UFOs And Radiation - Alternative View

UFOs And Radiation - Alternative View
UFOs And Radiation - Alternative View

In numerous ufological literature, one can find a description of the various effects of UFOs on the environment, various types of technology, animals and people. The types of UFOs and their appearance, unusual transformations and mysterious properties of the rays emitted by UFOs are described. The influence of induced fields on biological objects in the soil at the sites of UFO landings has been investigated. True, despite the rather professional research carried out by ufologists around the world, the UFO mystery has not been solved to this day. We do not know what the observed luminous formations are and have not studied all the consequences of their impact on living and inanimate objects. There is still no complete description of all the anomalous properties inherent in UFOs. It is practically impossible to find a description of the changes in the radiation background during UFO observations. It is very rare to find mentions of a slight excess of the gamma-radiation dose rate in the study of UFO landing sites. There are descriptions of injuries to people who were in contact with UFOs or were exposed to their rays. These lesions are very similar to those that occur when a person receives large doses of ionizing radiation. It is very rare to find reports of background radiation measurements during direct observation of UFOs using special equipment. And, most importantly, all these reports indicate an increase in the background radiation, to a greater or lesser extent.which occur when a person receives large doses of ionizing radiation. It is very rare to find reports of background radiation measurements during direct observation of UFOs using special equipment. And, most importantly, all these reports indicate an increase in the background radiation, to a greater or lesser extent.which occur when a person receives large doses of ionizing radiation. It is very rare to find reports of background radiation measurements during direct observation of UFOs using special equipment. And, most importantly, all these reports indicate an increase in the background radiation, to a greater or lesser extent.

The archives of the WAUFON Section for the Study of AY in the MM zone ( Cape Maydel) contain materials of our own observations of an unexplained increase in the radiation background in the area of our military unit's deployment. Ufologists of the section in their arsenal had permanent equipment for monitoring the level of radiation background in the zone. In the period since January 1990, a short-term increase in the level of the dose rate of gamma radiation was recorded several times, not related to the work carried out in the unit. At the same time, once it was possible to carry out accurate measurements with the determination of the direction to the source of increased radiation. The dose rate level gradually increased from 25 μR / h to 150 μR / h, then gradually decreased, and the radiation source was at the top, in an absolutely clear sky.

Despite the fact that the verification of our data with the data available in other organizations that have similar equipment for constant monitoring of the radiation background and located in our region showed that this burst of gamma radiation was observed only in our country, that is, the radiation was in a relatively narrow beam - yet it is impossible to say with complete certainty that it was a UFO and nothing else. It could also be a stream of corpuscular particles of solar radiation either scanned by neighbors, or found a loophole in the protective layers of the atmosphere and therefore only got into the area of our equipment. There may be other natural causes of a man-made nature - research and reconnaissance satellites, for example, which could trigger the equipment, walking through our area with a narrow beam of gamma radiation.

But what we met at the end of 1993 cannot be explained by natural causes. During the second half of December 1993 and the first half of January 1994, our equipment periodically recorded a drop in the level of the dose rate of gamma radiation to 5-7 μR / hour.

For reference, the natural background radiation is made up of a number of components. This is cosmic radiation, radiation from natural radionuclides found in the soil of a given area, radiation from building materials used in the construction of houses and some others, such as, for example, radioactive fallout as a result of nuclear weapons tests, or the destruction of radionuclide power sources for satellites in the atmosphere. … All this together gives the radiation background, which varies quite widely depending on the region, altitude, on the availability of natural resources, on the level and intensity of industrial development in the region. At the same time, coal-fired CHPPs give an increase in the radiation background much more than nuclear power plants, provided they operate without an accident. In Primorye, the natural background radiation fluctuates from 10-15 μR / h in the "cleanest" places, to 40-50 μR / h in places with rocks with a high content of natural uranium-thorium elements in the region or with a nearby thermal power plant. In houses and buildings (not wooden), the radiation background, as a rule, is higher than in open areas by 10-15 μR / hour, due to the contribution from the radiation of building materials - concrete, cement, slag, bricks, etc. The cosmic component of both radiation background in our region is 5-7 microR / hour.due to the contribution from the radiation of building materials - concrete, cement, slag, bricks, etc. The cosmic component of both radiation background in our region is 5-7 μR / hour.due to the contribution from the radiation of building materials - concrete, cement, slag, bricks, etc. The cosmic component of both radiation background in our region is 5-7 μR / hour.

Thus, our equipment recorded complete screening of the place where the sensors are installed from all components of the radiation background - both natural and man-made, except for space. Despite the short duration of fluctuations - from 1.5 min. up to 10 min. we made sure that the equipment was in good working order, had time to double-check its readings with portable instruments and realized that what we see is actually happening.

We also knew that in the study of some poltergeist phenomena, ufologists who used dosimetric equipment observed the same decrease in the radiation background - to the cosmic component, that is, to 5-7 μR / hour. Such results were obtained, for example, by a member of VAUFON O. Skolon when examining one of the poltergeist apartments in the city of Vladivostok.

