On The Possibility Of Obtaining Information From The Subtle Worlds - Alternative View

On The Possibility Of Obtaining Information From The Subtle Worlds - Alternative View
On The Possibility Of Obtaining Information From The Subtle Worlds - Alternative View

Video: On The Possibility Of Obtaining Information From The Subtle Worlds - Alternative View

Video: On The Possibility Of Obtaining Information From The Subtle Worlds - Alternative View
Video: SHOOTING BRITAIN'S HIGHEST MOUNTAIN, seabirds, speed editing, and how to photograph old things. 2024, September

Many researchers of the worlds of lucid dreams have noted the fact that using the state of mindfulness, you can get interesting information about the surrounding reality. But how reliable is this information? It depends on the level of awareness and a gradual transition from lucid dreams - travel to the worlds of your inner universe, to real out-of-body travel to the worlds of the external universe.

For example, what an interesting similar experience is described by the Russian researcher V. Radov in his book "Out of the Body":

So, we see that during real out-of-body travel, the readable text does not blur and is meaningful. Also of interest is the technique of "no fuss", which increases not only awareness, but also the fixation of consciousness (the assemblage point of perception) on the worlds of parallel realities. By the way, you can also travel around our world with the help of the ECP.

Can you imagine what opportunities this opens up? No one will ever be able to deceive you and manipulate your consciousness for their own purposes. That is why all these techniques are declared "forbidden knowledge" for ordinary people and are hushed up at the official level and diligently discredited by the hired talkers of the parasitic system. Well, and you, accordingly, make the right conclusions.