Invasion From Outer Space, The Threat Of An Asteroid Impact - Alternative View

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Invasion From Outer Space, The Threat Of An Asteroid Impact - Alternative View
Invasion From Outer Space, The Threat Of An Asteroid Impact - Alternative View

Video: Invasion From Outer Space, The Threat Of An Asteroid Impact - Alternative View

Video: Invasion From Outer Space, The Threat Of An Asteroid Impact - Alternative View
Video: Discovery Channel - Large Asteroid Impact Simulation 2024, September

The danger of an asteroid impact on the Earth is frightening in its inevitability, although we are used to horror stories of all kinds, including the asteroid threat. There was a time on Earth of the undivided domination of dinosaurs, who could not even imagine that the chaos of death itself was rushing from the depths of space to them.

Of course, people are not dinosaurs, our intelligence is incomparably stronger, allowing us to survive and preserve offspring. But facing the threat of an asteroid impact, we are as weak as those that became extinct millions of years ago.

In 1908, the territory of Siberia was shaken by a powerful explosion - the incident is known as the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Recently, the threat of an asteroid impact came true in the sky of the Chelyabinsk region.

It's a strange thing, but in the event of a large asteroid falling to Earth, even non-believers believe that God will save the planet, protect it. In fact, our civilization has absolutely no methods of defense against the threat from space. We are defenseless against falling asteroids and meteorites.

We're not ready to fend off an asteroid fall

Many assessing the state of space security admit: People are not ready to counter the asteroid threat. Space experts confirm: there is no means to reflect the fall of asteroids.

We have developed a number of technologies to protect our planet from space threats, and have begun to implement projects, the military forces of space say vaguely. However, in the event of a surprise invasion, there seems to be virtually no way to contain the blow.

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Based on the greatness of the past event, we understand that the probability of a large asteroid falling to Earth is extremely small. True, scientists warn, the probability is a matter of time. And before the threat from space becomes a reality, you must prepare for it.

There have already been several catastrophic impacts in the past, and a series of frighteningly close passages near the Earth of large celestial bodies. Moreover, the danger lies not only in the direct fall of the asteroid, and the subsequent problems. Those arriving from the depths of space can "drag" unknown bacteria, provocateurs of epidemics.

Yes, we know that asteroids and comets rarely collide with our planet, but this does not diminish the significance of the threat. The biggest challenge of disaster prevention is that there is very little we can do in this area with existing technology.

On Earth, there was an event at the level of mass extinction when a killer asteroid collapsed from the sky. In fact, the event that happened pushed evolution in the right direction, removing dangerous predators from the path of a person, but it can also destroy a person.

So what should be done, do scientists have at least something else besides warnings? Of course, there are many options for solutions to protect the inhabitants of the Earth. For example, Joseph Nut, of the Maryland Space Center, suggested building "interceptor missiles" and putting them on alert.

Perhaps this is the most available to us today means of countering the threat. Moreover, it is not the most exotic of the proposed, meeting the requirements of the feasibility of the proposed with current technologies.

The anti-asteroid missile must be launched within a year to deflect the "evil" space object. Look at the spacecraft launch schedule - the scientist suggests - it takes five years to launch a spacecraft. This is too long a period of time when months or a year remain before the fall.

Looking back at the history of the planet, we understand what hulks pass dangerously close to the Earth. Dr. Nut explained - at 96, large objects passed dangerously close to Earth. In 2014, the comet passed "in space spitting from Mars." We had 22 months to prepare, the scientist added.

There is no asteroid threat

People who call themselves ufologists and adherents of the theory of paleocontact have an interesting view of the problem of the asteroid threat. Some of them declare that the asteroid threat does not exist - the aliens are helping.

Ancient aliens, presented by a highly developed alien civilization, have thought of everything for a long time.

Realizing the danger posed by large celestial objects for the developing life of the planet, the aliens have established a "protective complex" on Earth!

A mysterious, or even mysterious complex protects the planet from external threats. That is why the Tunguska meteorite did not reach the ground and did not explode earlier - the object was "guided" by the tracking devices. As soon as the celestial body entered the sparsely populated area, it was destroyed.

Chelyabinsk meteorite (?) - it confirms the proposed theory. At some points in the video recording, it is clearly visible how the object that burst into the atmosphere was shot down. And since the terrestrial missile defense and air defense systems showed their impotence, it is obvious that the dangerous object was destroyed by alien equipment.

By the way, about the history of dinosaurs, it was after this event that a protective complex was installed on Earth. So, it seems there is nothing for earthlings to be afraid of falling asteroids.