E. Freeland On The Plans Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

E. Freeland On The Plans Of The World "elite" - Alternative View
E. Freeland On The Plans Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Video: E. Freeland On The Plans Of The World "elite" - Alternative View

Video: E. Freeland On The Plans Of The World
Video: Rise of the Global Elite 2024, July

Many should understand the fact that as long as they continue to "sleep" in the confusion imposed on their minds, which does not allow them to realize the enormity and inhumanity of the plan for establishing a "new world order", their very existence is being called into question in the coming years. No one will be able to sit out in the "extreme hut", given that one of the mandatory points of this plan is to reduce the number of humanity to 500 million people, which is already being actively implemented by the servants of parasites using GMOs, geoengineering, climate and weather weapons. artificially provoked natural and man-made disasters, epidemics, vaccinations and much more.

This is exactly what the American journalist Elana Friedland told the world about, who has devoted more than one year to an independent investigation on this topic. And here's what she said: “Many of the phenomena around us that are associated with the climate and are considered natural, in fact, are the result of geoengineering. They are not the result of either global warming or climate change. All this is deliberately provoked. They are deliberately pulling the trigger for global climate change.

This technology has a dual purpose. It was launched in the military field and has been in use for many years, explaining this by “expediency”, “improved relationships” and everything that is “designed to benefit society”, while it is actually used as a weapon. I also count laser technology as such a weapon, which is probably used in California, Greece and elsewhere to activate the infrastructure that has already been created as a result of the wireless "revolution".

I also think about the fires and floods that are happening in Europe - they are just terrifying. I watched them and along with horror and shock, I noticed a distinctive feature in them, indicating the participation of secret societies, or even one might say - their complete control in the management of the "red button" of geoengineering.

Their goal is to inflict suffering on the entire world while they are spreading chaos everywhere, preceding the "new world order" that they are trying to establish. All their plans are reduced to the sacrifice of human lives, provoking fires, burning buildings and forcing people to leave their homes, which they will never see again. The UN Agent 21 program and the 2030 program also envisage a change in the form of government in society as a result of these events. It is about imposing their new "world government" on people through the chaos.

Geoengineering is really about taking control of the Earth that belongs to us, forcing us to enter smart cities and causing us to die from lack of resources. In part, they succeed in doing this thanks to forest fires. I think meteorology is now being used as a weapon that is tightly controlled to establish a "new world order", spreading fear and horror everywhere."

As you can see, independent researchers and journalists are trying to reach the dormant consciousness of humanity, which is essentially "slaughtered" like brainless cattle for the sake of implementing the antihuman plans of the world's parasites - the richest clans and ruling dynasties of the Earth, controlled by a force hostile to humanity. However, it is not only possible, but also necessary to destroy these plans of the parasites. Moreover, it is precisely those who do not want to “wake up” that will be the first to be sacrificed to the satanic “new world order”.
