Christians And Muslims In The New Chronology - Alternative View

Christians And Muslims In The New Chronology - Alternative View
Christians And Muslims In The New Chronology - Alternative View

Video: Christians And Muslims In The New Chronology - Alternative View

Video: Christians And Muslims In The New Chronology - Alternative View
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"New chronology", developed at the end of the 20th century by mathematicians of Moscow State University A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky on the basis of a mathematical analysis of historical texts, silenced facts, astronomical dating, etc. shows that the written history of mankind does not have many thousand years of antiquity attributed to it, but begins no earlier than the 9-10th centuries. Earlier centuries are filled with duplicates of events from the 2nd millennium AD. Therefore, it is interesting to trace what Christianity and Islam really are.

About "Christianity". In the dying out Byzantium in the 12th century, the people called on Tsar Andronicus. Extinction occurred from the impoverishment caused by the arbitrary extortion of the nobility. Andronicus introduced the rule “from the one who gave Caesar's things to Caesar, no one else asks”, that is, "To each according to his work." By this, the extortions were suppressed, the extinction was stopped, and Andronicus was nicknamed the Savior during his lifetime, i.e. Christ (chronicle of Nikita Choniates). The adherents of Andronicus / Christ the Savior, accordingly, began to be called “Christians”. Of course, it is unexpected that Andronic's law is identical to the principle of socialism "to each according to his work", but US Ambassador to the USSR J. Kennan did not doubt the ancient origin of socialism, for in 1946 he wrote: It does not matter whether Russia is communist or anti-communist; it is important that she inherited the customs of Byzantium, and this makes her our main enemy.

The reign of Andronicus / Christ the Savior was displeasing to the Byzantine nobility, and in 1185 she cruelly executed him with a crucifix. The clan of Rurikovich, from which Andronik came, avenged him with the Crusade of 1204, and then, in 1237, united the Polyans, Drevlyans, Vyatichi and others under his rule. the tribes that inhabited Eastern Europe, which became known as the "Mongol-Tatar yoke".

But why is the rule / yoke of Rurikovich called "Mongol-Tatar"? In the Scythian history of A. Lyzlov, one can see that the “Russians” are the “Scythians” who migrated from Asia, who were also called “Mongails” and “Tartars”, that is, “Mongol-Tatars”. These Scythians / Mongol-Tatars, according to Lyzlov, differed in dimension (justice) so that "not only the earth, but also the sky had to love them." Probably, the endangered Byzantines knew about this, therefore, they called Andronicus for their salvation, taking place through their mothers from among them. Hence, the "Mongol-Tatar yoke" is the rule of the Rurikovichs according to the principle "to each according to his work" by scattered tribes, united by them into the state of Rus.

Subsequently, in the 13-16 centuries, the Rurikovichs extended their influence to all continents, creating the WORLD CHRISTIAN EMPIRE, governed by the same principle "to each according to his work." The ancient world empires taught in educational institutions today: the Roman, Mongolian, Roman Germanic nations, etc., according to the New chronology, are duplicates of fragments from the World Christian Empire of Rurikovich.

However, the European nobility did not come to terms with the loss of their unearned enrichment, suppressed by Andronicus / Christ the Savior. She was looking for a way to legitimize it, for which she developed a "right to private property." According to him, part of the state land could be transferred to private individuals, and people who found themselves on this land, in addition to "tribute to the king", had to pay "to give to the private owner." The new "law" could not but cause indignation, since was in conflict with the law of Christ the Savior "to each according to his work", and in fact meant a rebellion in the Empire of Rurikovich. To eliminate this contradiction, significant changes were made to the biography of Andronicus / Christ the Savior, i.e. carried out the Reformation. Initially, it was believed that Tsar Andronicus was an ordinary person who, having received the "anointing of God" wisdom for a just government, became Christ the Savior. Instead, the rebellious reformers began to teach that Christ is the "God the Son" of the "Holy Trinity", which, besides him, consists of "God the Father" and "God the Holy Spirit." The new Christ as part of the "Trinity God" was no longer a just Byzantine king, but a Palestinian wanderer, working miracles. And he did not care about justice by the law "to each according to his work", but, on the contrary, instructed to put up with injustice "the commandment of patience": he who endures to the end will be saved (Matt. 24:13). As a reward, unverifiable, bliss in the afterlife was promised. Of course, they did not believe in such an outrageous substitution, therefore the lifetime of Andronicus / Christ (1152 … 1185) was attributed to 1.5 thousand years back centuries. This made it possible to say that over the years the concept of Christ had been forgotten, and now they have been restored. The "commandment of patience" was intended to pacify the people's anger caused by "tax to private owners," which was not for the general needs of the people, how to "give to the tsar," but for the unjustified unearned enrichment of noble persons. Probably, the idea of the Reformation (substitution of Christ) arose at the beginning of the 14th century, when Pope Boniface VIII, with his bull Unam Sanctam (1302), proclaimed the supremacy of the church over secular power. In this case, the church's approval of the "right of private property" through the "commandment of patience" was to mean its automatic application in civil life. But it didn't work right away.when Pope Boniface VIII, with his bull Unam Sanctam (1302), proclaimed the supremacy of the ecclesiastical over secular power. In this case, the church's approval of the "right of private property" through the "commandment of patience" was to mean its automatic application in civil life. But it didn't work right away.when Pope Boniface VIII, with his bull Unam Sanctam (1302), proclaimed the supremacy of the ecclesiastical over secular power. In this case, the church's approval of the "right of private property" through the "commandment of patience" was to mean its automatic application in civil life. But it didn't work right away.

