The Most Incredible Coincidences - Alternative View

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The Most Incredible Coincidences - Alternative View
The Most Incredible Coincidences - Alternative View

Video: The Most Incredible Coincidences - Alternative View

Video: The Most Incredible Coincidences - Alternative View
Video: 40 Most Unbelievable Coincidences in the World! 2024, September

Top 17 most incredible coincidences in human history

James Dean's ill-fated car

Famous actor James Dean died in a horrific car accident in September 1955. His sports car remained intact, but soon after the death of the actor, some evil fate began to pursue the car and everyone who touched it. Judge for yourself:

Soon after the accident, the car was taken away from the scene. At that moment, when the car was brought into the garage, its engine mysteriously fell out of the body, crushing the mechanic's legs. The motor was acquired by a doctor who placed it in his car. He died shortly after in a race. James Dean's car was later repaired, but the garage in which it was being repaired burned down. The car was exhibited in Sacramento as an attraction, fell off the podium and shattered the thigh of a passing teenager. To top it off, in 1959, the car mysteriously (and completely independently) fell apart into 11 parts.

Saved twice and twice the savior

In the 30s of the last century, Joseph Figlock, a resident of Detroit, walked down the street, and, as they say, did not touch anyone. Suddenly, a one-year-old child literally fell on Joseph's head from the window of an apartment building. Both participants in the incident got off with a slight fright. Later it turned out that the young and careless mother simply forgot to close the window, and the curious child climbed onto the window sill and, instead of dying, ended up in the hands of his stunned involuntary savior. Miracle, you say? What do you call what happened exactly one year later? Joseph was walking down the street, not touching anyone, and suddenly from the window of a multi-storey building … the same child literally fell on his head! Both participants in the incident again got off with a slight fright. What is it? Miracle? Coincidence?

The bullet that reached the target

Henry Siegland was sure that he was able to twist the fate around his finger. In 1883, he broke up with his beloved, who, unable to bear the separation, committed suicide. The girl's brother, beside himself with grief, grabbed a gun, tried to kill Henry, and, deciding that the bullet had reached its goal, shot himself. However, Henry survived: the bullet only slightly grazed his face and entered the tree trunk. Several years later, Henry decided to cut the ill-fated tree, but the trunk was too large, and the task seemed impossible. Then Siegland decided to blow up the tree with a few sticks of dynamite. From the explosion, the bullet, which was still sitting in the trunk of the tree, broke free and hit … right in Henry's head, killing him on the spot.

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One life…

Twin stories are always impressive, especially this story about two twin brothers from Ohio. Their parents died when the babies were only a few weeks old. They were adopted by different families and separated the twins in infancy. This is where a series of incredible coincidences began. To begin with, both foster families, without consulting or suspecting each other's plans, named the boys by the same name - James. The brothers grew up unaware of each other's existence, but both received a law degree, both were excellent at drawing and carpentry, and both married women with the same name Linda. Each of the brothers had sons. One brother named his son James Alan, and the other named James Allan. Then both brothers left their wives and remarried women … with the same name Betty!Each of them was the owner of a dog named Toy … you can go on and on. At the age of 40, they learned about each other, met and were amazed that all the time they were forced to part, they lived one life for two.

… one death …

In 2002, seventy-year-old twin brothers died an hour apart in two unrelated road accidents … on the same highway in northern Finland! Police representatives claim that there have been no accidents on this section of the road for a long time, so the report of two accidents on the same day with an hour difference was already a shock for them, and when it turned out that the victims were twin brothers, the police officers could not explain what happened. nothing short of an incredible coincidence.

… and one heart for two

Twins John and Arthur Mowfort lived with their families 80 miles apart. On the evening of May 22, 1975, both brothers felt severe chest pain. Their families (who at that moment did not even suspect what was happening in the family of relatives) almost simultaneously placed both brothers in different hospitals. At about the same time, both brothers died of heart attacks.

As in the novel by Edgar Poe

The famous writer Edgar Poe wrote a story about the fate of the passengers who survived the ship wreck. For many days they cruised the ocean on a fragile boat, until hunger forced them to kill and eat one of their companions - a cabin boy named Richard Parker. A few years later (in 1884), a skiff with three survivors of the shipwreck was discovered on the high seas. It turned out that there were four survivors, but after a while hunger forced the adults to kill and eat … a cabin boy named Richard Parker. None of the survivors knew about Poe's story.

Three suicide attempts and one monk

The renowned 19th century Austrian portrait painter Joseph Aigner attempted suicide on several occasions. The first time he tried to hang himself at the age of 18, he was suddenly stopped by an unknown Capuchin monk who appeared from nowhere. At 22, he tried again, and was again rescued by the same mysterious monk. Eight years later, the artist was sentenced to the gallows for his political activities, but the timely intervention of the same monk helped to mitigate the sentence. At the age of 68, the artist still committed suicide (fired a pistol in the temple). The funeral service was held by the same monk - a man whose name no one ever learned. The reasons for such a reverent attitude of the Capuchin monk to the Austrian artist also remained unclear.

