort true knowledge and form the psychology of a slave. This is what they call the believers "servants of God" or "lamb of God," which means a young lamb.

Religions create a “herd” of obedient flock for money and energy. Such energies are attracted, forming an energetic egregor, from which all "miracles", healings, visions, voices of God, tears on icons, etc. occur.

Excerpts from Insider's Revelation

Answer: “If a particular religion was not created by us entirely, then at least we had a very tangible influence on it. There is no such thing as “god”. “God” is a human concept that is a misunderstanding of the original idea of the Creator.

»Question: Are there any uncorrupted passages in the Bible, and which version of the Bible would you call [the least corrupted]?

Answer: No. Like all Sacred Texts, with each subsequent translation, its original context was significantly distorted. However, as in all Sacred Texts, there is still a fair amount of truth hidden in it. For the most part, these grains of truth are "metaphorical." If you can find a pre-King James version of the Bible, this will be the closest version to the truth. I wish you successful searches.

Question: With regard to spirituality in your jurisdiction, could you comment on the role of the Catholic Church in terms of how its activities fit - positive, negative, or different?

Answer: More inferior members of my Family (names known to you) use the Vatican for many Rituals and Sacrifices. This will tell you everything you need to know."

Thus, it is clear that religions and the top of the clergy are employees of the "dark forces" whose task is to distort true knowledge.

Occurring everywhere, globalization is also part of a plan to unite and control the economies of countries. Each country in the global plan of the world government is assigned a certain highly specialized role in the world economy. A state with a narrow specialization is easy to control.


Well, for example, Russia, which is supposed to become a completely hydrocarbon-producing country, will stop receiving food. Famine and riot will begin in the country. And then you can safely bring in NATO troops that belong to the World Government and take everything under your control. The script has been repeatedly worked out in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq.

Globalization in its negative aspect is the process of creating an absolutely new economic and political structure on the planet, based on the idea of the dominance of large international corporations over national governments. The latter are doomed to perform purely administrative and bureaucratic functions.

In the era of globalization, the main purpose of one or another national government is to create comfortable conditions for living and doing business for the “sharks of capitalism” in a particular country.

World government plans

According to the plan of the World Government, the population of the planet should be reduced to 1 "golden billion" of people from the elite and several million service personnel.

All others are subject to destruction. There is even a plan to reduce the amount of "wasted mass" annually.

According to the "Dulles plan", the Slavs will be destroyed by alcohol, drugs and security. Latins are drugs, Asians, Negroes and Arabs are constantly unabated by armed conflicts.

Survivors by natural selection will be "chipped" and monitored.

This is an excerpt from the book by D. Coleman. "The Committee of 300. Secrets of the World Government."

"Supplement to religion", "opium of the people", which, according to Lenin and Marx, was necessary, now there are new "opiates" in the form of mass sports performances, licentious sexual desires and rock music. A whole generation of drug addicts has grown up. The propaganda of unbridled sex and the epidemic of drug addiction aim to distract people from what is happening around. In his book Technotronic Era, Brzezinski speaks of the human "masses" as inanimate objects - perhaps that is how we appear to the Committee of 300. Brzezinski constantly talks about the need to exercise control over us, the "masses".

In one place he blurts out: “At the same time, the possibilities of social and political control over the individual will increase. Soon it will be possible to carry out almost continuous control over every citizen and keep constantly updated computer dossier files containing, in addition to the usual information, the most confidential details about the state of health and behavior of each person."

“The relevant government agencies will have instant access to these files. Power will be concentrated in the hands of those who control the information. The existing authorities will be replaced by institutions for the management of pre-crisis situations, whose task will be to proactively identify possible social crises and develop programs for managing these crises.” (This is a much later description of FEMA's structure.)

