The Scientist Announced The Foreign Origin Of The "Peruvian Dwarfs" - Alternative View

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The Scientist Announced The Foreign Origin Of The "Peruvian Dwarfs" - Alternative View
The Scientist Announced The Foreign Origin Of The "Peruvian Dwarfs" - Alternative View

A world sensation or a clever trick - fans of everything unusual excitedly discuss the mysterious mummies of three-toed creatures found on the famous Peruvian Nazca plateau.

The remains of five creatures, presumably more like reptilian humanoids than humans, have sparked a violent reaction among supporters of conspiracy theories, The Sun reported on Tuesday.

No less violent reaction was caused by the humanoids previously discovered in Peru among the Western tabloids, many of whom happily published the story of the mummified "Mary" and her four tiny brothers, whose height reaches only 70 centimeters. Now the remains are being examined by a team of geneticists from Russia. Its head, Professor Konstantin Korotkov, is sure that they cannot belong to people.

They are not people

The creatures were discovered by cavers in a cave burial near the Nazca plateau in June 2017. This place is known all over the world for its giant geoglyphs - drawings hundreds of meters long, painted on the flat surface of the plateau.

Created in ancient times, geoglyphs depict various animals and plants. Their unique feature is the inability to notice the drawing from the ground - they are so huge that they were only examined at the beginning of the last century thanks to aerial photography. Why the ancient inhabitants of Peru painstakingly create images that they themselves could not see, remains one of the main mysteries of historical science. Ufologists believe that ground signs were intended for spaceships from other planets - supposedly, the lines of the drawings helped them to land at the "spaceport".

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Taking into account the already existing reputation, the detection of "employees" of this base near the object seemed logical. According to early reports, they were hairless creatures with elongated skulls and three fingers on their hands. One of the female humanoids was named "Maria", her age is estimated at about 1.7 thousand years, four other mummies may be much older - they may be from 4000 to 6500 years old. If "Maria" is of normal height, then other mummies reach 70 centimeters in length.

These creatures can be both aliens and biorobots, Korotkov shared the sensational details of his DNA research with Sputnik News. In his opinion, the creatures could have been members of an advanced civilization who taught the wild tribes of prehistoric people crafts and agriculture.

Their DNA has 23 pairs of chromosomes, just like humans. All four are males with a Y chromosome. They may look like people, but they are not. They have a different anatomical structure - Konstantin Korotkov.

White dwarfs

The mummies of the creatures were coated with a white substance - according to the researchers, it is cadmium chloride, whose antibacterial effect allegedly allowed them to survive to this day. The small growth of "white" mummies reminds of other remains, which were attributed to alien origin - "Kyshtym dwarf". It was discovered more than 20 years ago in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, and soon the artifact was lost. Many ufologists still believe that it was an extraterrestrial being, although evidence indicates that it was most likely a premature human infant with developmental disabilities.

According to a number of experts, "Peruvian dwarfs" are not even ordinary people, but at all - a fake. A number of scholars have come forward with detailed revelations. For example, the experts of the site "" argue that the "mummy" is in fact a crudely made and painted plaster cast, and the anatomical features of "aliens" visible on the published X-rays do not stand up to criticism.

The roentgenogram of the newly-born humanoid's "hand" is quite informative. I am writing a brush in quotation marks, since it is not a brush or a foot at all, it is a collection of bone fragments, or whole bones, imitating a brush. "Fingers" are composed of randomly alternating metacarpal bones and phalanges of a person. In a real human hand, there is one row of metacarpal bones that form the palm, and three phalanges in each finger except the thumb, there are two phalanges. - paleontologist Aleksey Bondarev, quoted from

As for the personality of Konstantin Korotkov, professor of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. his name is often associated with a number of non-standard studies. In 2008, the scientific community harshly criticized the professor's unusual invention - a device that records a person's energy aura after death. Allegedly, with its help, one could see the human soul, writes the Deccan Chroncles edition.

History looks like another duck and has nothing to do with science, says Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergei Savelyev in an interview with "360".

We have large UFO societies that see aliens through the window every day. There are also many not quite adequate people among scientists. Any find of a similar kind can be easily identified - you just need to arrange a normal research test - Sergei Savelyev.

Alexey Yesod
