UFO. Facts. Real Meetings. History - Alternative View

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UFO. Facts. Real Meetings. History - Alternative View
UFO. Facts. Real Meetings. History - Alternative View

Video: UFO. Facts. Real Meetings. History - Alternative View

Video: UFO. Facts. Real Meetings. History - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

UFOs have been observed since time immemorial, but they began to collect and generalize this information quite recently. Prior to the appearance of articles in the media, only very few of the UFO-related cases were made public. This, of course, does not mean that UFOs did not appear in the old days; it is simply that eyewitnesses, as a rule, could not put on paper what they saw. This is why much of the early evidence of UFOs comes from monasteries, which were centers of learning at the time.

The first mention of a UFO

UFOs were first mentioned in the Tully papyrus. It was found in the collection of Professor A. Tully, former director of the Egyptian Department of the Vatican Museum. Presumably, the papyrus, now lost, was part of the annals of Pharaoh Thutmose III (15th century BC).

“In the year 22, the third month of winter, at the sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life saw a circle of fire that moved in the sky … He was headless, but his breath was disgusting. And it was silent. And the hearts of the scribes were horrified and confused, and they fell on their faces … They reported to Pharaoh. His Majesty ordered … to interrogate … and all this was entered into the papyri of the House of Life. Within a few days, these objects in the heavens became numerous. They shone brighter than the sun and extended to the borders of the sky. These fiery circles were powerful. And Pharaoh, together with the army, looked at them. By evening, the circles of fire rose higher and moved towards the south. Volatile matter fell from the sky. This has not happened since the foundation of the earth. And Pharaoh burned incense to the gods … and ordered to record what happened in the annals of the House of Life …"

UFO - historical evidence

According to the testimony of the Roman historian Plutarch in 73 BC. e. the troops of the Roman general Lucullus and the Bosporan king Migridates met on the battlefield near the Dardanelles. They were ready to join the battle, “when suddenly, unexpectedly, the sky opened up and a large fiery body appeared, flying down into the gap between the two men; it looked most like a barrel in appearance, and like molten silver in color. Opponents were frightened by the sign, and they dispersed without a fight."

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1254, January 1 - A strange multicolored ship appeared in the sky over the English Saint-Albans in Hertfordshire. This event was registered by local monks.

1290 - At Byland Abbey, Yorkshire, England, according to surviving records, all normal work ceased when a large silver disc slowly flew over it.

1561 - one morning the inhabitants of Nuremberg saw in the sky many blue, black and red balls, discs, and even 2 huge cylinders. These two objects moved, fighting each other for an hour, and then they all collapsed to the ground in flame and smoke.

1741, March 19 - In London at 7.45 pm Sir Hans Sloane saw a luminous blue-white ball of light with a reddish-yellow tail, which was rapidly descending in the western part of the evening sky. After half a minute, he merged with the dark earth and disappeared from view.

1741, December 11 - England, Lord Beauchamp saw a small oval-shaped "ball" of fire descending directly from the sky. At an altitude of about 800 m, it stopped descending and headed east, leaving a tail of fire and smoke in its wake.

1759 - A “double circle with a striped surface appeared over Carlsbad. He stood motionless in the sky, and from him two fiery tongues beat out, diverging at a distance of about 100 steps."

1820, September 7 - over the French city of Ambrun, a stream of objects similar to saucers flew in formation. Suddenly they changed course and turned 90 ° without breaking their clear formation.

1833, November 13 - a large square luminous object hovered motionless over Niagara Falls for more than an hour.

A number of reports of UFO sightings over American territory appeared in the winter of 1896-1897. Witnesses described a cigar-shaped, metal-looking apparatus with wings, propellers and other details. It was something like an all-metal airship.

1927, August 5 - members of the expedition, which was in the Himalayas, not far from Lake Kukunor, headed by the outstanding Russian artist N. K. Roerich, “they saw that something large and sparkling in the sun, like a huge oval, was moving in the direction from north to south. Having flown over our camp, this object changed its direction of movement from south to south-west. And we saw him disappear into the bright blue sky. We even managed to take binoculars and quite clearly saw a shiny oval body, one side of which sparkled under the sun."

There are few reports of UFO encounters during the Second World War; this is probably primarily due to the fact that almost any unidentified object was automatically considered a secret military equipment. But in 1944, American pilots who bombed Germany were alarmed by the appearance of small spherical objects nearby their aircraft - orange at night and transparent or silvery during the day. The balloons didn't hurt. They were initially considered the secret weapon of the fascists. But these balls did not interfere with the work of the radars, they were invisible to them. At the end of the war, it was found out that the German pilots also saw them and considered them "the secret weapon of the Allies."

