Silence Of The Pyramids Of Mexico - Alternative View

Silence Of The Pyramids Of Mexico - Alternative View
Silence Of The Pyramids Of Mexico - Alternative View

Video: Silence Of The Pyramids Of Mexico - Alternative View

Video: Silence Of The Pyramids Of Mexico - Alternative View
Video: The Revelation Of The Pyramids (Documentary) 2024, September

The mysterious Aztecs are the people of Central America who suppressed their neighbors and built an empire on human sacrifice. It is said that blood flowed like water in their temples. The remains of people found during excavations in modern Mexico seem to confirm this. But still, no convincing arguments have been found to prove the theory of the transcendental cruelty of the Aztecs.

The German archaeologist Eduard Zeler made an invaluable contribution to the study of the destroyed civilization. His striving to understand the extinct people is striking. He, as if bewitched by ancient mystical secrets, tried to comprehend their essence. Many skeptics did not believe in the success of his enterprise, because he was not the first to want to solve the riddle of the Aztecs and their mysterious pyramids.

By the beginning of Eduard Zeler's research, the Aztec empire had not existed for 300 years. There was nothing left but the overgrown ruins of ancient temples and palaces. In those days, only the most courageous tourists visited them. The eagle was the symbol of this very powerful people before. According to legend, the Aztecs descended to the area of modern Mexico City from distant mountains, and an eagle, having descended on a cactus, indicated the place for the settlement and foundation of the central city.

Today this proud bird hovers over the abandoned ruins. After the Europeans discovered America, the days of the Aztecs were numbered.


In 1519, Hernan Cortez landed on the coast of modern Mexico. He began the mass extermination of the indigenous people. Thousands and thousands died under the swords of his soldiers. Ancient Indian temples were destroyed, and Catholic ones were erected in their place. The life of the Aztecs was now ruled by merciless conquerors who forcibly converted them to their faith. Just two years later, the majestic capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, lay in ruins, under which ancient sanctuaries, temples and statues of the gods were buried.

The modern Mexican population is the most devout in the Catholic world. But, oddly enough, at the same time they remember and honor the faith of their ancestors. In 1964 it was decided to place the found statue of the rain god Tlaloc at the entrance to the Museum of Anthropology. The Indians ran after the statue, as if apologizing to a powerful god for their impotence, for disturbing his peace. Mystically, on the day the statue was transported, a heavy downpour gushed out, which was undoubtedly a rarity for that time of year.

Tenochtitlan was an amazing city. It was divided into several parts, connected by canals and palace corridors. The city stood in the very center of a huge artificial lake. Tenochtitlan was connected to the "mainland" by huge dams, each of which was several miles long.

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There was a huge temple in the center of the city. Today archaeologists determine its height at 45 meters. However, recent excavations have led scientists to the conclusion that once in 52 years the temple was rebuilt, so it is impossible to accurately determine the size of the ancient structure.


But here, at the ruins of the main sanctuary of the Aztecs, lies probably the most mystical secret of an extinct civilization - magical ritual sacrifices. According to the records of the conquistadors who accompanied Cortes, it is noted that the Aztecs killed thousands of people during ritual ceremonies. The heart was separated from the body while the person was alive and placed in a special sacrificial vessel. In the other, the blood was drained. Modern findings of scientists do not confirm the fact of numerous victims. The largest burial find is 39 remains. But whether it was a ritual sacrifice, a consequence of an unknown epidemic or the remains of the invaders - there is no way to determine exactly.


As already mentioned, Edward Zeler gave the key to many of the rationales and explanations of modern scientists. It was he who was able to understand the writing of the ancient civilization, and after 8 months of research in the National Library of Mexico City, he was already fluent in the Aztec language "Nahuatl".

However, soon after this, the researcher made another sensational discovery. After lengthy negotiations, his friend and mentor, Dr. Penjuflel, received permission to travel and excavate the ruins of Xochicalco. Zeler understands that in Nahuatl, Xochicalco means City of Flowers. But the territory was unknown to archaeologists, and this was the first scientific expedition to the famous pyramid of Xochicalco. The monument, which many scientists consider the pinnacle of Aztec art.

Xochicalco is practically the only place in Mexico that escaped destruction by the Spanish conquerors. A multitude of stone hieroglyphic symbols covered the pyramid. But this time, the researchers could read them.


After a while Zeler noticed a striking detail. The sculptural decorations of the temple resemble the drawings of another region, a completely different culture. Edward identifies elements with a clear Mayan influence. There are some that resemble Teotihuacan. But Zeler's intuitive guesses were confirmed by later finds.

Xochicalco has been a stronghold of several Central American cultures.


And this spoke of the fact that the Aztecs did not build great pyramids. They settled on the abandoned ruins of an earlier civilization, also destroyed under unknown circumstances.


But, despite the new discoveries of scientists, the pyramids still keep many secrets. Perhaps someday their silence will be broken and humanity will be able to find answers to the mystical questions of antiquity.