Stalin, Santa Claus And The World Revolution - Alternative View

Stalin, Santa Claus And The World Revolution - Alternative View
Stalin, Santa Claus And The World Revolution - Alternative View

Video: Stalin, Santa Claus And The World Revolution - Alternative View

Video: Stalin, Santa Claus And The World Revolution - Alternative View
Video: Ten Minute History - The Russian Revolution (Short Documentary) 2024, July

Santa Claus appeared on Russian Christmas cards at the end of the 19th century, replacing the “too Catholic” looking Saint Nicholas.

After 1917, the official celebration of Christmas ceased. Santa Claus also disappeared. Why was it decided to return it in 1936?

The return of Santa Claus was directly related to … the adoption of the "Stalinist" constitution!


The mention of the World Soviet Socialist Republic was removed from the USSR Constitution of 1936. What does this mean?

Let us recall the official motto on the coat of arms of the USSR - "Workers of all countries, unite!" This means that the workers of all countries of the world must unite into one global state. Take a look at the poster:


“Our” is not Soviet or Russian, “our” is the working people. The proletarians of all the united countries.

Promotional video:

Lenin and especially Trotsky believed that the revolution in Russia would set off a chain reaction of proletarian revolutions around the world, so the emergence of a global state is a matter of a matter of years.

According to the social theory of Marxism, the proletarians have no homeland and national interests (only class interests), the state for the proletarians is only an “instrument of suppression”.

(Note that in the same way the first Christians believed that among them "there is neither a Hellene nor a Jew" (words of the Apostle Paul) and, just like the Marxists - the World Revolution, they expected the Second Coming and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth during their lifetime …)

However, hopes for a World Revolution did not come true, and Stalin came to the conclusion that it was necessary to engage in state building. And this, among other things, implied the task of uniting the nation. Common cultural traditions play an important role in this.


As a result: in 1936 a new Constitution was adopted. And in 1937 New Year is celebrated in the USSR for the first time. With Santa Claus.