Seven Ecumenical Councils were held to instill a new doctrine of the "Trinity God" to justify the unjust "right to private property". In official history, this is probably the period of "papal schism" (1378-1417), but they did not give the expected result, so they resorted to what is now called "administrative resources." At the Florentine Council ~ 1440, the Union was adopted, which subordinated the local churches to the Pope. In the Uniate Church, the flock was removed from the choice of priests, who were appointed from among those who recognized the "Trinity God", and for the flock they made indulgence. Believers no longer needed, as before, to imitate Jesus Christ with righteous deeds, but it became enough only to praise God correctly, that is, to call him "the trinity god", which is why they were mockingly nicknamed right / glorious, that is, "praising God correctly."To get rid of this derogatory nickname, the Uniates began to call their church Catholic. The adoption of the Union shows that until the middle of the 15th century in Europe and Russia they did not believe in the "Trinity God", they did not know the rights of "private property", but lived according to Christ's law "to each according to his work." The application of the "right of private property" after the Union of 1440 is also confirmed by the teachings of Karl Marx, who attributes it to the 16th century, which gave the form of commercial and usurious capitalism. Full-fledged private property with the privatization of not only money, but also land with the main means of production, was established in the 17th and 18th centuries. The application of the "right of private property" after the Union of 1440 is also confirmed by the teachings of Karl Marx, who attributes it to the 16th century, which gave the form of commercial and usurious capitalism. Full-fledged private property with the privatization of not only money, but also land with the main means of production, was established in the 17th and 18th centuries. The application of the "right of private property" after the Union of 1440 is also confirmed by the teachings of K. Marx, who attributes it to the 16th century, which gave the form of commercial and usurious capitalism. Full-fledged private property with the privatization of not only money, but also land with the main means of production, was established in the 17th and 18th centuries.

After the adoption of the Union, believers who disagreed with the reform of Christ's teachings realized that they would no longer be persuaded, as at Ecumenical Councils, but would begin to coerce by force. This probably pushed Christians from the city of Mosul to become Muslims. Their main dogma: there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet, appeared as a protest against the dogma of the unjust "God-Trinity". The first part of it (there is no god except Allah) indicates disagreement with the dogma of "God the Holy Spirit". The reformers attributed to his suggestion the outrageous changes they made in Christ's teaching, which turned it, according to the definition of the Novgorod Church, into the "heresy of the Jews." The second part of the dogma (Mohammed his prophet) says that Mohammed (= Jesus), like the "holy spirit", is not a god. At the seventh Ecumenical Council, for the sake of the conversion (i.e. return) of Muslims,it was proposed to abandon the veneration of icons. If Muslims were strangers, would they consider changing their faith for their sake? Of course not. Hence, the Muslims were their own. The Christian church "Basil the Blessed", built in Moscow at the time of the separation of Muslims from Christianity, has no icons, and its walls are painted, as in Muslim mosques, only with floral ornaments (Fig. 1.a). From this, Napoleon in 1812, during his stay in Moscow, logically called it a mosque.only with floral ornaments (Fig. 1.a). From this, Napoleon in 1812, during his stay in Moscow, logically called it a mosque.only with floral ornaments (Fig. 1.a). From this, Napoleon in 1812, during his stay in Moscow, logically called it a mosque.

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Figure: 1.a. St. Basil's Cathedral from the inside
Figure: 1.a. St. Basil's Cathedral from the inside

Figure: 1.a. St. Basil's Cathedral from the inside.

Figure: 1.b. Signs of Muslims
Figure: 1.b. Signs of Muslims

Figure: 1.b. Signs of Muslims.

Figure: 1.c. Cross on a Christian church
Figure: 1.c. Cross on a Christian church

Figure: 1.c. Cross on a Christian church.

The origin of Muslims from Christians is indicated by today's, considered Muslim, symbols: "star" and "crescent" (Fig. 1.b). They were first seen by Christians as a reminder of a solar eclipse at the execution of Christ (the sky darkened, the sun eclipsed and turned into a crescent, after which darkness fell and the stars became visible), until they were replaced by a "crucifixion" in the 16th century. On many crosses installed on Christian churches, to this day, a crescent moon at the bottom of the cross, and stars at its ends, as well as a large star in the center, probably meaning the Star of Bethlehem, are preserved (Fig. 1.c). Andrei Lyzlov, who lived in the 17th century (they still remembered what Christianity was like before the Ecumenical Councils), noted that the most important ideas of the Koran were borrowed from early Christians, i.e. those that were before the Ecumenical Councils.

Subsequently, Muslims removed references to their Christian origins, and Christians began to be called "infidels", because they have betrayed their Christ. Today, it is believed that Christians called pagans "unfaithful". It can't be. The pagans did not believe in Christ, which means that they had no opportunity to change him (to become “unfaithful”).

Figure: 2.a. Crescent moons on the spearhead
Figure: 2.a. Crescent moons on the spearhead

Figure: 2.a. Crescent moons on the spearhead.

Figure: 2.b. Stars
Figure: 2.b. Stars

Figure: 2.b. Stars.

On more than 100 engravings of the mid-16th century with the title "Triumphal procession of Emperor Maximilian" there is not a single "crucifix", which is a symbol of "Catholicism" and private property. But on them there are a lot of crescents, for example, in the form of a spearhead and wings, (Fig. 2.a) and stars (Fig. 2.b). These signs are considered "Muslim" today, but in fact they were, as you can see here, even among medieval Christians. This means that Muslims from Christianity by the middle of the 16th century had not yet completely stood out. And in exactly the same way, Catholicism has not yet been finally established.

Author: Vladimir Korotkov
