The Georgia Tablets. USA - Alternative View

The Georgia Tablets. USA - Alternative View
The Georgia Tablets. USA - Alternative View

Video: The Georgia Tablets. USA - Alternative View

Video: The Georgia Tablets. USA - Alternative View
Video: An American Stonehenge: The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones 2024, September

The Georgia Guidestones are one of the strangest monuments ever made in the recent past. It is located on a rocky hill in the northeast of Georgia.

In 1979, someone under the pseudonym RC Christian bought a plot of land from the district, ordering the manufacture and installation of the monument from a construction company. The monument was inaugurated on March 22, 1980 in the presence of 100 people.


The structure consists of six granite monoliths with a total weight of over 100 tons. The four side plates are engraved with ten commandments to descendants in eight languages, including Russian.

  1. Let the earthly population never exceed 500,000,000, being in constant balance with nature.
  2. Manage fertility wisely, adding value to life preparation and human diversity.
  3. We will find a new living language that can unite humanity.
  4. Be patient with feelings, beliefs, traditions, and the like.
  5. Let just laws and an impartial court stand up for the protection of peoples and nations.
  6. Let each nation decide its own internal affairs by submitting national problems to the world court.
  7. Avoid petty litigation and useless officials.
  8. Maintain a balance between personal rights and social responsibilities.
  9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
  10. Don't be a cancer for the Earth, leave a place for nature too!

It is also interesting that the four main plates are oriented in accordance with the annual cycle of movement of the Sun across the sky. The central slab-column has a hole through which you can see the Pole Star at any time of the year, as well as an opening aligned with the solar solstices and equinoxes. Through a hole just over 2 cm in size in the upper roof slab, sunlight penetrates daily at noon, hitting the central stone and indicating the day of the year.


The real customer of this creation is unknown to this day. Some say that this is a divine providence, others see in this alien wisdom, and some - the cry of the soul of nature itself.

Promotional video: