Exposing Illusions And Unconditional Love - Alternative View

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Exposing Illusions And Unconditional Love - Alternative View
Exposing Illusions And Unconditional Love - Alternative View

Video: Exposing Illusions And Unconditional Love - Alternative View

Video: Exposing Illusions And Unconditional Love - Alternative View
Video: Taurus 🌳 :¬ Vulnerability Exposes Secrets & Triggers Unconditional Love In You! 🌼💋 ¦ Timeless Tarot 2024, September

Disclosure is the elimination of illusions, disclosure and understanding of the true state of affairs. And here I dare to assert: EVERYTHING that is understandable is exposed. When we see focus, something inexplicable happens. For example, a computer is a miracle for a native, but for us it is a familiar phenomenon, because we believe that this phenomenon is explicable. When the trick is explained, exposure occurs and with it comes frustration. Almost everything in our life can be exposed. Everything that interests us is only that which we have not yet understood. The inexplicable always remains in life. But there is a void behind all this.

Exposure and cynicism

I remember when I was about ten years old, I was amused by images of a friendly cartoon. When I found out that there is a special technique for painting such pictures, in which the artist simply highlights the most characteristic facial features, I was disappointed. It turned out that any artist who is familiar with this technique is able to create what seemed to me a small miracle until now. Then I began to think: maybe the things that I like are just another "friendly" cartoon? Is there practicality behind generosity? Is there a banal desire behind the will? For friendship - barter? And what is the beauty behind which fat, bones and meat are hidden? And what about the "coolness" that covers up self-doubt? What is pride if under its veil hides a sense of one's own insignificance? All this can be "dissected" by reason, decomposed into its component parts and exposed. There are only illusions all around!

We can say that the degree of the ability to see everything as it is is an indicator of the level of personality development. Sometimes cynicism is presented for this ability - a demonstrative disregard for the moral ideals of others. However, cynicism is the same illusion that begins to be exposed at a certain stage of development. Cynicism is self-aggrandizement due to the devaluation of other people's ideals. Moreover, the cynic usually devalues what he himself once aspired to, but either did not have the courage to get it, or the goal turned out to be false. The cynic does not understand that everyone in this life is in their place. Everyone is at their own stage of development and interaction with life, and it is impossible to jump over this stage, to devalue your ideals earlier than expected. Everyone is ready for exactly what is happening in his life here and now.

Truth and development

Sometimes deception is "sweeter" than truth, so a person unconsciously chooses suitable delusions in order not to reveal the truth, which for him may turn out to be "painful and terrible." Cynicism in this regard is just another way to escape from reality. In fact, fear and pain when exposing illusions does not arise because the truth is supposedly terrible and painful. Truth is free from these experiences. Suffering is contained in illusion. Illusions are dual. They contain both pleasure and suffering. After a psychological recession (recession), a rise follows, after a black night - dawn. Life for most people is striped. The article "Recession in the development of personality" is devoted to this topic.

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Relatively speaking, in our relative world there are different levels of truth, which we comprehend deeper and deeper - as we are ready. When a phenomenon is perceived as both painful and pleasant at the same time, this means that at the moment it is at the stage of exposure. However, it is unsafe for the psyche to expose the phenomena behind which there is a truth that exceeds our ability to understand and accept it. This can deprive the person of the basic psychological support on which the personality is held, and lead to regression, or even insanity. It is not for nothing that society reacts so cautiously to teachings that are trying to make a "revolution" in the minds of the average person.

The best way is to expose the actual illusions of the personal stage, systematically identify and eliminate the current psychological supports, which are held on to erroneous attitudes. Sometimes it is a path of transition from gross illusions to more subtle ones. And this should be taken calmly. Everything has its time.

Sometimes truth seems frightening because the illusions that block it contain fear and project that fear onto the truth. Sometimes the truth seems painful, because illusions are eliminated through the sharpening of their dual charge. Truth is not what it seems. She just is, without any color judgments.

In the end, all revelations come down to opening your own mind, in which the projection of the usual life takes place. At the same time, identification with the mind ceases, and life reveals its essence, as it is, without self-deception. Life is an inexplicable miracle that defies exposure. It is the light of existence that shines in and for itself. From this truth, unconditional experiences emerge, which for us act as a “bridge” from delusion to truth.

It makes sense to expose your own illusions and weaknesses, to identify their true cause. It makes sense to expose disharmony, which has become entrenched in consciousness due to erroneous attitudes. Perhaps the fact that most of the phenomena we are used to are illusions can be saddening. And here it is worth remembering that sadness and disappointment are also just another illusion. Not everything is so bad. There are unconditional phenomena in our life, independent of any external circumstances and practical calculations, not amenable to explanation, understanding and exposure.

Unconditional feelings

we pity the person, we pity ourselves. Pity is the fear of being in the conditions in which the object of pity is. And if a person “fell for” our pity, he becomes pitiful. Often, pity manifests itself as a secondary experience against the background of the main contempt for the "wretched" object of pity.

Based on what enlightened teachers say about compassion, this experience has nothing to do with pity. Compassion is true mercy, which is fully revealed to the enlightened one when he, having gained unity with what is happening, is able to show sincere empathy and care. Such a person is called a "conductor" of divine grace.

Sometimes superstition is hidden under the guise of faith, which is also called "the religion of weak minds." Superstition is blind faith, sheer self-deception and prejudice. Superstition arises when a person is unable to comprehend or accept what is happening in his life, and therefore compensates for this inability with false concepts. Reflection can lead to cynicism. Essential acceptance is for wisdom and understanding.

Unconditional belief has nothing to do with superstition. This is not a "belief" in a concept or event, but a self-sufficient refined experience, which in itself is light and knowledge in its purest form. Superstition is exposed. True faith is unconditional and is the edge of the inexplicable miracle of life.

Often love is hidden under the mask of love. We are looking at the “image” of the person we are in love with. The beloved is the "key" to yourself. The image of a loved one is a harmonious facet of OUR insides, which is suppressed under layers of illusion deep in the subconscious. When we are not able to be ourselves in full measure, we project the suppressed layers of our insides onto the outside world, where we see "bad" and "good" - our suppressed qualities. In the society of loved ones, we begin to accept ourselves at a deep level, and therefore we fall into dependence on this society. In fact, consciousness does not strive for a specific person, but for unconditional love within us, and experiences all the darkness that stands in the way of it. Falling in love is an illusion of love, which turns into a painful addiction, a sense of ownership and jealousy. Sometimes, if you take away all these worries,nothing remains of love.

Based on what the saints say, unconditional love is perhaps the highest "achievement" that we are able to discover while in a human body. This grace is revealed when a person approaches the center of his insides. Unconditional love does not depend on anything. She is spontaneous and natural, she simply is, as a manifestation of the miracle of life itself.
