Alien Labor Made A Man Out Of A Monkey - Alternative View

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Alien Labor Made A Man Out Of A Monkey - Alternative View
Alien Labor Made A Man Out Of A Monkey - Alternative View

Video: Alien Labor Made A Man Out Of A Monkey - Alternative View

Video: Alien Labor Made A Man Out Of A Monkey - Alternative View
Video: КАНАДЕЦ ПОТЕРЯЛ ГОЛОВУ ОТ РУССКОЙ КРАСАВИЦЫ! Бедная Liz. Романтическая Комедия + СУБТИТРЫ (ESP/ENG) 2024, July

Geologist Alexander Ivanchenko from the seaside town of Dalnegorsk refines the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin.

"Anomalous" hypothesis

Planet Earth. Prehistoric times. Visit of the interplanetary spacecraft of extraterrestrial supercivilization. An alien probe stuffed with electronics and video cameras was launched from its side. He flies and lands in a previously surveyed area.

The probe is a means of delivering a special generator to the still deserted Earth, capable of creating a wave radiation field and "sowing" special genetic information.

The aliens copied the biocode from themselves, similar, like a carbon copy, to modern representatives of the terrestrial species homo sapiens.

The aliens chose primates close to humans - chimpanzees, gibbons, orangutans, gorillas - as the object of the introduction of the genetic code. The transmission of wave information at the cell level - through DNA, genes and chromosomes - sets the parameters for its further development. Thus, the mechanism of genetic changes is triggered, which in the end made a human being of a reasonable kind.

Grandfather Darwin could not imagine such a thing, if only because the level of scientific knowledge of the nineteenth century did not provide material for an "extraterrestrial" hypothesis.

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The mystery of tektites

The author of such an extravagant approach to human origins, seaside geologist Alexander Ivanchenko, lives in the most "anomalous" city of the Far East - Dalnegorsk. It is from here over the past decades that news of UFO visits has been most often received.

So today you go to visit your friends for a light, and they proudly show you the Dalnegorsk trademark - footage of a recent amateur video filming. They show an unreal picture: a dark sky, a strange glowing ball silently flies over the city - one minute, two, ten … What is it, where did it come from, where is it going?

Geologist Ivanchenko began to correct Darwin ever since he became interested in tektites. These are "the most hopelessly mysterious stones ever found on Earth," scientists say.

It looks like nothing special: like melted pieces of glass, shaped, as physicists say, of flight bodies - drops, spheres, buttons … Geologists find them in the USA, Europe, Africa, Australia, in the Asia-Pacific region - in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Southeast China … For almost 200 years there has been a heated scientific debate on the topic of where tektites were formed - in space or on Earth.

The debaters agree on one thing: chemically, the "pebbles" do not resemble any of the well-known terrestrial and extraterrestrial substances. They differ in composition from both igneous rocks and all known meteorites. In addition, there is also the so-called age paradox: tektites and rocks, where they are found, were formed at different times.

The well-known Russian scientist, designer of rocket and space technology (heavy launch vehicle "Proton", orbital stations "Salyut" and "Mir"), an expert in the field of protecting the Earth from cosmogenic catastrophes Yevgeny Dmitriev is also not indifferent to the tektite mystery. In his opinion, the most promising "space" hypothesis - they say, tektites were delivered to Earth by comets. But it does not explain the difference in the chemical composition of tektites and comet matter.

"Unknown processes taking place in an unknown environment." This is today the more than dubious result of the disclosure of the mystery of the origin of tektites.

Remnants of starships?

Dalnegorsk geologist-enthusiast Ivanchenko believes that tektites are particles of the structural material of alien vehicles that once flew over the Earth and dropped probes and other search equipment onto its surface. Some of the starships, Ivanchenko argues, reached their goal. Others, for reasons unknown to us, suffered disaster. Like, for example, a space object that exploded and burned to the ground 99 years ago over the Podkamennaya Tunguska River (not a meteorite, but, according to the geologist and other researchers, a starship). In the zone of the famous Siberian disaster, mysterious glass stones were also found.

By the way, tektites excite the imagination of not only scientists. “Once upon a time, tektite rings were in vogue among space captains,” says science fiction writer John Murdoch in one of his novels. Geologist Ivanchenko is far from fantasy; he stands firmly on the ground.

- What am I guided by, putting forward such a bold assumption? - starts the main thing my interlocutor. - First of all, the chemical composition of tektites.

They contain silicon and aluminum. So, the author of the hypothesis suggests, these are the main components of the structural alloys of aliens. And they are very similar to today's latest developments in modern metallurgy - cermets, sitalls, and other materials with great lightness, high heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and special ductility. That is, important and necessary in the conditions of space superproperties.

Sodium present in tektites plays the role of a reducing agent when working in an aggressive environment. The addition of titanium makes the structure lighter and more robust.

There is evidence that tektites were formed under high vacuum conditions. This fact may help to unravel another mystery. Why do we sometimes see but never hear UFOs? Perhaps because the vehicles fly on their unknown routes, surrounded by a vacuum shell. And vacuum, as you know, does not conduct sound.