Therefore, we prepared the photographic equipment and, with the next fluctuations of the radiation background, we took photographs. We photographed the area where the sensor was installed, and then took a panorama in a circle. Plain film 64 pcs. Cameras "Zenith", "FED", "Viliya-auto". In total, we took photographs five times over a period of about three weeks. When photographing, we did not see anything special, a clear sky without foreign inclusions, but after developing photographic films on four of them, we found some formations. In three consecutive frames of the first film, in the images of the location of the sensors, an energy column was clearly visible, capturing the sensor itself and gradually resolving from the first to the third frame. On the second and third films, light stripes are visible in a number of frames, which later, when analyzing the photographs,we regarded them as traces from objects rapidly moving along an intricate, complex trajectory, probably because they are invisible to the naked eye, because the speed of their movement is very high. And, finally, on the last tape an object of a classical • plate • shape with a contrail is recorded. This object was also not visible during the survey and was in the air above one of the storage facilities with high-level radioactive waste.

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That was the end of it. We continued to monitor the radiation background for some time, but from January it remained at the same level, as before, without hesitation. We also periodically took photographs, but we did not find anything extraneous on the films.

In the same period, completely inexplicable phenomena occurred in the unit with water stored in a thousand cubic capacity. They found that the container was empty practically in a day. At the same time, nowhere in the territory of the part of the outlet was such an amount of water found. For more than a month, this container could not be filled - every four hours 50 cubic meters of water was pumped into the container, but it was not added to the container. The engineering services of the unit were knocked off their feet trying to locate the leak. The unit commander personally descended into the tank and watched as water from the storage tank was poured into the main tank, but there was a level in it. about 30-40 centimeters and higher did not rise. All technological communications were in good order, all water consumers were turned off, but the water disappeared without a trace. The chief engineer of the unit G. G. Shchetko could not explain this situation with water except by the intervention of anomalous forces. As the fluctuations of the radiation background ended, so the addition of water to the containers began. Its level has risen to the control mark and is holding on as it has always been before.

The former head of the electromechanical department, Yuri Anop, said that the same phenomenon with water occurred in September 1989. For about two weeks they could not fill the container, with absolutely serviceable communications. It was during this period that UFO flights and hovering over the bay were observed over the area where the unit was stationed.

In January 1994, another incident, inexplicable from the point of view of common sense, occurred, also related to water. At the technical facility of the unit, there is a well-equipped storage of control neutron sources. Concrete well, closed with a concrete slab, and on top with a metal cover. All this in a separate room with an all-welded metal door, closed and sealed. The room was equipped with a burglar alarm. There are no windows. There is no heating (that is, no pipes) in the room. Inside the well, about two meters deep, at some distance from its walls, there were two stainless steel containers, tightly closed with lids. So, water appeared in the well and in the containers themselves. Its level was about 30 centimeters, the amount was about 100 liters. This storage has existed for a long time and water has never been observed in it. And she has nowhere to get into the well. There were no traces on the ceiling, on the walls of the storehouse, and the floor in the room where the well is located was specially made with such a slope so that under no circumstances water could get into the well. And under these conditions, there was still water in the well, and not only in the well, but also in containers! Whose height is 70 centimeters, and the water level in them was the same as in the well. After the water was removed, it did not appear there again. In this case, even the materials of the investigation were not drawn up in the unit, since if such documents were issued, then it was necessary to officially recognize the anomalousness of the incident and, accordingly, report on subordination, and this is fraught …specially made with such a slope so that under no circumstances water could get into the well. And under these conditions, there was still water in the well, and not only in the well, but also in containers! Whose height is 70 centimeters, and the water level in them was the same as in the well. After the water was removed, it did not appear there again. In this case, even the materials of the investigation were not drawn up in the unit, since if such documents were issued, then it was necessary to officially recognize the anomalousness of the incident and, accordingly, report on subordination, and this is fraught …specially made with such a slope so that under no circumstances water could get into the well. And under these conditions, there was still water in the well, and not only in the well, but also in containers! Whose height is 70 centimeters, and the water level in them was the same as in the well. After the water was removed, it did not appear there again. In this case, even the materials of the investigation were not drawn up in the unit, since if such documents were issued, then it was necessary to officially recognize the anomalousness of the incident and, accordingly, report on subordination, and this is fraught …she never appeared there again. In this case, even the materials of the investigation were not drawn up in the unit, since if such documents were issued, then it was necessary to officially recognize the anomalousness of the incident and, accordingly, report on subordination, and this is fraught …she never appeared there again. In this case, even the materials of the investigation were not drawn up in the unit, since if such documents were issued, then it was necessary to officially recognize the anomalousness of the incident and, accordingly, report on subordination, and this is fraught …

The episode with a thousand cubic capacity was also done without special reports.

Especially for SaLiK.biZ
