UN And Aliens - Alternative View

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UN And Aliens - Alternative View
UN And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: UN And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: UN And Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

Alien invasion is a popular topic in the media, and even more so in the movies. But not only. The military departments of the world leaders are also considering it as a potential threat. They have clear instructions and algorithms for actions in case of an alien landing, but they are all classified as "top secret".

Scientists have similar directives. But, according to the international protocol "On actions in case of detection of extraterrestrial intelligence", they must keep silent about contact with other civilizations. Until obtaining official permission.

It turns out that if an alien ship is in the orbit of the planet, the authorities, scientists, the military will know about it, but not the population of the Earth. Somehow unfair …


Obviously, the astronomer from Scotland, Duncan Forgan, thought the same way. He prepared a draft of a new protocol regulating the actions of scientists in the event of detection of aliens in Earth's orbit. Representatives of science should take the same actions in case of fixing radio messages from an intelligent civilization from other worlds or discovering life on other planets.

The scientist suggested to his colleagues in the event of such an extraordinary incident to immediately create a blog or a group on social networks and thus notify the public. And in the same place to inform others about the progress of scientific work as research progresses.

Duncan Forgan
Duncan Forgan

Duncan Forgan

Promotional video:

In his protocol, Forgan insists on immediately informing the public about any, even unconfirmed contact with aliens, and even more so about the discovery of intelligent life on other planets or ships with aliens.

It is unlikely that Forgan will be listened to. Still, issues of national security, and those include any contacts with aliens, are not accepted to be openly discussed in the blogosphere. As a rule, they try to make them as secret as possible.

But, as practice shows, any sensation and / or discovery in the field of ufology, no matter how carefully they are hidden, quickly becomes public knowledge.

And then what do officials want to hide the truth about UFOs? They discredit her, which is happening everywhere. The heroes of the film "Men in Black" were right: "If you want to know the truth about the aliens, read the tabloids!"

Logic scientists should be the first to learn about the approach of aliens to Earth. But what will they do when they spot alien ships orbiting our planet? They will be silent, and the world will learn absolutely nothing about the beginning of a dialogue with extraterrestrial civilizations.

In full accordance with the prescription of the international agreement "On actions in case of detection of extraterrestrial intelligence." Its authors are a committee of scientists who organized the SETI Institute. The main task of the latter is to listen to outer space with the sole purpose of detecting a stable radio signal from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.


If you believe international news agencies, then in 2011, the UN launched the Official Mission for Relations with Aliens. It was headed by Mazlan Othman, an astrophysicist from Malaysia. When asked what the structure would do, Othman said:

“The ongoing search for communication with extraterrestrial inhabitants leaves hope that one day humanity will receive signals from aliens. When this happens, we will need to provide a coordinated response that will take into account all sides of the issue."

Most of all, the words “When will this happen” are alarming. But if no contact has taken place, then why create a legal structure, and even at the UN, and spend money on its maintenance ?!


Most likely, humanity has already received signals from aliens and now the flow of aliens arriving on Earth is so great that it took an entire consulate at the UN to communicate with them!

There are reports on the Internet that Russia is also receiving military technology from aliens. But we are supposedly supplied with data by other aliens - the enemies of those who cooperate with the United States. What is it? An ordinary newspaper duck? Or is the enmity of the two alien races moving to Earth?


The fact that contact with aliens has long been established, back in May 1989, announced the American public figure Bill Cooper (Milton William Cooper). In his book The Secret Government, he stated that alien representatives have been in contact with the American authorities since the days of President Eisenhower.

At first, the aliens wanted to bargain and even demanded that the Americans dismantle all nuclear weapons, stop wars and industrial pollution of the planet.

The United States did not agree with the proposed terms of contact, but it still took place. As a result, the aliens promised not to interfere in the affairs of the United States, and the Americans, in turn, pledged to keep their presence on Earth secret.


Since then, Bill Cooper argued, aliens have been supplying the United States with disruptive technology. For this, the United States allows them to take any number of Americans for medical experiments, provided that all the abducted then return to Earth alive and well. This, of course, does not happen. In addition, the Americans have built two military bases for joint use with aliens.

Should you trust Cooper? The best proof of his innocence is his … murder: in 2001, Cooper was shot and killed by police on a trumped-up pretext.


A paradox arises. On the one hand, people who divulge the truth about UFOs are destroyed. On the other hand, the UN actually opens a consulate for aliens wishing to visit Earth.

However, if you look closely, there is nothing surprising here. Obviously, the aliens and their patrons in the US government decided: stop hiding the truth, it's time to educate the world about the interaction between America and aliens. And soon a great many tourists from other planets will arrive on Earth.


But first, humanity is waiting for an unusual official message from the UN. But what can I say, because even NASA practically does not deny the existence of aliens.

In the summer of 2016, its head, Charles Bolden, said that Area 51, which Cooper believed was created to be shared with aliens, does exist and is being used for research. They do not hide aliens, but Bolden himself believes that they exist and someday they will definitely come into contact with earthlings.

Such a statement from a person of this level can be considered as almost direct evidence of contact between the United States and aliens. Moreover, "Zone 51" has recently begun to grow significantly, and her photo has appeared on the Google Maps service. Now anyone can explore the most mysterious base on Earth using images from space.

Let's hope that the official contact with the aliens will indeed take place and the day is not far off when the world community will meet the alien ambassadors with bread and salt on the steps of the UN.

Dmitry SOKOLOV, magazine "Mysteries of the XX century", No. 7
