Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View

Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View
Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View

Video: Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View

Video: Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View
Video: Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8 2024, July

With the money of Rothschild and Rockefeller at the academies of different countries, commissions on pseudoscience were created, which still prevent the development and implementation of fuel-free technologies. Attempts by scientists to continue working in this direction were quickly and harshly suppressed.

Independent analyst, Ph. D. in physics and mathematics Sergei Sall shares unique information about the achievements of Soviet science and the world monopoly on knowledge.

What is free Russian science capable of? How the scientific mafia destroys the latest developments.

Why has science been actively developing in the USSR for only 15 years? What explains the rise of Soviet engineering from 1945 to 1960? Why couldn't Korolev, Kurchatov and Glushkov be able to use cold nuclear fusion discovered by physicist Ivan Filimonenko? What is hidden behind the strange circumstances of the death of these great scientists? Why was the cold fusion program in the USSR declared pseudoscientific? Who reoriented Soviet science to old American developments? Why were Soviet developments in computer technology covered up, and our scientists were ordered to copy American technology?

The USSR created perpetual motion machines of the second level. We created absorption refrigerators that did not require a power supply. The world could have given up on gasoline and gas back in the 1980s. All over the world, including the United States, prominent scientists were killed. In St. Petersburg there was a company that produced engines based on cold nuclear fusion. What happened to the chief designer of this firm? Back in the 1990s, we had the development of fuel-free energy. What is a Minato Wheel? What is the Commission on Pseudoscience actually doing? Why have the Japanese failed to introduce alternative technologies into their industry? What truth has ex-Minister of Economy of Japan Heizo Takenaka revealed? What is behind the Fukushima tragedy? Are there geo-physical weapons?