The Stone Of Desires, Which Wanders By Itself - Alternative View

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The Stone Of Desires, Which Wanders By Itself - Alternative View
The Stone Of Desires, Which Wanders By Itself - Alternative View

Video: The Stone Of Desires, Which Wanders By Itself - Alternative View

Video: The Stone Of Desires, Which Wanders By Itself - Alternative View
Video: Facing Your Giants | God Still Does the Impossible - Inspirational & Motivational Video 2024, July

A granite block, as if alive, stomping about its business, is another of the mysteries of the mountain system near Mezhdurechensk. The same one where a few years ago, in the deep taiga, local geologists found a fragment of a dilapidated 30-meter ancient wall, made of giant stone blocks, encircling the top and also, fragmentarily, standing along the neighboring mountains and similar to the remains of a common fortress. And according to the masonry scheme - on the ancient monuments of architecture in other parts of the world: the Peruvian city of Machu Picchu and the English megalith Stonehenge …

The expedition of the Russian Geographical Society, having already visited "our" Kulum three times, including this summer, suggested that the age of the wall, mostly man-made, is about a hundred thousand years.

The Kosmopoisk expedition in the summer of 2016 came to the conclusion that the wall is still mountains, hewn, cut into "bricks" by frost, rains, winds, but found a couple of places in the wall that were clearly completed by man, and they are under 13 thousand years old … And then, before the expedition set out on the return journey, the head of Cosmopoisk, Vadim Chernobrov, spoke about another mysterious local stone (and was shown by one of the guides, one of the discoverers of the wall, Vyacheslav Pochetkin).

- Exactly, is there a stone? Ok, then - to him.

- Look! - bringing it even higher, pointing to a wide trail strip, Slava said soon.

The trail, overgrown with grass and bushes, was more than fifty meters long. And he had been drawing for years … The frozen stone itself, weighing under 20 tons, no longer looked like a traveler, but like a huge chest of drawers covered with moss, a tablecloth, listened to the guests, not giving himself out, not moving.

- Trace - I agree, his. Watch the movement, - advised Chernobrov from a distance, and the expedition, hurrying to return because of the low hanging clouds, left. (Vadim Alexandrovich did not yet know that this was one of his last expeditions; he planned to visit Kulum again for another summer with research, but fell ill, and in May 2017 he was gone. - Ed.)

And the pioneering geologists continued to explore Kulum and its wonders. And a year later, they reported: the stone continued on its way!

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But how can stones move? After all, they are supposed to lie - at least for an eternity … Vadim Chernobrov there, in Shoria, explained that for a long time, since the end of the last century, "Cosmopoisk" has been watching another stone - in the Yaroslavl region. Blue-stone lies near Pleshcheyevo lake. Yes, not just lying! According to old legends, he also walks, and along different routes: along the lake - along the shore, and even from the lake - to land. About 30 thousand years ago, it was brought there from the Scandinavian mountains with ice. The ice melted - the stone remained. It weighs about twelve tons and is also large in size.

“We made measurements of the density of the soil, found a trace of lower density, corresponding to the width of the Xin-stone,” Chernobrov explained. Which coincided with the route. The stone, if it ever crawled out of the water onto land itself, came from the northwest.

- They also found at the same time, - continued Chernobrov, - an increase in the radioactive background of the Xin-stone by 25-30 percent at its top. And on the southern side of the stone, an area with an electrostatic charge was found. As a result: "Cosmopoisk" did not reveal clear signs of the Xin-stone movement in the past. But it is impossible to dismiss the trace of a decrease in soil density, corresponding to the Xin-stone, its width …

The reasons for the moving stones are usually daily, annual fluctuations in water, ice movements … Although the Xin-stone may be akin to crawling stones from the American continent: they move due to a yet unknown, but physical phenomenon …

We also found old-timers along the Blue Stone. Some claimed that in the XX century the stone was crawling, and at great speed. But others remembered that a temporary military airfield was once built there. The blue-stone interfered with the future runway, he was dragged away by a bulldozer. The airfield from which the fighters took off was in winter. In the spring of 1945, after the Victory, when the local soldiers returned home, there was no longer a trace of the airfield, and the Xin-stone was out of place, and this gave another wave of talk about its movement … But we, having driven in rebar in several meters from the stone and regularly arriving, measuring the distance with a tape measure, over 20 years of observations we can say: the Xin-stone does not move.

- So, stones do not move, and there are no exceptions among them?

- Not. Although I would like to.

Compare! Magic Blue-stone in the Yaroslavl region, 2000 Photo: from the archive of "Cosmopoisk"
Compare! Magic Blue-stone in the Yaroslavl region, 2000 Photo: from the archive of "Cosmopoisk"

Compare! Magic Blue-stone in the Yaroslavl region, 2000 Photo: from the archive of "Cosmopoisk".


However, the Kuzbass stone, according to the guides, passed in a year, warmed up about a meter! True, the pegs-reference points next to it have not yet been hammered, observations were made by eye.

- And yet, I think, the stone does not go by itself, - says geologist Pochetkin, - but under the influence of gravity.

… But the rumor of people, even because of the ancient wall in the taiga, christening Kulum "sacred" and "place of power", spreads across the Kuzbass. They went there, in spite of the difficult and dangerous ascent, creative people and people of faith … For the "spark" and health. For advice and help, remembering the local old legend about the stone of desires, hidden by the Shor spirits somewhere in the mountains … (And about the Sin-stone near Yaroslavl, in general, for centuries they say that it is miraculous, that it fulfills desires, it helps good thoughts, it suppresses bad ones).

“There, on Kulum, is a really special place. Near "our" walking stone, we felt during meditation … vibration, - admits Tatiana, a participant in one of the hikes. - And left, full of strength.

What was it? Mystical recharge? Placebo effect? The usual quietest "sigh" of an ancient volcano that sleeps? Or the spirit of the stone that missed us - people so much?