Ivanchenko made his "alien" conclusions on tektites by studying the unusual mechanism of their scattering over the earth's surface. Volcanoes or meteorites suggest an explosion. And here are calm, uniform fields.

- Yes, to scatter tektites by explosion, for example, over the Australian continent, - the geologist proves, - it would take the energy of thousands of atomic bombs.

But no traces of such cataclysms have been found so far. So, the quiet scattering of tektites over the Earth originated from some large object along its flight path?

Alien monkeys?

Here are two scientific facts: the exact age of tektites in Europe, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region is one, and the time of the appearance in each of the territories of great apes as a more progressive representative of primates is two? And the geologist Ivanchenko guessed. And both of these facts coincided in time!

Thus, the age of European tektites (Moldavites) - 15 million years - coincides with the appearance of great apes in Europe.

Tektites of Equatorial Africa and Australopithecus (African monkey man with a brain volume of 550 - 600 cubic cm) are approximately the same age - about 2 million years. An alien probe with a wave genetic generator, released from a starship of unknown supercivilization, had as its object in this region a gorilla - the progenitor of the Negroid race.

“I think the ancient alien spaceport was then located on the site of the present Lake Victoria,” suggests Ivanchenko.

This is based on the fact that the flora and fauna of this lake are fundamentally different from the neighboring lakes - Tanganyika, Nyasa, Rudolf.

Further - the India-Asia-Pacific region. The tektites (javanites, billitonites) found here mark the appearance of Pithecanthropus (a Javanese monkey-man with a brain volume of 900 cubic cm). According to the extraterrestrial hypothesis of the origin of man, the "object of introduction" of the alien biocode here were the hibons (ancestors of the Mongoloid race) and orangutans (a branch of the Australoids) living in the jungles of India, southeast China, Indonesia, Australia.

This region may have had its own ancient cosmodrome - in Australia, in a place now flooded by the waters of Lake Eyre. Ivanchenko argues this argument by the fact of numerous finds in this area of the remains of the most ancient Australoids.

The age of the Mauritanian tektites just as surprisingly coincides with the appearance of the Neanderthal man 300 - 350 thousand years ago in northwestern Africa and Europe (brain volume 1200 - 2200 cubic cm). The alien biocode was intended for the chimpanzee, the ancestor of the Caucasian race.

If all these coincidences are not accidental, Alexander Ivanchenko develops the theme, then on the territory of Southeast China you can look for tektites that are 400 thousand years old - this is the same amount for the fossilized remains of Sinanthropus (Peking man). And in the Asia-Pacific region and in Europe, there must necessarily be tektites corresponding to the appearance here of our direct ancestor - homo sapiens (40 - 45 thousand years).

“If tektites of these two age groups are found here,” says Ivanchenko, “then you can be sure: there were paleovisites of space aliens, and, therefore, our ancestral home is not Earth, but some other planet.

Not obvious, but likely

Alexander Ivanchenko set out his original ideas in writing and sent them to Moscow, directly to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And I received an answer from Academician, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Scientific Director of the Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres Vitaly Adushkin: “Your letter is distinguished by knowledge of the subject, logical reasoning, clarity of thought. Unfortunately, the hypothesis of alien spacecraft visits as sources of tektites can neither be confirmed nor refuted with the existing level of scientific knowledge. Not relying on miracles, we plan to continue the study of traditional hypotheses. We will keep in mind your bold assumption."

Geologist Alexander Ivanchenko received this answer back in 1997. Three years later, the "anomalous" aspect of the tektite mystery surfaced at the Fifth International Conference, the traditional Laurentian Readings on Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics in Novosibirsk. Further, the topic concerning the “paradox of the density of meteors, the Tunguska meteorite body and UFOs” was included in the research plan in 2005 at the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University.

And just three months ago - a sensational report from the United States. The prominent American anthropologist Eric Trinkaus, having meticulously examined and compared the fossilized skeletal remains of a Neanderthal man and a modern man, literally stated the following: the appearance of nomo sapiens on Earth is an anomaly. Humans have twice as many unique features of unknown origin as Neanderthals. In other words, the origin of man is different. Evolution is special. And the buzz about this may not be far off.

Thus, in one of the latest issues of the influential scientific journal New Scientist, a forecast of 40 leading world scientists for the next 50 years was published. Here are two quotes from it: “We will find alien life forms on Earth. A discovery will be made, proving that not all life on Earth has the same origin and that we are not alone in the Universe …"


Genetic information can be transmitted and received

“I am sure that the genome of higher organisms is a kind of biogholographic computer,” says Petr GARYAEV, Doctor of Biological Sciences, founder of a new scientific field - the so-called wave genetics. “Moreover, in a number of experiments it was possible to prove that genetic information can indeed be transmitted over many kilometers in the form of special electromagnetic fields, that is, in the form of radiation. And thereby to influence the DNA of the "receiver". Some radiation from the outside could well give impetus to the development of new forms of life on Earth. But who sent him and where from is a big question.