1964 - A police officer from New Mexico met the creatures on the road that got out of the "silver car". According to the police, they looked like children covered in green paint. Seeing the earthling, the creatures entered the apparatus, which soared into the sky, releasing a column of flame.

1976 - UFO flew over the Tehran airfield in circles, which was seen by everyone at the airbase. The sent fighters were unable to approach the object. In addition, all ground and flight equipment was out of order.

Flying saucer

The first person who managed to describe in detail his encounter with a UFO is considered to be an American businessman and amateur pilot Arnold Kenneth. Just after his story, the very term "flying saucer" appeared and was firmly entrenched in the world dictionary, because, according to Kenneth, the flying objects that he met on June 24, 1947 over the Cascade Mountains in the state of Washington, in the western coast of the USA.

According to an amateur pilot, 9 strange vehicles, resembling disks in profile and crescents with a ledge above, “flew about 20-25 miles and disappeared from sight. “For about three minutes I watched as a chain of objects moving like saucers through the water, like thrown flat stones, stretching for at least 5 miles, maneuvered between high mountain peaks. They were flat, like a frying pan, and, like a mirror, reflected the sun's rays. I saw all this absolutely clearly and distinctly,”wrote the American pilot. Most of all, the amateur pilot was alarmed by the flight speed of the "flying saucers": according to his calculations, it was much higher than the speed of sound, which at that time was not capable of any known aircraft in the world.

The first case of human death

This incident can be considered the first human death as a result of an attempt to investigate a UFO up close. 1948, January 7 - 4 Mustang P-51 fighters took off from Godman airbase (Kentucky, USA), which were tasked with catching up and investigating an unidentified object that was approaching the airbase. All 4 pilots clearly saw an object in front of them, which was described as "metal, huge in size, round as a tear, and sometimes seemed liquid" (such a description from the words of the pilots later led the command).

Three pilots returned to base, and one - flight commander Captain Thomas F. Mantell - continued to pursue the UFO in order to get as close as possible to it. “I’m going for a rapprochement in order to better see it,” the pilot reported to the controller. - He's right in front of me and still flies twice as slow as I … This thing looks metal and huge in size. Now she is gaining altitude and is following at the same speed as me … that is, 360 mph. I will climb to 20,000 feet and if I cannot get close, I will stop pursuing."

Soon, communication with the fighter was interrupted, and later the crashed Mantella plane was discovered. It was possible to find out that the pilot died from suffocation even before his fighter fell to the ground, exploding in the air. One of the main oddities that make ufologists even today talk about a meeting with aliens is the time difference between the death of the captain and the time of the plane crash. Mantell's wristwatch stopped at 15.10, communication with the pilot was interrupted at 15.15, and he suffered a plane crash only an hour and a half later - at 4.45!

White sun in space

Cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalenok told reporters that in 1981, while aboard the Salyut-6 spacecraft together with Viktor Savin, he observed a luminous object, similar to a capsule, flying from below through the window. While Savin ran after the camera to photograph the object, the object exploded, leaving a spherical cloud. Kovalenko, as expected, reported the incident to the state commission, but there was no official explanation for the phenomenon.

Once, waking up during the flight, V. Kovalenok heard a man's voice. “Healthy, guys! How long have we been sitting here? " - the emptiness broadcast. The cosmonaut took a notebook and, as the doctors taught, began to write down the sensations. His partner Ivanenko did the same, and Vladimir decided that hallucinations were not only him. As it turned out that this mystical voice - it is not clear how, the VCR itself turned on with the favorite film of all astronauts - "White Sun of the Desert".

2004 incident

The details of the 2004 incident, when the US Air Force F / A-18 Super Hornet met a UFO, became known.

An unidentified flying object attempted to intercept pilot David Freyvor with his partner Jim Slate. David said that during a training flight off the coast of San Diego in the Pacific Ocean, he was ordered to intercept a certain flying object.

The details of that incident have now become known. Arriving at the site, he saw a strange rotating object hovering at an altitude of 24 km. above the ground. The American pilot was amazed at the speed that the UFO developed.

“It was a white, almost faceless object - missing engines, controls and fenders,” said a report in The Drive. According to Frevor, as soon as he began to descend, an unidentified object rushed towards the fighter, but then abruptly disappeared.

The report draws several conclusions. In particular, it was noted that the object uses technology of unknown origin, which is not currently owned by America or other states, it has the ability to sharp maneuvering, and it becomes invisible to the naked eye.