Mystical Phenomena In Our Life - Alternative View

Mystical Phenomena In Our Life - Alternative View
Mystical Phenomena In Our Life - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Phenomena In Our Life - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Phenomena In Our Life - Alternative View
Video: Soldiers Encounter Mysterious Monsters in Vietnam War 2024, September

In the city of Monchegorsk (Murmansk region) I happened to be visiting distant relatives. Amid the news and snatches of conversations, during a noisy meeting, I suddenly heard about a certain Guseev, to whom the drum "spoils the blood". And of course, I immediately got closer and began to question the narrator, a young man of 28 years I did not know. It turned out that Guseev is his good friend and that something unimaginable has been going on at his friend's house for two weeks now …

Guseev is married for the second time, and his wife is a wonderful mistress, there is a little son, three years old. And all would be fine, only for the umpteenth time Lisa, a friend's wife, returning home with her son from a store or from some guests, discovers traces of unknown guests … The furniture in the apartment is turned upside down, clothes and books from the closet are lying on the floor. Pieces of newspaper stick to the mirror, which before the pogrom lay peacefully in the corner of the hallway. At first, Liza thought that someone had climbed into their house without her and frolicked heartily.

However, all the locks were intact, the windows were closed. Maybe the unknown guest had the keys? But what is the point of organizing a pogrom - just to hooligan? Honestly, after the third massacre, the mistress began to lose her nerves, and she went to live temporarily with her mother, taking her son. Guseev himself now decides to sleep in his apartment on Metallurgov only with friends and after a bottle of something intoxicating …

Because I was completely free for the next 3-4 days, I immediately offered my help in capturing the unknown "destroyer". I did not begin to talk about the fact that I was aiming at the phenomena of poltergeist, just in case, I only mentioned that at one time I was interested in such things and read something on this topic.

Initially, he suggested standard "homemade" ways to distinguish a bully from an invisible force. Before leaving the house, we, the owner and his friend Misha, pulled thin nylon threads near the front door, and sprinkled the floor with flour and painted several barely visible patterns on it. As we thought, if the furniture in the house is thrown by a person who has the keys to the Guseevs' apartment, then, having crossed the threshold, he will certainly falter and fall into torment.

Of course, he can then pour it again, but he will not be able to restore our ingenious patterns. I also went into the business - we asked one of my young relatives for a portable video camera and together we screwed it in the corridor, disguised for greater reliability with two brooms, which are supposedly "from evil spirits" are now sold in any feng shui store.

After checking everything again and securely locking the door with two locks, we went to my old friends. We decided to tell them about the experiment we had conceived, to discuss what was happening, to discuss different versions - what if someone would prompt something sensible. They spent the night there, since it was Saturday, neither Guseev nor Misha worked. Closer to Sunday evening, we finally decided to visit our "bridgehead". I was not at all scared - what I had not seen enough during my communication with the mystical, otherworldly, and the guys were openly afraid.

They tried to persuade one more lover of the unknown, my former classmate Mitrofanov, to come with us. Seryoga agreed, but on condition - he will take on his shepherd dog to track down the intruder. And we went to shadow boxing, taking the wonderful thoroughbred dog Rex, ready to tear enemies apart like Tuzik a heating pad, but … our dog ran away immediately - even on the landing in front of the door he tucked his ears, whined and rushed away, only he was seen. (By the way, the dog could not be found all night, and only a day later, in the morning, wet and emaciated, Rex met the owner near his native bus stop, guiltily wagging his tail.)

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But we are not dogs - and there was nowhere to retreat, and shameful, at least in front of each other. Guseev pulled out the keys and opened the door in a deliberately casual and quick manner. Cold came from the dark apartment. Without going inside, Guseev stretched out his hand, flipped a switch in the hallway, and we saw … we saw on the floor the corpse of a pigeon … an ordinary cisar, of which there are many in central Russia. At the same time, judging by the footprints on the flour floor, an unknown force seemed to drag him out of the kitchen, and then threw him right at our feet. The patterns in the trap are mostly intact. Feathers and scraps of some kind of tow were scattered everywhere in the room.

