Mysteries Of The Statue Of Orpheus In Baltimore - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Statue Of Orpheus In Baltimore - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The Statue Of Orpheus In Baltimore - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Statue Of Orpheus In Baltimore - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Statue Of Orpheus In Baltimore - Alternative View
Video: Finding The Heads – Oxford's mystery statues 2024, September

Some of the researchers of alternative history have already paid attention to the fact that the so-called monument to Francis Scott and the defenders of the fort in the American city of Baltimore is in fact a real antique monument (or sculpture) of the ancient god Orpheus. Obviously, this monument of a single ancient civilization simply survived during wars and disasters, and therefore the new American authorities decided to use it, inventing a story about an American lawyer who was captured by the British and kept on one of the ships during their unsuccessful siege of this city. It is believed that the city was saved from the British occupation by the heroic garrison of Fort McHenry, which for three days fought an artillery duel with an English squadron. But what does the ancient hero Orpheus have to do with this?

Would you portray the hero of the war of independence naked with a lyre and a fig leaf in the image of ancient Orpheus? Obviously not. This legend is clearly intended for those who are completely devoid of critical thinking. And if you add here the many buildings located in the United States, all made in the same antique style, then the falsification of the official version of history becomes more and more obvious. Well, okay, all over Europe there were monarchs who were fanatical about antiquity. and therefore forced serfs, including in "bastard" Russia, supposedly to build buildings and palaces in this antique style without any drawings and machine technology under the guidance of foreign architects using only simple sketches.

True, for some reason, these "lapotniks" created many antique sculptures, and on the floors and bas-reliefs they made antique Vedic swastika ornament. Exactly the same as on the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek or on the mosaics of many “Roman villas” located from Britain to Asia Minor. But where did all this "antiquity" come from in the United States? Here, after all, there were no tyrant monarchs "fanatical" from antiquity. At least, according to all the same official history, in which there are too many obviously far-fetched inconsistencies and inconsistencies. And, it is quite understandable why, over the past century, under the pretext of new construction or reconstruction after natural disasters, many antique buildings in the United States were destroyed, and instead of them rectangular boxes of new buildings were built.

But back to Orpheus, whose statue is passed off to gullible Americans for Francis Scott. The pedestal on which the monument stands has an interesting bas-relief, again with an antique theme, which does not fit well with the version of the Anglo-American War. But between the two antique columns depicted on the bas-relief is clearly inserted a remake with a commemorative inscription in English, which urges no one to believe their own eyes, but to believe in the official legend. Rather, even, the original original image is clearly knocked down, and instead of it they created a remake with the profile of Francis Scott and an inscription in English … At the same time, this entire remake clearly differs not only in color, but also in the quality of the image and inscriptions.


I wonder, of course, who was there originally depicted between the antique columns? Most likely Orpheus himself. But, of course, without this remake, US citizens would not have been able to understand that this is a monument to the hero of the War of Independence, a lawyer and a resident of Baltimore, F. Scott, and not to the ancient Orpheus. Or maybe there was a genuine antique inscription on the bas-relief between the columns, so contrary to the official legend that it was simply impossible to leave it, while preserving the monument itself. But, it's good that at least in this form, this antique statue or monument, nevertheless, has survived to this day. At the same time, the very place for the remake was chosen just perfectly, so as not to disturb the whole composition of antique figures, by which, apparently, the official version means the images of the defenders of the fort.

Well, imagine that our participants of the Battle of Borodino or the defenders of the Brest Fortress would be depicted on the monument in the form of people of the ancient era. Naturally, such a number would simply not have passed. Therefore, we have almost no real ancient monuments. And on the famous "Bronze Horseman" in St. Petersburg, during the time of the Romanovs, I even had to change my head. However, those who are familiar with the appearance of the monuments to the famous warrior-king of antiquity - A. Macedonian, easily recognize the familiar features of the figure of the rider and his amazing horse, which is always depicted standing on his hind hooves, because he used the front hooves in battle as a weapon …


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But back to the ancient monuments in the United States. Specifically, to the above-mentioned monument to Orpheus. It is clearly seen that in the back of the pedestal the bas-relief depicting various people or "gods" in antique clothes has remained unchanged. But what do all these obvious signs of antiquity have to do with official history and the Anglo-American war it sounded? - think for yourself. Of course, some kind of powerful hostilities in the early and mid-19th century did take place all over the Earth. And what is surprising - just where individual antique buildings, made in the same style, survived. Of course, most of them were destroyed along with many ancient cities of a single world Vedic civilization. And the surviving buildings after restoration began to be used first by the inter-Flood, and then by our civilizations, becoming "museums", "courts","Government residences", "royal palaces", etc.

Apparently at the same time the surviving "fortresses-stars" began to be used by people of the inter-flood civilization as forts and were called "fortresses". But what is surprising: these ancient ancient structures on the territory of Russia are almost not preserved intact. This is to the question of which particular territory got the most during some catastrophic event of a global scale that destroyed a single ancient civilization. But this is precisely what the Russophobic falsifiers of history use as proof of the “savagery” and “uncivilizedness” of our ancestors. How much does this actually correspond to reality? - think for yourself, without blind and fanatical belief in pseudo-historical myths from textbooks.

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