What Do Dreams Mean? - Alternative View

What Do Dreams Mean? - Alternative View
What Do Dreams Mean? - Alternative View

Video: What Do Dreams Mean? - Alternative View

Video: What Do Dreams Mean? - Alternative View
Video: 7 Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore! 2024, April

The young man's name was Rodion Raskolnikov.

At the moment when he had a nightmare, the plan to murder the old woman-pawnbroker was worked out in detail and ready to be implemented. Tomorrow's killer hesitated painfully - "wet" or "not wet". His doubts and fears were embodied in a nightmare. As you can see, Dostoevsky has no mysticism here. However, the interpretation of dreams has been and remains the ground for endless speculation, pseudoscientific "research" and dark superstition. Libraries of "dream books" have been written, which in the XXI century are in no less demand than the magic of ancient Roman augurs in their time …

The first operation under general anesthesia using diethyl ether was performed by the American surgeon Crawford Long on March 30, 1842: a cyst from the neck was removed from patient James Venable. On October 16, 1846, American physician William Morton in Boston also performed an operation using anesthesia. Any reference book says that W. Morton is the discoverer of anesthesia; K. Long is unjustly forgotten.

General anesthesia is a crucial stage in preparing a patient for surgery. The dose of soporific drugs is determined by the anesthesiologist. Moreover, extremes in doses are dangerous for the life of the operated person. An overdose of anesthetics can cause blood pressure to drop to critical levels, and an underdose can cause blood pressure to rise to life-threatening levels.

Australian doctor Upton of the Royal Adelaide Hospital conceived a perfect anesthesia system. For more than three years, he conducted experiments on animals. The result of his work: he calculated a mathematical model of the optimal concentration of anesthetic substances for various organs of the patient during the operation under general anesthesia. A corresponding program was also created, according to which a computer determines a certain dose of soporific substances. The method of automatic anesthesia of patients during operations was first used in Australia in 1998.

French neuroscientist, Professor Jean Laborie, who created one of the first tranquilizers, chloropromazine in the 50s, in 1985 developed a drug he named ACP-529, which, according to the creator, is the most powerful of painkillers. In addition to the anesthetic effect, this drug has anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effects.

It is possible that in the near future, doctors will do without pain medications. Pain relief before surgery will be done, but with an impulse machine that relieves pain in the same way as an anesthetic. This method of pain relief was first used in 1993 at the 13th Moscow Clinical Hospital.

There are people who do not tolerate anesthesia well or suffer from hypersensitivity to drugs, and this method will come in handy. There is a hope that doctors will soon give up expensive drugs, which are also so attractive for drug addicts.

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For more than two thousand years, Chinese physicians have relieved pain with acupuncture. The effectiveness of acupuncture is so high that Chinese doctors often use acupuncture instead of traditional anesthesia. How acupuncture works on the body is not yet precisely known. It is believed that the activation of certain points on the human body causes the release of endorphins into the body, that is, natural painkillers produced in the body. Other scientists claim that the action of the needle on the nerve endings closes the "gate" for pain in the spinal cord for a while.

All this, of course, is not for everybody. However, some dreams can indeed be interpreted on a strictly scientific basis. For example, people often dream of themselves naked in public. Usually in the plot, we are already somewhere in a public place and suddenly discover that we are in what the mother gave birth to.

Experts say that such dreams occur when we hide something of principle from a person or group of people who are important to us, on whom we depend. The dream illustrates our fears, in fact - it is difficult for a naked person to hide something "on himself." Almost everyone has seen these dreams. Secretive natures see them constantly.

Such "striptease" can also be dreamed of by those who feel unprepared for solving important tasks, the time of which is inevitably coming. This dream will be seen by a lazy student before the exam, during which it will be difficult to hide: in terms of knowledge, he is “naked”.

By the way, for students the exam is becoming a very popular subject of unpleasant dreams. There is a chance that exams will be dreamed of many years later. In this case, the exam must always be passed "here and now", but the trouble is - you cannot find the audience in which it passes, or your pen does not write, more often than not you are simply not ready. And nowhere to go. The exam nightmare symbolizes a simple thing: life challenges you. And you don't feel able to accept it.

But back to the "naked" dreams. If you dreamed of yourself in a suit of Adam among people who do not pay attention to it, then you are hiding something from someone, but calm down: your secret is not interesting to anyone.

And, finally, if in a dream you found yourself naked in society, but this does not bother you at all, then you have no stones in your bosom. This dream illustrates your openness to the world and self-sufficiency.

Another frequently recurring dream plot is the fall. You fly from a great height, you fly, you fly, you fly and … you wake up. Usually children are told that they grow up during such dreams. And it is true. However, adults also dream of falls. Which already has a different meaning: something important has gotten out of your control, and you can't do anything about it. But something must be done, otherwise it really is a fall, a cataclysm, a catastrophe.

The plot of the chase after you. Dreams on this topic are some of the worst. They symbolize the desire of a person to escape from a problem or a complex of problems that surrounded him. The monsters chasing us in these dreams are "visualizations" of problems. Problems can be not only external. In a dream, a person can be "chased" by his own hard drinking, drug addiction, etc.

In daylight, if all this is perceived as a problem, with an effort of will you try to switch to something less painful, i.e. "To run", and sometimes it succeeds. But in a dream, Freddy Krueger comes to you, with whom you have to play catch-up …

And, of course, flights. Flying in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes beautiful, sublime, romantic things that we dream about in reality. There are natures who are more inclined to this than others (remember Manilov from "Dead Souls") - such in dreams fly often and high. But not only dreamers know the thrilling feeling of flying. Such a dream is also evidence that you are in complete control of the course of events and the order of things, you feel confident, you firmly know that no one and nothing will lead you astray.

So, with your arms outstretched, you proudly soar in the skies. Suddenly bam! - crashed his forehead into the Eiffel Tower. Why is that? This someone stood on your way to the goal, and this “someone”, just look, will seize the initiative and arrange a forced landing for you. And the feeling of fear that suddenly gripped in flight means that in reality you are tormented by the question: did I fly too high? have you overestimated your capabilities? Will I cope with the tasks that I set out to do?..

Thoughts on the topic of “am I lazy” can also visit you in the form of running on the spot. You run, you run, you run, but you constantly find yourself at the start. Or you try to run, but your legs can hardly move. In all likelihood, the signal sent by your subconscious is simple: you take too much on yourself, the hat may not be according to Senka …

Teeth fell out in the dream. And all at once, you can only spit them out. This dream is an indicator of daytime doubts about your appearance, as well as the ability to communicate normally. He may also dream of a boss who suspects that he is not an authority for his subordinates.

These are only the most basic, often recurring dream plots, and their interpretation is also the most general. Undoubtedly, our intuition sometimes "knows" better than reason - what is happening to us, what are the reasons, what should be done. But in their actions, people, in their normal majority, are still not guided by dreams. And attempts to interpret dreams as a "metaphysical message" are condemned by both Science and the Church.