The Priority Of The Material Body Over The Entity - Alternative View

The Priority Of The Material Body Over The Entity - Alternative View
The Priority Of The Material Body Over The Entity - Alternative View

Video: The Priority Of The Material Body Over The Entity - Alternative View

Video: The Priority Of The Material Body Over The Entity - Alternative View
Video: Богословие и философия в Византии: «встреча на высшем уровне» | Дары Византии 2024, September


A diet for those who want to lose weight: you can eat anything, but only in the company of naked fat men.

A. Rub

When it seems to us that something is impossible, unreal and stupid, it may turn out that it is precisely our inability to look and see the real world as it actually looks.

A. Green

6.6.1. The priority of the material body over the essence (soul).

When the Lord creates a new life, then he infuses the soul of the soul of this new life and immediately his spirit. Therefore, everyone and all living things have both the soul and the spirit of God. Everyone has a soul and spirit of God, and a dog, cat, cow, ant, bee and amoeba. The next moment, when this new life appears on this planet, then it must go through all the stages of the evolution of this planet. That is, from the simplest organism to the highest being. But sometimes this essence, even if it has reached the human level and has already had several reincarnations in human form, it can be thrown over and over again into the body of an insect, frog, tree, flower, wooden twig. For more development and punishment. This entity has no gender distinction, but when a person died as a man (or a woman), before his next return to this planet,on the subtle plane he is in the guise of a man (or a woman). But a man returns to the material world most often by a woman, and a woman by a man. And sometimes a spider or something else. Now let's move on to the main idea of this article.

When an entity comes to this planet again, it is born in someone's body. That regardless of her spirituality, intelligence and knowledge, she becomes the one whose body she began to occupy. This is called “Priority of body over essence (spirit)”. Suppose earlier this soul was Socrates or Aristotle or Fermi or Tesla, then if it possesses the body of a member of a primitive tribe (which does not know civilization, there is no writing, books, electricity), then he in that body will be the same (undeveloped) like everyone else members of his tribe. That is, there is a priority of the material body over the soul. And even what that mighty essence of another world, having settled in the human body, will be the same in its development as all the others around him. Indra, having possessed the body of a pig, did not want to return, he liked being in the body of a pig so much (because of the priority of the body over the soul), he became her. So the other gods, with great difficulty and great effort, were able to return him to his place as the supreme god. He resisted this to the last. There is another well-known example, but the author will not give it. And look, women are offended by men, and men are offended by women, and of course I will not give all these epithets and terms, expressions that they give to each other. But after all, psychology, thinking, motivation, behavior and thinking are completely different for both men and women, they are completely incompatible and, moreover, are directly opposite to each other! But the whole point is that a man used to be a woman (in a woman's body) and acted, thought and did everything like a woman (and very often she called men … and …), but when this same soul returned to this planet again, but already a man (in the male body). Then this man (this soul) acted, thought,acted like a man (and called women … and said that they …). So who was right then? When was it in a woman's body or a man's body? And the Lord? Can you argue that the material body does not take precedence over the soul? It usually happens that the soul comes to the planet as a woman, but next time it comes as a man, and then back as a woman. And by the way, when the soul is in the male body, it sometimes feels more like a woman than a man (illness), this is due to the fact that when the soul was a woman, then this imprint remained too much on this soul, but there is another reason why this soul is a strong feminine imprint. This is that this soul, before returning to the planet in this layer (on the subtle plane) did not return for too long and was a woman. But this has already left an imprint on her soul before her return. Treatment is possible, of course, it is only the thoughts and views of the author. And the author does not claim any truth, this is just one of the possible options. This requires a patient when he has these views. Go through his past lives and choose the imprint of who was a strong male. And to impose this past life of his, or rather an imprint on his soul, on his current matrix and fix all this. It can help him think appropriately, in accordance with his current body. And it will ease his karmic load and bring it back to normal. And to impose this past life of his, or rather an imprint on his soul, on his current matrix and fix all this. It can help him think appropriately, in accordance with his current body. And it will ease his karmic load and bring it back to normal. And to impose this past life of his, or rather an imprint on his soul, on his current matrix and fix all this. It can help him think appropriately, in accordance with his current body. And it will ease his karmic load and bring it back to normal.

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6.6.2. Supplements. The body influences the soul according to the age of this body, that is, the behavior of this body corresponds to each stage of age. Young men - the behavior of this period of his life. For the old man - the behavior of the senile body. True, some old people are trying to prove that they can still shake their decrepit bodies and kick up! But the sand will still pour in, no matter how you kick! Yet there is also a big difference between a young stallion and an old (second-hand) nag! Still, you need to match your body age, this is the most reasonable! When an organ of another person is implanted in a person during an operation (heart, liver, lungs, arm, leg, etc.), then this person is imprinted with the imprint of that entity that was still whole and alive. After the operation, the person begins to show some of the donor's traits. This is the memory of the material body of the carrier (donor), his habits, psychology, and the memory of that part of the body that is embedded in the body of a given person. Strictly speaking, this is a slightly different person, a mixture. In a real werewolf, his second hypostasis takes in all other shells, except for the material one. Therefore, the werewolf retains control over his second incarnation. Its second hypostasis is visible in the optical range. A true werewolf who can transform his physical body into the body of an animal. That is, he has two physical hypostases, one human, and the other of an animal, bird, or someone else. When he transformed into his second hypostasis of the beast, then his thinking and all behavior corresponds to this body of the beast, then there is practically nothing human in him at this time. Of course, only before the transition to the main hypostasis, human.

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races"