Most Men Want A Wise Companion Next To Them - Alternative View

Most Men Want A Wise Companion Next To Them - Alternative View
Most Men Want A Wise Companion Next To Them - Alternative View

Video: Most Men Want A Wise Companion Next To Them - Alternative View

Video: Most Men Want A Wise Companion Next To Them - Alternative View
Video: Relationship Red Flags! 2024, September

We will tell you what character traits and rules of behavior make a woman wise and attractive.

1. A wise woman will do her best for the welfare of the family. In this case, she will be faithful and restrained in her behavior. Because it is warmth, comfort that a man should wait for, not only in the interior of the house, but also in a sincere atmosphere.

2. Family life should not be seen as flowers and kisses. No, without this it is also impossible, but we also do not forget that family life is mutual respect and cooperation.

Therefore, an intelligent woman will choose a companion-partner than just a guy with whom it is good in bed. A wise woman knows perfectly well that in a family, the two halves do not owe each other anything, since marriage is based on love, friendship (yes, there is no understanding - expect a divorce soon) and mutual respect for life aspirations and goals.

3. Personal relationships are the most valuable and essential in our life.

Every day, hour, minute, second, we shape our future, according to our own understanding. Living together is like building a big and strong house. And the events and relationships between you first lay the foundation, and then build this building. And how you build it, so they will live: lay strong walls of love and respect, or you will collect reeds and fold a hut, all this depends only on you. And a wise woman knows all this for sure. It is she who brings these bricks, selflessly builds a house and gives herself without a trace to this construction.

4. Women are creators by nature. A wise woman knows that basically the weather in the house and the mood of her husband depend on her, and this is where the most important thing begins. Her main tools are: love, sincerity, understanding and patience. Using these tools, she explains to her husband that the main secret of a woman's nature is to love, be loved and develop intimate relationships. This is inherent in her nature.

5. A wise woman knows that men and women love differently. And knowing this, she does not expect and does not demand from her husband actions that should correspond precisely to women's ideas about love. A wise woman knows that the polite treatment that was on the first date must be carried through her whole life. She respects her husband as a stranger. knows not to get too close and take each other as their own.

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6. In life together, one cannot do without quarrels and irritation. But what is irritation? It is the personal problem of the annoyed person that his / her expectations are not true. Why does she place incorrect expectations on her spouse and why should he endure all this (hurtful words and aggression)? The man is completely innocent of building castles in the air. A wise woman knows that irritation is a sign of poor upbringing, knows that irritation is inappropriate nowhere and never. And if an acute situation suddenly arises, then rather it is worth smoothing the corners, looking initially into herself, because the husband is not to blame for this

7. A wise woman knows how to forgive her man, realizing that all people are not perfect and she is also no exception. She will definitely talk about the growing problem, but softly and reasonably.