To Save Themselves And The Planet, Earthlings Need To Plant 1.2 Trillion Trees - Alternative View

To Save Themselves And The Planet, Earthlings Need To Plant 1.2 Trillion Trees - Alternative View
To Save Themselves And The Planet, Earthlings Need To Plant 1.2 Trillion Trees - Alternative View

Scientists have found a way to stop global warming.

Thomas Crowther, the one who counted all the trees on Earth 4 years ago, suggested increasing their number by about a third. This will save both the Earth and its inhabitants from the nightmare of global warming.

Additional trees, according to the scientist and his associates, will remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which creates a greenhouse effect and contributes to the fact that the average temperature on the planet increases from year to year.

Counting trees, Crowther represented the Netherlands Institute of Ecology in Wageningen. He got over three trillion. Which, of course, made me happy. Because there are many more trees - according to previous estimates, there should have been about 400 billion.

Now, advocating a significant increase in the number of trees, the scientist speaks on behalf of the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich (ETH Zurich). And encourages people to land a total of 1.2 trillion more. This proposal was made at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which was held in February this year in Washington.

There are plenty of places on earth to house 1.2 trillion trees
There are plenty of places on earth to house 1.2 trillion trees

There are plenty of places on earth to house 1.2 trillion trees.

The rationale for the proposal is that trees absorb carbon dioxide. Those that are growing now "bind" 400 Gigatons (400 billion tons) of gas. If the number of trees grows by a third, then about a hundred Gigatons of carbon dioxide will be additionally removed from the atmosphere. And this, according to the scientist, is as much as mankind throws out in 10 years. He assures: from orbit it is clear that the planet is full of wastelands - territories where you can place 1.2 trillion trees. And even more.

By the way, according to the estimates of Crowter's group, 12 thousand years ago - before people began to intensively plow and sow, about 6 trillion trees grew on Earth.

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