The Disappearance Of The 1st English Settlement In America - Alternative View

The Disappearance Of The 1st English Settlement In America - Alternative View
The Disappearance Of The 1st English Settlement In America - Alternative View

Video: The Disappearance Of The 1st English Settlement In America - Alternative View

Video: The Disappearance Of The 1st English Settlement In America - Alternative View
Video: The First English Settlements 2024, July

Your life and the whole world around you is a complex quest. We continue to tell you about the mysteries that have not been solved since this day …

Β 1584, the expedition of the first Europeans was released on the island of Roanok. They found the place suitable and sailed back home. After 2 years, 15 Englishmen were expelled in Roanoke, who had to build the fort and the house. Their fate turned out to be lamentable: without finding a common language with local residents, the settlers loaded up on boats and sailed away from the outskirts - no one else saw them anymore.


A new expedition of 96 men, 17 women and 4 children arrived in the early hours, where they had found a loose front, but the house was in order. It was found out that the soil at the beginning is not fertile - a hard wintering. The locals decided to send Governor John White to England for food, supplies, and tools. But, following the course of the local authorities, the governor returned to Roanc only after three years. The governor and the matrices found only the frequency that surrounded the place of the former settlement. Βce the house was demolished, the abandonment of boats, ossuary, burial was not found. Only on one of the trees was the inscription "Croatoan" carved.


The English ships investigated the specific lights, but they could not find a step-by-step. At the end of the 17th century, the search was free, but it took too much time, so they turned out to be indiscriminate.

There are many versions trying to explain this history, but not one of them is based on actual evidence, and therefore, therefore, it is not necessary to explain the amusement