Was Wanga A Charlatan And Connected With The Special Services? - Alternative View

Was Wanga A Charlatan And Connected With The Special Services? - Alternative View
Was Wanga A Charlatan And Connected With The Special Services? - Alternative View

Video: Was Wanga A Charlatan And Connected With The Special Services? - Alternative View

Video: Was Wanga A Charlatan And Connected With The Special Services? - Alternative View

Quite a few people consider Wanga to be a charlatan and claim that she received all the data from the special services with which she worked for a long time. Other people believe that Wanga could make her prophecies according to the theory of the probability of those events that may occur in the future, i.e. essentially acting logically.

Let's try to understand the history of this famous fortune teller and identify facts that would speak of the lack of gifts from Vanga, as well as the data that she allegedly received from the special services, thereby deceiving about her predictions for the future. To begin with, Vanga's gift appeared in the early 20s of the last century and at that moment there could be no question of any special services, but many testimonies say that she helped people by giving accurate predictions for the future, was she just guessing?

Fame began to come to Vanga later, when not only ordinary people, but also the powerful of this world, the so-called elite, began to turn to her. It is clear that her personality could not stay away from the special services and no evidence is needed here. But is the purpose of the special services and Vanga's cooperation with them clear? I think not, because working with them is not at all proof that they provided Vanga with any data.

here Vanga locked herself in to communicate with the "angels". Photo: AiF / Georgy Zotov

This is how the Bulgarian KGB major later described the work of Vanga and the special services:

Okay, it turns out that the higher leadership of Bulgaria appreciated Vanga's talent, where were the special services then? But if the special services leaked her some information about the details of the life of politicians, then what about ordinary people who came to Vanga in thousands and were impressed by the fact that she accurately spoke about their life in the past and gave predictions for the future. If the future is vague and no one can say about the fidelity of such words, then what to do with the past of people. Bulgarian services would not make thousands of inquiries about people in order to give this information to the famous seer, and why?

But let's imagine that Wanga was a charlatan and received information from the special services, but what about the gift of healing? He relieved pain in people with conspiracies and the laying on of hands on a place that worried people. The power of suggestion, secretly slipping them painkillers? Isn't it too much machinations for a woman who became blind at an early age and sought to help people? Why do some people make a swindler out of her? It remains to start spreading rumors that she is a serial maniac or a thief in law …

I will note that Wang was not interested in the monetary side, i.e. she did not help people for the sake of money, that's for sure. If she wanted to, she could become richer than the Queen of England, but money never meant much to her. Yes, many of her prophecies are very vague and can be interpreted in different ways, but to accuse of charlatanism is too much.

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They listened to her words and her whole life was covered with a halo of secrets of knowledge, which it is not clear where she got it. Vanga herself has repeatedly said that she communicates telepathically with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, talked about the prosperity of Russia and the fall of America. It is clear that our citizens may be pleased to hear about the role of Russia in the world and this may explain the belief in Vanga's predictions, but in my opinion, this is far from the reason.

It all depends on people who are able to believe in the hidden capabilities of a person, as well as on the gift "from above". Maybe you shouldn't blindly call those people who are not sure of their strength as charlatans, maybe many people have simply not yet matured to the realization that ours and the Universe are much more complicated. Maybe it is worth admitting the possibility of the existence of subtle matter and admitting the idea that the level of personal development is at the level of a kindergarten? If with my words I touched someone's feelings, then probably these people somewhere in the depths of their souls understand that they can be wrong, but they continue to accuse the supporters of belief in the unknown and secret knowledge as crazy? Do we know everything about the world in order to stop understanding it?

And finally, I will add my main idea, which I often write in my articles … The truth is somewhere nearby!
