Whose Huge Ships Are Seen Against The Background Of The Moon? - Alternative View

Whose Huge Ships Are Seen Against The Background Of The Moon? - Alternative View
Whose Huge Ships Are Seen Against The Background Of The Moon? - Alternative View

One of the richest UFO sites is the Moon and the surrounding sky region. Astronomers have been observing some incomprehensible lights there for centuries, and with the advent of the 21st century, when not only telescopes, but also means of recording images became available to people, when it became possible to share their observations with the public - there are extremely many UFOs on the Moon and near the Moon.

However, on March 26, 2020, amateur astronomer Jean-Michel Tenac filmed something on the moon that even seasoned ufologists never saw:

All sorts of lights flying near the moon are not a big sensation - they are seen very often. But now it turned out to shoot not just lights, but objects casting shadows.

The altitude at which objects move is tens, on the strength of two hundred kilometers, therefore, compared with the distance between the Moon and the Earth, this distance can be neglected and the size of objects can be compared with the size of the nearest crater.

We know the surface of the Moon much worse than the contour map of the Earth, therefore it is difficult to say what is behind the crater under the pepelats. The largest lunar crater has a diameter of up to 300 kilometers, therefore, if it is in the frame, the length of these “rods” will be tens of kilometers. If the crater is some other, smaller, then the length of the UFO will still be kilometers.

Thus, from the video for the 333rd time, it is obvious that there are some “Martians” on the Moon. The devices of these "Martians" are significantly superior to the technology of Apollo, so the "Martians" visit Earth regularly - there is no doubt about it. But, has anyone, anything, ever heard on this topic from this or that government?

The governments are silent, as if there are no “Martians”. Moreover, such great "fighters against world evil" as Iran and North Korea are also silent, which once again proves that the local great supreme leaders belong to the global network. From time to time these clowns are used as whipping boys, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

Promotional video:

The bottom line is that the global world government is either in collusion with the “Martians”, or is their direct governors, playing the clownery of the “geopolitical arena”, “democratic elections” and other things.

The only thing that is not clear is the ultimate goal of this circus. That is, people on Earth are grown like vegetables in a garden bed, or is the Earth some kind of space zoo? Or is it a prison planet? Or a laboratory under a dome, where experiments are performed on humanity? We do not know the whole truth about the situation, nevertheless - we are watching.

ISS, April 1:

New York, April 1:

Wyoming, March 29:

Italy, March 29:

Detroit, April 2:

In general, the guys fly, just like they did - only now there are an exceptionally many of them. And all this against the backdrop of COVID-19 quarantine, which makes one think that the “Martians” and “quarantine” are somehow connected.

And since the world governments are somehow connected with the “Martians”, stubbornly pretending that “the Martians do not exist,” the suspicion arises that “quarantine” is also some kind of Martian theme. That is, by locking people in their homes, local chiefs carry out some kind of cosmic order, conveyed either by the leaders of the Jidais, or by a gang of Sith covered with cadaverous spots. But what is the meaning of all this we do not know, so we follow the development of events.