The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View

The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View
The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View

Video: The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View

Video: The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, September

Some global projects are fairly easy to spot. Everyone understands that there is a Breton Woods system with its institutions and a source of wealth (the emission of the dollar), everyone knows that the beneficiary of this system is the transnational financial elite (the figures for the redistribution of profits in the world economy in its favor, which have grown 10 times in a hundred years also not a secret), it is not known only who personally "rules" there. But this is understandable, economic analytics is much more transparent than issues of power groups and the personal composition of the elite.

With some other projects, everything is also relatively clear, although here, too, personal issues are always the most confusing (intrigues in the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee are still being sorted out). But there are several topics that are of real interest, but there is no exact knowledge on them. And now I will try to formulate a few questions on these topics.

So why in the United States over the past 15 years have been actively pursued structures belonging to the Rothschild empire?

The aggressive attack on the HSBC bank, which at the Congress level was accused of patronizing the drug trade (in the mouths of Americans who were caught by the hand in Vietnam, Thailand, Afghanistan, or Colombia, such accusations sound especially cynical and vulgar, but what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to a bull”), the problems of the oil company BP, and there were many more stories!

Why did the same BP, which received a good chunk of the Russian oil industry in the person of TNK, change its "friends on the board" of the oligarchs of the 90s for friendship with, I am not afraid of this word, Igor Ivanovich Sechin and entered into an alliance with Rosneft? Moreover, the famous oligarch Vekselberg even said aloud how he did not like it:

“As long as I am the head of TNK-BP, I am a respected person in the world. And if I sell my shares, I'm just an ordinary rich Jew …"

Why does the Guardian newspaper (close to the same Rothschild empire) constantly print some strange leaks and give out information that is not entirely correct from the point of view of the interests of transnational financiers? It should be reminded that it was the Guardian who was the first to write about Glazyev's chances of becoming chairman of the Central Bank of Russia after Ignatiev's departure. It is she who has now made a scandal with the anti-Russian "defenders" of freedom and democracy. And there are many more such strange stories behind her.

One more question. Who benefits from withdrawing the UK from the EU? Representatives of the "Western" global project who control Brussels wholly and completely? Why would they? Old British aristocrats? Who decided to break with the continental aristocratic elite, which is eager to replace the liberals at the helm of the state machines of Western European states? The conflict of 1936 was clear and obvious, the Capitalist project pushed the Western project away from the helm of the British Empire. Everything is clear and obvious. And now?

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And one of the answers to this question is that in reality, since the 17th century, when the financial elite of Holland in the process of the so-called "Glorious" revolution (when the last independent representative of the Stuart dynasty was dethroned), the Jewish global project … At that time he cooperated with the Capitalist project (and successfully fought against the Catholic), then began to gravitate towards the "Western" … But he always tried to maintain serious independence.

Let's remember what Andrey Devyatov says about the "planner". In his opinion, he sits in London, which is represented by the conceptual group, referred to in our project "Bridge to the Future" as "Sons of the Covenant". And if we assume that the British Empire was built in this direction, if we remember what it always had difficult relations with the United States (up to a number of wars at the initial stage of the latter's existence), if we recall how harshly Roosevelt “broke” the British Empire (and Churchill, by and large, helped him), then a rather convincing picture is obtained.

From the "Glorious" Revolution to 1936, the British Empire was led by the elite of the Judean Global Project (I will not go into details of their ideological priorities now). They controlled the financial mechanism other than interest. The Rothschilds, as the most famous part of the financial elite of the British Empire (as Churchill was the frontman of the "Western" project on its territory, although perhaps he was not the most important person there at all), received their share of the issue (remember the role of J. P. Morgan senior at the creation of the Fed, and his connection with the Rothschild banking house is well known). But their main tool was the establishment of a price system on their territory, remember how Napoleon fought desperately with them in this regard.

That is, their main instrument is not the emission of the dollar, but control over gold (“London fixing”!), And they themselves are not “proxies”, but “appraisers”! It is through valuation that they receive their share of the world's wealth.

In 1936, the "Western" project in the British Empire won (perhaps just because it shared the share premium), and now the process is reversed, the former elite of the British Empire, politically led by the Windsors, and financially - by the same Rothschilds, has taken revenge. That's why Brexit. it is necessary to get out of the control of the Brussels bureaucracy, which is tightly under the "Western" project. Therefore, there are problems with Trump, he represents the Capitalist project. Therefore, flirting with Putin and Russia - it is still at a crossroads, the choice of the project has not yet been made.

If we proceed from this logic, then many political conflicts of recent decades become understandable (for example, there is an opinion that the first person in the post of US president who did not represent the “Western” project was Obama, and he was put forward by the Jewish project). True, new questions also arise. In general, I would be grateful to the readers if they could discuss this topic in detail, I promise to participate too.
