An Alien Was Looking At My Child: A Resident Of Texas Told About The Terrible Events In The House - Alternative View

An Alien Was Looking At My Child: A Resident Of Texas Told About The Terrible Events In The House - Alternative View
An Alien Was Looking At My Child: A Resident Of Texas Told About The Terrible Events In The House - Alternative View

Video: An Alien Was Looking At My Child: A Resident Of Texas Told About The Terrible Events In The House - Alternative View

Video: An Alien Was Looking At My Child: A Resident Of Texas Told About The Terrible Events In The House - Alternative View
Video: May 27, 2021 2024, September

The paranormal site "The Singular Fortean Society" has published the story of a Texas resident who recently experienced a series of terrible events in her home.

The woman lives in a private home near Lucas in Collin County. Researchers from the site personally contacted her and received her story, as well as first-hand videos.

“It all started on 8 August. I suddenly had the feeling that someone was following me and following me wherever I went. I noticed something unusual out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned in that direction, there was nothing like that.

I also began to notice that I was wasting time and could not remember what I was doing for almost half a day. I also heard sounds coming from out of nowhere in the house, similar to grinding on metal. And then one day I woke up and saw a triangular mark scratched on my back.

I woke up that morning with a debilitating headache and had absolutely no memory of what I had done the night before. But I thought it had to do with taking care of my little daughter and that I was just getting very tired. However, then I realized that I do not remember at least the last 14 hours. And then I noticed this triangular print. He was not sick, only itched a little."

Subsequently, the strangeness continued. A day later, the woman woke up in the middle of the night from incomprehensible, but loud sounds coming from the first floor from the kitchen. The woman began to go downstairs and filmed everything on her mobile phone.

The recording is dark almost all the time and it is difficult to see something, but at the end of the recording, something alive runs past the light source and the frightened woman immediately rushes back down the stairs.

“I was so scared that I rushed into my daughter's room and locked the door from the inside with a latch. And then she called the police. But there they seem to take me for a madman, and when they arrived and looked around the house, they said that they could not help me in any way, since there are no signs of a burglary and traces of a stranger in the house.

Promotional video:

In the end, they told me that maybe someone accidentally entered the house, since I myself had left the door unlocked. But I'm sure I closed the door. Anyway, after this incident, I ordered a bunch of CCTV cameras for the house."

If you strongly lighten the frame with the running creature, then you can see an incomprehensible dark silhouette. According to the woman, she is sure that it was not an animal. And she still had the feeling that she was being watched.


And on August 15, something even worse happened. The woman filmed her daughter dancing on her phone, and then while watching the video, the girl noticed something that was watching her through the glass door outside the house.

"My daughter watched the recording with me, and then asked what is it, mom?" When I looked at it too, I went cold with fear."


In the frame at the very end of the video, you can see a slightly blurred face that does not look like a human face. It arises abruptly from somewhere on the right. According to the woman, she does not know what it is, maybe an alien, or maybe a shadow play or something else. However, she senses that something strange is happening in the house.

The woman later showed this video to her work colleagues. but they decided that she was joking with them and no one took the recording seriously. Then the woman showed them the first video and then the people said that maybe one of the neighbors was just kidding.

For a woman, it wasn't fun at all. She lives alone and apart from her little daughter she has no one to ask for support. Then the woman began to seek help from various UFO organizations and went to the "The Singular Fortean Society".

“My husband disappeared without a trace two years ago. I just went to work one day and never came back. He was not found dead or alive. I figured that he decided to just leave us. I have not yet contacted the organization MUFON (an American ufological site), but I plan to write to them too."

After the incidents described above, the woman and her daughter moved to live in a hotel. They are afraid to stay in their home. The woman also said that her little daughter also saw something.

“I asked her if she had seen anyone outside the house. And she told me that, yes, and that she didn’t like the way these people looked at her. I was shocked by these words and then asked her “Where did you see them?” And my daughter took me to my own room. It certainly couldn't have been some kind of joke."

The Singular Fortean Society promises to publish new materials on this case. if they follow.