A son for a father … won poker

In 1858, poker player Robert Fallon was shot and killed by a losing opponent who claimed to be a cheat and won $ 600 by cheating. Fallon's seat at the table was vacated, the winnings were lying side by side, and none of the players wanted to take the "unlucky seat." However, the game had to continue, and the rivals, after consulting, went out of the saloon into the street and soon returned with a young man who happened to be passing by. The newcomer was seated at the table and handed him $ 600 (Robert's winnings) as an initial bet. The police who arrived at the scene of the crime discovered that the recent murderers were playing poker with a passion, and the winner was … a newcomer who managed to convert $ 600 of his initial bet into a win of $ 2,200! After understanding the situation and arresting the main suspects in the murder of Robert Fallon,the police ordered the $ 600 won by the deceased to be handed over to his next of kin, who turned out to be … the same lucky young player who had not seen his father for over 7 years!

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet

The famous writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day Halley's comet flew near the Earth and died in 1910 on the day of its next appearance near the Earth's orbit. The writer foresaw and himself predicted his death back in 1909: "I came into this world with Halley's comet, and next year I will leave it with her."

Three strangers on the train

In 1920, three Englishmen were traveling by train in one compartment. In the process of acquaintance, a strange coincidence was discovered: the last name of one of them was Binkham, the second was Powell, and the third was Binkham-Powell. None of them were related to the other.

Taxi driver killer

In 1975, a resident of Bermuda, riding a moped, was accidentally hit by a taxi and died on the spot. Exactly a year later, his brother died in exactly the same circumstances. Coincidence? What can you say if your brother died while riding the same moped, was hit by the same taxi and the same driver, and even with the same passenger in the cabin?

Two Mr. Brisons in one room

In the late 1950s, George D. Brison was on a business trip at the Brown Hotel in Kentucky. After signing all the necessary papers, Brison received a key to room 307. Brison casually asked the receptionist if any correspondence had come to his name. The receptionist immediately took out and handed the businessman a letter addressed to George D. Brison, who lives in room … 307. Thus, it turned out that the author of the letter knew in advance in which room Brison would live! The riddle was solved a little later. The letter was not addressed to the businessman, but to the previous guest of room 307, his full namesake, George D. Brison.

The novel that predicted the death of the Titanic

In 1898 the writer Morgan Robertson wrote the novel Futility. It told about the first and last voyage of the transatlantic liner "Titan". Despite the fact that the liner was considered the most reliable ship in the history of mankind, it sank in a collision with an iceberg and took many lives with it. In 1912, thirteen years later, the transatlantic liner Titanic, considered the most reliable ship in human history, sank on its first and last voyage, hitting an iceberg in the dark and taking many lives with it. The novel and life coincided even in small things: according to the book, there were 3,000 passengers on Titan, on the real Titanic - 2,207, there were 24 lifeboats in the book, on the Titanic - 20.

The lost book has found the owner

In 1920, the American writer Anne Parrish, who was on vacation in Paris at the time, came across her favorite children's book, Jack Frost and Other Stories, in a second-hand bookstore. Anne bought the book and showed it to her husband, talking about how she loved the book as a child. The husband took the book from Ann, opened it, and found on the title page the inscription: 209H Ann Parrish, Webber Street, Colorado Springs. It was the same book that Anne herself had once owned!

The second face of King Umberto

The King of Italy Umberto I once stopped by a small restaurant in the city of Monza to have lunch. The owner of the establishment respectfully accepted the order from His Majesty. Glancing at the owner of the restaurant, the king suddenly realized that in front of him was his exact copy. The owner of the restaurant was very much like His Majesty both in face and physique. The men got into conversation and discovered other similarities:

Both the king and the owner of the restaurant were born on the same day and year (March 14, 1844) They were born in the same city Both married to women named Margarita The owner of the restaurant opened his establishment on the day of the coronation of Umberto I

But the coincidences did not end there. In 1900, King Umberto was informed that the owner of the restaurant, which the king liked to visit from time to time, had died in an accident from a gunshot. Before the king had time to express his condolences, he himself was shot by an anarchist from the crowd that surrounded the carriage.

Bad day for King Louis XVI

When the future King of France Louis XVI was still a child, a personal astrologer warned him that the 21st of each month was his unlucky day. The king was so shocked by this prediction that he never planned anything important on the 21st. However, not everything depended on the king. On June 21, 1791, the king and queen were arrested while trying to leave revolutionary France. In the same year, September 21, France proclaimed itself a republic. And in 1793, January 21, King Louis XVI was beheaded by a guillotine.