“Mama don’t worry… pigeons again…” Guseev whistled sadly.

Then I did not pay attention to the only phrase he uttered.

In the kitchen, the dining table was overturned, and food from the refrigerator was piled up in one heap under the sink. The trash bin, which, according to the owner's testimony, he took out literally on the eve of our preparatory procedures to catch the "border violator", was filled to the brim with broken eggshells. Moreover, it stood … in the children's room, on the bedside table near the bed of Guseev's son. The shell was lying around both near the bed and next to the bedside table.

In general, there was no face on my companions. Frankly, I myself felt an unpleasant nagging feeling in my stomach, although I was internally ready for what I could see. I have a strong nose for such things, I sensed that the matter was unclean and that not an ordinary rascal poltergeist would be found here …

As I thought, nothing was recorded on the video camera, except for a piece of dull leatherette of the front door, and only in some places on the screen did incomprehensible ripples and turbidity appear. Immediately after witnessing the "evil spirits", the people decided to leave this apartment as quickly as possible, and we went to jam liters of vodka with grief, as Seryoga put it. While they were walking, Guseev was constantly talking out loud, wondering how much and how quickly he could sell this apartment and where he could move. Among the stream of semi-coherent speech, I was able to catch several phrases that interested me …

- Wait, wait, what did you say now? I interrupted him.

- Like what? - Guseev did not understand. - Well, I'm going to lose a couple of thousand bucks on this sale …

- No, but before that?

- Before that … he said that a former neighbor, an old hag, scribbled this soda and gomorrah …

After a detailed "interrogation", Guseev issued this version.

They have lived in a crazy apartment not so long ago, about six months. Before that they huddled in the same room, sharing a two-room apartment with a neighbor, Ksenia Ilyinichna, a childless elderly woman of about 55 years old. She was not a bad aunt, only she was very attached to his little son, all the time she strove to take him to her room and then read fairy tales to him there, then lull and nurse.

The wife was only glad to take a break from Andryushka, often left her son to a neighbor, but Guseev himself did not really like the ardent love for his offspring. For some time he was silent, did not say a word against it, and at first it was a pity for the aunt, his wife again explained patiently that she was looking for a way out of her unsatisfied maternal instinct. Yes, only once he returned home after school hours … The wife was not at home, the son, of course, at Ilyinichna's, in the corridor, you can hear how he hums …

- Hey, Ilyinichna, has mine gone long ago? - he was poking at her door and was dumbfounded …

Andryushka was sitting on the windowsill with his little bare feet hanging down, and meanwhile, the fourth floor, and February was outside. But not only that - next to him was sitting naked Ilyinichna, elderly Danae, and on her head was some kind of flower wreath. Doves flew around them, a whole cloud of doves.

Guseev stood with his mouth open until Ilyinichna turned and screamed:

- Oh … I'll explain everything now! Don't be alarmed! Nothing will happen to Andryushenka! - she muttered, awkwardly sliding off the windowsill and pulling the child. She put on some kind of dressing gown, slammed the window and started babbling in a confused, confused way - about angels, the opening of a child's soul and her talent for communicating with the other world. Guseev did not listen, grabbed Andryushka and jumped out. When his wife arrived, he briefly told her about what had happened and in a peremptory tone announced that they would move. They say, it's high time, especially since the accumulated money for a one-room apartment is enough, and for a two-room apartment they better save up again.

All the while they were looking for buyers for their room, Guseev diligently avoided his neighbor. He strictly forbade his wife to communicate with her and, God forbid, let the crazy woman near Andryukha. Only once, two days before the move, Ksenia Ilinichna watched him in the morning in the common kitchen and whispered with hatred in her eyes:

- And you are in vain hiding Andryusha from me. Take away, but you won't. His birds, all the same, their soul mate, will find, but only you and your wife will no longer have peace …

And after 5 months the neighbor's prediction came back to haunt …

Unfortunately, the next day I had to go home, I passed this story on to one of my acquaintances, a well-known journalist in the city, asking to conduct an investigation through my own channels and then tell me what I found out. The acquaintance did not disappoint, even connected physicists from Murmansk, who several times came to measure the radioactive background and the level of magnetic, noise, vibration fields in the Guseevs' apartment (I must say, he managed to sell it before this story became known throughout the region) … The new tenants, however, did not complain about the poltergeist; perhaps they still live there happily, repelling the attacks of late researchers.

