Kuban Sorcerers Scare Tourists With Cat Blood - Alternative View

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Kuban Sorcerers Scare Tourists With Cat Blood - Alternative View
Kuban Sorcerers Scare Tourists With Cat Blood - Alternative View

Video: Kuban Sorcerers Scare Tourists With Cat Blood - Alternative View

Video: Kuban Sorcerers Scare Tourists With Cat Blood - Alternative View
Video: Night 2024, July

After intimacy, geeks are born in the dolmen, psychics are sure

What do you know about dolmens? I wouldn't be surprised if this is your first time hearing about them. But these ancient structures are tens of thousands of years old. And they are shrouded in such secrets that even an average scriptwriter is able to dazzle a completely successful series about them. By the way, in recent years archaeologists have become very worried about their safety: cases of vandalism and even … theft of unique stone buildings have become more frequent.

In early December, Sochi archaeologists panicked: next to the centuries-old dolmens, the construction of a road began. Scientists asked the authorities for money to install a fence and strengthen the slope on which these historical monuments are located in the village of Krasnaya Polyana. Officials seem to promise to help.

And north of Gelendzhik, in the village of Shapsugskaya, near the forest dolmens, residents began to find terrible traces of witchcraft rituals.

Volkonsky dolmen is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids
Volkonsky dolmen is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids

Volkonsky dolmen is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids.

- The guys were playing and accidentally found five dead chickens, laid out in the form of a five-pointed star. Then they found 15 more killed small birds, - the village resident Svetlana Rogova shared with reporters. - Throughout the autumn, mushroom pickers and tourists either found the stubs of black candles, or sheets of paper covered with abracadabra. But the worst thing is that bowls of blood began to come across. Probably feline, mixed with menstrual. Nearby lay the bodies of animals with a cut neck and used tampons. I think these rituals are performed by charlatans. After the ceremony, real sorcerers clean everything thoroughly. And these … The watchman who guards the dolmens was offered ten thousand rubles to let them go there. They take huge amounts of money for the ritual from gullible people, to whom they then send photo reports …

- You can save dolmens from such barbarism with the help of reliable guards. It would be nice to wind barbed wire too, - says historian Vitaly Murkhinin. “But if people are ignorant, little will help. I think those who make bedlam around buildings do not even know how many thousands of years they are!

A dead bird sacrificed by Tuapse sorcerers
A dead bird sacrificed by Tuapse sorcerers

A dead bird sacrificed by Tuapse sorcerers.

Promotional video:

Powerful energy

Meanwhile, if you read the Internet forums, these stone gizmos should not be guarded, but destroyed to hell. Tourists often write that in no case should a tent camp be set up near them. All night you will hear someone crying, see flickering shadows of bizarre shapes, and then a long black streak begins in life - everything goes awry.

“In the middle of the night, I woke up with a feeling of approaching danger - it seemed that someone wanted to drag me into the dolmen,” said a member of an archaeological expedition to the village of Bzhid. - Then I saw that a translucent luminous ball was approaching us along the slope, rolling and bouncing. Instinctively, I threw my hand forward and closed my eyes. I open my eyes - there is nothing.

Some psychics consider dolmens to be an accumulator of all kinds of energies. As you know, stone buildings on the Black Sea coast always look out onto the water. When there is a violent storm at sea, the shock of the waves shakes the land surface. The "houses" begin to vibrate, forming a strong sound field. Isotericists believe that if a person climbs into the dolmen at this time, powerful energy will be transferred to him, which can heal from some diseases and awaken hidden abilities.

Several hundred dolmens have been registered in the Krasnodar Territory …
Several hundred dolmens have been registered in the Krasnodar Territory …

Several hundred dolmens have been registered in the Krasnodar Territory …

If there is no storm, the mysterious energy of the dolmen can allegedly be awakened by a loud human voice (for example, the singer Valeria, who, as you know, sings very loudly at concerts, so that her ears become dizzy and her head spinning). There will be less hesitation from shouting, but the subject seems to receive some sacred knowledge. There is even a bike in the Tuapse region that if a couple climb into a dolmen on a full moon … a brilliant child will be conceived.

Ufologists who once worked in the Gelendzhik area put forward another curious hypothesis. They say that each dolmen is a model of an information transmitter. After all, "houses" were often built from quartz sandstone, a material widely used in radio engineering, capable of generating electric current and maintaining constant vibrations. In addition, quartz can reflect radio waves. That is, dolmens could well serve as receivers and transmitters of information among themselves. And they were built, most likely … by aliens.

… Here they have the highest density in the world. It turns out that there is a bunch of powerful energy here. And in terms of quantity, the champion is Korea. There are 80 thousand stone structures on the territory of this country
… Here they have the highest density in the world. It turns out that there is a bunch of powerful energy here. And in terms of quantity, the champion is Korea. There are 80 thousand stone structures on the territory of this country

… Here they have the highest density in the world. It turns out that there is a bunch of powerful energy here. And in terms of quantity, the champion is Korea. There are 80 thousand stone structures on the territory of this country!

And some psychics claim that the "houses" are allegedly located at the intersection of the so-called energy meridians of the planets. And because of this, they say, near the dolmens often and for no apparent reason electronic equipment glitches and clocks stop. Scientists, by the way, found out that when building stone statues, the sunrise and sunset, the location of stars and planets, peaks of neighboring peaks were taken into account. And if you believe all the same ufologists who filmed UFOs on video, aliens often appear over the mountain ranges where the dolmens are located.