“This will give rise to trends for the next several decades, which will lead to the TECHNOTRONIC ERA - Dictatorship, in which the existing political procedures will be almost completely abolished. Finally, if you look ahead to the end of the century, then the possibility of BIOCHEMICAL CONTROL OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND GENETIC MANIPULATION WITH HUMANS, INCLUDING THE CREATION OF CREATIVES THAT WILL NOT ONLY ACT, BUT AND CHALLENGE AS ANYWHERE COULD BE."

Managment structure

The world government has its own Hierarchy, which operates through prestigious international associations and committees. There are a huge number of them and they all do their part of the work to implement the plan of the world government.

“The Committee of 300 has a huge bureaucratic apparatus at its disposal, comprising hundreds of think tanks and government agencies that govern a wide range of individuals and organizations from private business to government leaders.

I will mention just a few of them, starting with the German Marshall Fund. Its members (they are also members of NATO and the Club of Rome) include such persons as David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank, Gabriel Hague of the prestigious Hanover Trust and Finance Corporation, Milton Katz Katz of the Ford Foundation, Willie Brandt, Socialist International leader, KGB agent and Committee of 300 member, Irving Bluestone, Chairman of the Executive Council, United Auto Workers, Russell Russel Train, President of the US arm of the World Wildlife Fund under the patronage of Prince Philip and the Club of Rome, Elizabeth Midgely, CBS Program Producer, B. R. Gifford, Director of the Russel Sage Foundation, Guido Goldman of the Aspen Institute, the late Averill Harriman, extraordinary [3] member of the Committee of 300, Thomas L. Hughes of the Foundation Carnegie, Dennis Meadows, and Jay Forrestor of MIT's "World Dynamics".

When it was decided that some kind of super-organization should govern European affairs, the RIIA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. For five years NATO was funded by the German Marshall Fund. Perhaps the most important member of the Bilderberg Club, the Committee of 300's foreign policy arm, was Joseph Rettinger, who is said to have been its founder and organizer. The annual meetings of the Bilderberg Club have been the delight of conspiracy hunters for several decades.

Rettinger was a well trained Jesuit priest and 33rd degree Freemason. Mrs. Katherine Meyer Graham, suspected of killing her husband in order to gain control of the Washington Post, was also an important Club of Rome member, as was Paul G. Hoffman of New York. Life Insurance Company ("New York Life Insurance Company"), one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, the leading company within the Rank Corporation, which is directly associated with the family of Queen Elizabeth of England. In addition, founding members The Bilderberg and Club of Rome were John J. McCloy, the man who tried to erase post-war Germany from the political map, and last but not least, James A. Perkins …Perkins of the Carnegie Corporation. "D. Coleman. The Committee of 300: Secrets of World Government."

freedom of choice

Of course, the members of the secret world government are influential and persistently go to the realization of their plans.

But, as I wrote above, they are simply fulfilling their part of the contract for organizing negative polarity, although they do not realize it.

In addition, with the help of the negative life phenomena they have created, people are tested. A global planetary exam takes place, and those people who still choose negative polarity cannot proceed to the next stage of their studies.

They have not yet learned to distinguish between polarities, and are susceptible to everything negative. And if they move to a higher level of education, where there is no longer evil, some negative qualities will remain unworked for them. This is not provided for by evolution. These “repeaters will stay learning the alphabet” until they come to the programmed positive polarity.

Therefore, at the end of the cycle in which we are now, there is a selection for a new race. More details about this are described in the article "Quantum transition".

However, we must remember that everything depends on our freedom of choice. Only the person himself chooses something and receives the result of his choice. This tool of our teaching is a cosmic law that is respected by everyone, even by the "dark forces".

What does this mean in practice? Refusal from alcohol, drugs, smoking, porn, aggression, despondency, low-vibration eating and lack of spirituality. From everything that is so widespread in modern society, thanks to the world government.

It is necessary to obtain new knowledge and change consciousness. This is not an easy work on yourself to change yourself. But you still have to do it, sooner or later. In this matter, we were not left with freedom of choice. More details about this, I told in the article "Quantum transition".