You ask: what did the scientists find? How did they explain the mystery of flying furniture and scattered bird feathers? Scientists and scientists, they found a suitable explanation for themselves and calmed down on this. Geophysicists, not indulging in doubts, explained the strange phenomena by landslides and the formation of underground voids under the five-story building, where the Guseevs lived. As a result, they argued, subsidence and movement of the ground could occur.

But it’s just not clear to me, even if so, why did these processes affect only one apartment? Why, in this case, rather bulky furniture should be toppled through the air? In addition, even with such a microearthquake, some traces of destruction, cracks should appear in the house. But not in a single place, not on a single wall of the building, and a trace of such destruction was not observed.

Moreover, the residents of the district willingly told the press and candidates of science that planes fly near their homes from time to time. What is easier - here is another source of vibration, which, of course, also entailed it is known that …

In addition, scientists reminded my friend that we all live in a world that is not protected from solar activity and magnetic storms. And it turns out that such storms took place on the eve and on the days when this real mysticism took place in the Guseevs' house. Is it not clear that it was the magnetic storms that served as the basis for the events described above? Apparently, according to scientists, magnetic storms brought into the house the corpse of a pigeon and feathers, and sunspots, full of solar activity and radiation, tear newspapers and books to pieces and scatter scraps wherever they come …

The ending of the story came out completely bad. Little Andryushka did not live long in his new apartment. One morning, when his mother was running and running to drag him to the nursery, they were hit by a car. Liza Guseeva escaped with minor bruises, and the child lost consciousness and fell into a coma. As the driver swore, he absolutely did not see the mother and child walking, but only tried to bypass the pigeon that was sitting in the middle of the roadway …

When Andryushka was hit by a car, it almost ended in death. As the doctors said, for some time he was in a state of clinical death, judging by the state in which he was taken to the hospital - fortunately, she was very close. The boy was rescued there, but for another month he lay in a coma. At times, without regaining consciousness, he raved, and even seasoned doctors were amazed why the little boy had such strange visions …

He constantly mentioned angels with wings and, for some reason, with a hood, listed their names in order (some of them had even been heard by doctors before), then he began to ask for food for pigeons and quietly hummed … In between, he was busily telling the story of Daedalus and Icarus and added at the end that Icarus could not just cut off the claws from his paws …

When Guseev was told the delirium of his own son, he, a grown man, turned pale, clutched his head and left to smoke, whispering to himself the only prayer he remembered: "Deliver us from the evil one and do not lead us into temptation … let your foes be scattered." He had no idea where the young son had such knowledge in mythology and the ranks of archangels …

When Andryushka finally came to his senses, the happiness of his parents knew no bounds. But they soon had another cause for concern. Because after the “awakening” Andryushka was still chatting incessantly, mostly about what he saw “in a dream”, the ubiquitous reporters began to hunt him down. The boy, surprisingly competently and almost without stumbling, explained to them … how he traveled between the worlds, how he saw himself on the asphalt and “Mommy was crying nearby, she thought I had died completely”.

At the first opportunity, the Guseevs took their son for home treatment. But it was already too late, the sensation appeared in all the newspapers, even the capital's journalists tried several times to take an interview "firsthand", that is, they watched Liza and the child somewhere in the yard, in a sandbox, and one sneaked into the apartment, pretending to be a gas welder …

When my journalist friend described all these events to me, I immediately wrote a letter to the Guseevs. Where he advised to change the name and surname of his son. The parents obeyed and named their son Vseslav … I think that in the future it will be easy for him to go through life, because everything bad has already happened to him …

V. Golitsyn