However, there are more realistic versions. For example:

# 1. Grave or healing capsule

In a village near Arkhyz, human remains were found in dolmens. Old-timers assure that some 70 - 80 years ago, if a local resident fell seriously ill, he was taken to the dolmen and closed there. The next morning they pulled out healthy, baptized again in the church and gave a new name.

The materialists explained this by the fact that in a person, due to enormous stress (of course, put you in a tiny house with a window 30 cm in diameter and leave it there overnight!) The hidden reserves of the body were awakened.

There were cases when a patient died in a dolmen. It was believed that it was the ancestors who called him to him. And then the dolmen turned into … a tomb.

# 2. Refrigerator

In summer, due to the large thickness of the roofs and walls, the dolmen was heated only from the outside, while inside it remained cool. It is quite possible that these are just the very first … refrigerators in which our ancestors stored food.

Number 3. Hydrogenerator

All dolmens are located in the mountains, where you cannot dig a well. Rivers dry up in summer, and after rain, at first they carry mud. Therefore, dolmens could be sources of drinking water. A pipe was inserted into the hole and a fire was kindled under it. The air heated inside the pipe got into the dolmen and came into contact with the cold surface - condensation was formed. After filling the dolmen with water, its hole was plugged with a plug. Then they pulled it out and collected clean water. It also sounds quite plausible.

By the way

Each nation calls these mysterious stone buildings in its own way: Adygs-Shapsugs - spyune (house of a dwarf), Mingrelians - mdishkude (repository of bones), Irish - dolmain (sanctuary), Abkhazians - psaun (house of the soul).

Dumb giants and cunning dwarfs

There are various dolmens according to the construction method. There are only three monolithic ones (carved inside the rock) in the world. To this day, only one "survived" - Volkonsky, located near the Novorossiysk - Sochi highway. He is about five thousand years old, that is, he is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids! On the dolmen, the guides warm their hands well, constantly writing new legends about its origin. One, for example, says that in ancient times two tribes lived in these parts: giants and dwarfs. The former were incredibly strong, but stupid. The dwarfs, on the other hand, possessed wisdom, knew the secrets of magic potions and knew how to endow stones with magical power. Once the "gnomes" tricked the giants into building stone houses for themselves. They did the job quickly and efficiently, and the dwarfs healed better than before.


Just a fact

The fact that the dolmens were built by giants was first announced by the priest Johan Picardt from Couvorden (Netherlands) in the 17th century.

Under hypnosis of stones

A couple of years ago, near Tuapse, tourists discovered the disappearance of a "dolmen for a complete reboot" (such names are invented by guides). The police solved the case in record time: tractor tracks were leading from the crime scene to the nearest village. It turned out that a local drunken hard worker caught stones and dragged them to his home. Why he did this, he could not explain - they say, he was in zyuzu. Then, however, he carried a blizzard that it was the dolmen himself who ordered him: "Take me away from here, and bury me in your shed!"

Secret of Antlantina

Almost all dolmens on the planet were built 10 thousand years BC. According to many legends, at about this time, the collapse of Atlantis occurred, which, according to various versions, was located either in certain regions of the Atlantic, or in the Mediterranean, or the Black Sea. All these points are very similar to the areas where dolmens are distributed. Were their creators the remnants of the people of Atlantis?

Caucasian monkeys became extinct from hunger

And the tails of the survivors fell off!

There was talk that dolmens were houses for monkeys that were allegedly found in the foothills of the Caucasus until the end of the USSR. Of course, this is nonsense, but macaques really lived in the forests near Tuapse. True, no one has seen them here for twenty years, but tourist and hotel sites stubbornly continue to attract people with outlandish animals. And the locals poison the visitors with stories that these are not monkeys at all, but snowmen run through the surrounding thickets, kidnap people and ruin farmers!

In fact, in the 70s, an unusual experiment began in a gorge near Tuapse: several dozen wild monkeys were released into the wild. In theory, they could well breed here. The Dederkoy Gorge had a seemingly quite comfortable climate and a good food base - even a chestnut tree grew.

Professor CHALYAN with his pets (late 70s). By a strange coincidence …
Professor CHALYAN with his pets (late 70s). By a strange coincidence …

Professor CHALYAN with his pets (late 70s). By a strange coincidence …

The first batch of hamadryas purchased in Ethiopia was brought in on May 28, 1971 - two males and 18 females. After 16 years, 87 brown macaques were brought to the gorge. Scientists have carefully studied the behavior of monkeys in a flock, identified their habits. Professor Valery Chalyan supervised the Tuapse experiment on the survival of monkeys in the gorge.

But in the 90s, the monkeys were evacuated from the gorge. The experiment failed. The fact is that in Tuapse, in winter, there is occasionally a lot of snow. Under these conditions, primates could not get their own food - dig the ground, look for spider bugs under the leaves. The monkeys did not freeze, but their legs were weak, not adapted to breaking the ice crust. Cracks and ulcers began to appear on them. As a result, blood poisoning and death … Survivors, by the way, sometimes fell off their tails in cold winters: blood circulation in cold weather was disrupted, the body gave all its strength to heat the body. And there was not enough for the tail, and it was dying off.

… many Mexican dolmens are decorated with sculptures & hellip; monkeys
… many Mexican dolmens are decorated with sculptures & hellip; monkeys

… many Mexican dolmens are decorated with sculptures & hellip; monkeys!

For primates, special houses were built right in the trees, similar to birdhouses. There they hid from the wind, but still, for some reason, they often sat on the branches and shivered from the cold, going down only to get food that people brought.

- Of course, not a single monkey in the local forests in the cold winter would have survived on its own! - states Chalyan. “All today's talk about mysteriously escaped primates is sheer nonsense.