UFO In Kamchatka Nature Reserve - Alternative View

UFO In Kamchatka Nature Reserve - Alternative View
UFO In Kamchatka Nature Reserve - Alternative View

Video: UFO In Kamchatka Nature Reserve - Alternative View

Video: UFO In Kamchatka Nature Reserve - Alternative View
Video: Kronotsky Nature Reserve, Kamchatka, Russia. Aerial 360 video in 12K 2024, April

Igor Shpilenok is a well-known Russian naturalist photographer and blogger with a multimillion audience. He is also an inspector of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve in Kamchatka.

In a recent interview, he told an interesting story: “We have an inspector who regularly sees UFOs. And, as expected, he writes in his diary where and when he saw him. After that, the director flies in and almost hits him on the cheeks with this diary: "How long will you discredit the reserve business?" And then demands to deprive him of bonuses and allowances."

Interesting, right? A person sees something abnormal on his entrusted territory, sees it regularly and reports about it, and the main thing to his boss is that everything is within the framework and no one “discredits” the protected area …

Further more. In his blog, Shpilenok mentions an unusual incident that also happened to him in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve in June 2011:

“In one of the bays, I tied the boat to a birch tree and decided to go a little light up the stream. I took with me in my backpack only a small Nikon D300 with my favorite three-hundred-millimeter lens. I put the rest of the equipment in a special waterproof rubber bag, but did not fasten it - why in complete calm?

I managed to move only three hundred meters away when I heard an unexpected, even frightening noise. I immediately guessed that it was the roar of the waves crashing on the shore. Five minutes later I was already at the boat: it was flush with the sides of the flooded water, and on the lake, in complete calmness, 1.5-meter waves were raging; they were the boat pressed against the shore by splashes. The equipment bag was full of water. I pulled out a camera and three lenses. Water poured from them.

Where did the waves come from when there was no wind? The lake is huge, it is the largest freshwater reservoir in Kamchatka, sandwiched among volcanoes. More than twenty kilometers from coast to coast!"

Igor suggests that “Most likely, due to some kind of creek, a local wind blew from one of the volcanoes, rocked a part of the lake, and the waves came to my boat high enough to sweep over the side. . But a day later he writes again about the same case:

Promotional video:

“I pack up again on Lake Kronotskoye, and I myself keep thinking about the mysterious waves in complete calm that have sunk my photographic equipment. Readers have suggested that the waves could have been from an earthquake. I checked with seismologists, there was no earthquake. There was a version that the waves could appear after a snow dam burst in the mountains, which arose after an avalanche descended into the canyon. Who knows…"

As a result, he recalls a strange UFO incident in the same places:

“… A fellow student of the author of the article, a graduate of the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute, oceanologist Agarkov, in August 1970 led the hydrological exploration at Lake Kronotskoye in Kamchatka. The depth of the lake is over one hundred meters.

On one fine day, hydrologists examined the lake in a motor boat. Suddenly, about a kilometer away, a dome of surging water formed, from which a gray oval object 40-50 meters in size flew out. Having risen a couple of hundred meters at an angle of 70-80 degrees to the horizon, it hovered motionless. The hydrologists were in a daze for a minute and a half, especially since the boat's engine stalled, and then leaned on the oars. The UFO took off and disappeared from view at high speed. Immediately the outboard motor started up again …"

Interesting things are happening in the Kronotsky Reserve.